Tag Archives: collaboration

Rotary Club Champions

Our incredible Rotary Club took part in a cluster quiz at Peel Primary School today. Mrs Gurney accompanied the group and she was extremely impressed with their general knowledge, teamwork and overall sportsmanship! A huge well done to the boys and they brought home the bronze plaque to-boot! We are so proud!! What an achievement! Watch out Mastermind…Joshua, Ross, Brennus and Harris are coming to get you! 🏆🏆🏆🏆

Glee Club Fame

We are so very proud of our OUTSTANDING Glee Club who ‘’Tried Everything’ and Took on the World’ at Howden Park Centre tonight! We could see every single smile, hear every single voice and last but not least we could feel your passion and enthusiasm! No trophy lifted but you’re certainly winners to all of us at Toronto!  Well done everyone and thank you to our amazing families who always turn out and support us! Your enthusiasm and encouragement was, and always is, so very appreciated! Well done to all other schools involved (Peel, Addiewell, Southdale and ofcourse, triumphant winners, St.Ninians RC school – West Lothian has talent in abundance! 🏆 Thank you Mr Platt, Ms Muir, Mrs Steel and Noriko for everything!


P4 Badminton Festival Fun

Today our wonderful primary 4 children, along with Miss Munro, Mrs Hardie and our lovely parent helpers Vivienne and Fiona headed down to Craigswood Sports Centre to participate in a badminton festival.  They were super excited and absolutely did our school proud whilst participating alongside children across our cluster. Well done boys and girls, we’re so proud of you and the infectious giggles as you bounced back into school proved that you had fun! Don’t believe us? Check out Miss Munro’s video 👌🏼

P4 using Comic Life to make World Book Day posters

What a terrific Tuesday I had with Primary 4 yesterday when they accepted a big challenge of running this year’s Book Swap (next Thursday). They were challenged to create posters using a digital app called Comic Life. Some children chose to work independently, whilst others were in a pair and they worked so hard that they even set their own success criteria based on their individual confidence levels. The buzz in the classroom was exciting and engaging and the results were fabulous!! Next week we will be learning how to log into our Glowmail and will answer a big question set on our new Yammer group! Watch this space…thanks so much P4, Mrs Simpson.

Eco Award ♻️

We would like to thank our wonderful Eco team, clean team, litter pickers and battery collectors along with Mrs Wong, Miss Galloway and Ms Muir who have helped us sustain our prestigious Green Flag award!

We celebrated this achievement at our school community assembly yesterday and we were very impressed to receive our 6th green flag! Well done everyone!!

Nursery Loose Parts

As some of you may know from following us on Twitter, on Friday we were lucky enough to have been awarded ‘Very Goods’ by the Care Inspectorate who dropped in on us last week for a formal visit.  The role play in our brick area has substantially evolved and after the introduction of reels, bamboo, tyres and material the results were golden! We stood beside the inspector in awe of our talented children and she was blown away. We knew as practitioners to stand back, observe and allow our amazingly creative children to do what they do best…play! Here’s a teeny snippet of a very real day at Toronto! Enjoy 😊

Wall bars, camera, ACTION!

I was lucky enough to be a fly on the wall with P4/3 as they demonstrated teamwork, collaboration, resilience and perseverance all rolled up in perfectly poised gymnastics moves! Thank you again Mr Stewart and Mr McLeish! The buzz around the hall today was infectious and the other classes are very much looking forward to their turn next week! Mrs S  #healthandwellbeingchampions

Gymnastics in Action at TPS

We are absolutely loving working with PE specialist Mr Stewart and our brand new PE teacher, Mr McLeish. Half of our school will be participating today and half again next week. Our new PE teacher, Mr McLeish will be joining us fully later in February.  We are very excited to have you on board! #PE #fitness #healthandwellbeing #gymnastics

TPS Traditional Burns Supper

Primary 7, along with their teacher, Mr Graham, organised and led an outstanding Burns Supper! They invited special guests from Toronto’s past and present and took everyone through a traditional Burns Supper. Liam and Ross were fantastic compares whilst Harris said grace in the form of the Selkirk Grace before the haggis was piped in by Liam and Charlie addressed it perfectly in the style of Burns himself! Entertainment included all of the senior School poetry winners and Cameron, Kieran and Nathan led us through a super PowerPoint which highlighted some facts about the great Robert Burns as Christopher and Ryan played soft Scottish music in the background! We had an entourage of waiters and waitresses who served up Scotch Broth and Haggis, Neeps n’ Tatties (thank you so much Sharon and Michelle, part of our amazing kitchen dream team) all washed down by good old Irn Bru! Well done to everyone else who played their part in the event; from invitations to place settings and hall decorations to front of house volunteers who welcomed guests and took their coats!! It was a fabulous afternoon! We are so proud of you all P7!