Tag Archives: Challenge

P1B’s Outstanding Outdoor Learning

Following on from the children’s learning on water 💧 staff provided open ended loose parts in the woods to support the children’s play. P1B used lots of science skills, problem solving and great communication to have a fantastic afternoon of outdoor learning!

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P4/5’s Pizza Fractions

P4/5 have been used their knowledge of division to support their work on fractions this week. we have enjoyed playing fractions games on the Promethean board, had some fun “cookie lessons” with Mrs Brearley and designed our own pizzas to show fractions.

What is your favourite pizza topping?

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Safer Internet Week

Safer Internet Day was officially on Tuesday 8th February this week, however we wanted to celebrate this for the whole week.

Across our classes this week pupils were learning more about staying safe online, particularly around this year’s theme, ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. The Digital Leaders set assignments on TEAMS and SEESAW for everyone to complete.

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Digital Leaders shared online safety posters with each class to display in their ICT area. and at assembly they also shared their next exciting digital challenge for our learners – task focusing on staying safe online. This competition is going to be our biggest yet, with a very exciting prize!

P6/7 PE – Sports Coaching

This week P6/7 have been developing their coaching skills during PE lessons. On Monday we worked with WL College Sports Coach on our football skills.

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We love PE and really enjoy when we have coaches in to take lessons, so much so we decided to take on the role of the coach ourselves for our PE session on Wednesday.

We worked our classmates hard!

P4/5 Welcome to the Woods

Last week we looked at the biodiversity of our woods. We found many plants and insects living there, so this week we took on the challenge of creating some bug homes/hotels for the wide variety of minibeasts inhabiting the area and to attract many more, using only resources we found in the woods.

When creating our homes and hotels we made sure to think about the conditions and requirements for the bugs – dark, wet, well concealed, access to food, etc.

The minibeasts moved in quickly!

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P6/7 Pentathlon Practice in PE

P6/7 have begun training for our Cluster pentathlon this week. On Monday we practiced our shuttle runs and coached and encouraged each other to better our times. Today we worked on speed bounces. We had to make sure our bounces were “good” by ensuring we took off on 2 feet, landed on 2 feet, so what better way to practice than using the pogo balls!

We then transferred this skill to the wedge and counted how many we could do in 20 seconds. It was tough and we were very tired afterwards, but had lots of fun and managed to better our score each time.

How many bounces could you do in 20 seconds???


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Summer Fun

The holidays are here and we are hoping that the lovely weather we have been having recently will continue.

Now lockdown is easing and the restrictions are relaxing, what better way to get back out and about than on your bike!

Here is some cycling information with regards to Covid-19 and some challenges and games that the whole family can enjoy during the summer holidays.

https://bit.ly/2WJMbKC – Cycling Scotland COVID info

Sustrans Outside In Weekly Challenges

https://bit.ly/37Fx3C2 – week 1

https://bit.ly/3e08SQv –  week 2

https://bit.ly/3efKeMx – week 3

https://bit.ly/3ehNVky – week 4

Also next week the British Nutrition Foundation are running a Healthy Eating Week @ Home Challenge.  Resources for this can be found by clicking the following link. https://bit.ly/3eifeLB

Wishing all our families a lovely summer break. We look forward to welcoming you back in August!

Toronto’s Virtual Sports Week

Today is Day 3 of Toronto Primary’s Virtual Sport Week!

The challenges for today can be found here: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1325925820564242435

Remember to post your best attempts for each day’s events on your Class Team/SeeSaw/Online Learning Journal, for your score to be counted.

Get all your house team involved, encourage your team mates to take part to boost your house score. The winning house will be decided by the end of the week!

Teamwork makes the dream work!