Tag Archives: Creativity

A Busy Week in P7A

This week we worked with our P1 buddies, we had great fun playing in the field.  We had pots and pans and water and we made potions and grass soup.  We played Duck, duck, goose, played with bubbles and had a blether.

In rugby we were learning how to pass the and how to score a try, we had to race against each other.

In Bikeability some of us were learning how to cross the road, do a U-turn and safe start and stop.

When the Bikeability groups were out the rest of P7A learned about the artist Piet Mondrian and we created our own compositions.  Piet Mondrian was a famous artist who developed a style of his own, called neoplasticism. His work became minimalistic. He painted using simple lines, right angles and blocks of primary colours. Mondrian wanted to express a harmony and purity in his work.

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Trip to Forth Bridges Education Centre

Primary 4, Primary 3/4 and Primary 3 had a wonderful time at the Forth Bridges Education Centre today. We listened to a quick bridges and engineering presentation then completed an engineering challenge in groups. After lunch we walked across the Forth Road Bridge so the children could experience the scale and structure of the bridges. Well done everyone!

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Outdoor Learning @ Toronto

This week some of our P7 children took part in some fun outdoor learning and baking activities with Mrs Steel.

They had fun at the swing park and enjoyed building dens in the woods. Today they have been making delicious Angel Delight Cones.

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Poetry in P3

Primary 3 have been learning about poetry. We have been exploring how adjectives can help the reader imagine things in more detail.
We collected leaves from outside and thought of different adjectives to describe them. We then put these adjectives into a poem.

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Building Castles

As part of P2’s interdisciplinary learning we focused on castles and this week we have been looking at the features of a castle.

As part of our technology outcomes we have planned and sketched our castles and selected the materials we would need to construct them.

We are in the early stages of building the castles but here are some pictures to show our progress so far.

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Digital Victorian Rugs

This week Primary 6 were learning about the importance of rugs in the Victorian Era.
We learned that the more detailed rug you had, then the more stylish your home was!
We planned our rugs first using a grid, trying to include as much detail as possible.
After that, we recreated our rugs digitally using a mosaic app!

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Santa’s Den

P6/7 and P7 had a visit from Santa this week. Pupils worked together in groups to design and create a new mode of transport for Santa. Each group then had to pitch their design to Santa, explaining how their mode of transport was environmentally friendly , cost effective, how it moved, etc.

Santa was very impressed with our designs! Well done to Santa’s winning team!

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Playground fun in the Snow!

We have been really loving the playground in the cold weather over the last week. It has allowed for lots of different play opportunities during our breaktimes. Our pupils and staff have been creative with their play and had lots of fun. We made sure we were wrapped up for the weather though!

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