Tag Archives: book swap

Toronto’s Book Swap

Today we managed to celebrate World Book Day by having our big book swap. Thank you to everyone for donating all of their used books – Everyone managed to select a book that they can now enjoy. What a fantastic way of recycling the books that we no longer read!

Thank you to the wonderful Primary 4 and Mrs Simpson for all of the organisation that went into the book swap – It looked like everybody had a great time.

Happy reading ☺️📚
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Book Swap

To celebrate World Book Day in Thursday, we would like to ask everyone to bring in a book from home that they are finished reading and wouldn’t mind swapping with someone else in school. Books should be in very good condition. Children can send in more than one book and our aim is that all children in our school get to swap a book and leave with another. This was hugely successful 2 years ago and we are really hoping for the same thing again this year. Please send books in tomorrow or Wednesday in preparation for World Book Day on Thursday.  Please note: there is no need to dress up this year. Our goal is not to spend money on costumes but to promote a love for reading. This doesn’t mmmm not apply to nursery children as they are launching Big Bedtime Read on Thursday instead. Thank you in advance.

Today’s Achievements Assembly

Today at our whole school assembly we enjoyed celebrating the achievements of many of our children from across our school when they were recognised for effort, manners and for helping others.

We were treated to a glimpse of our Glee Club performance which was outstanding! Thank you to Mrs Steel, Ms Muir, Mr Platt and Noriko our dance teacher, for helping us get ready for next week’s big performance! Make sure you remember your props for rehearsals this week everyone.

Mr Graham reminded us all of the basics of Building Learning Power with a little help from some volunteers who showed perseverance, collaboration and lots of effort! We’re looking forward to working more on mini BLP sessions over the next few weeks.

Primary 4 children shared their World Book Day challenge with everyone. They have been busy creating posters asking if everyone could bring a book in to swap and keep on Thursday. Please note, there is not a necessity for children to dress up on Thursday for World Book Day – we’d just love you to bring in a preloved book for swapping 📚📙📘📚

P4 using Comic Life to make World Book Day posters

What a terrific Tuesday I had with Primary 4 yesterday when they accepted a big challenge of running this year’s Book Swap (next Thursday). They were challenged to create posters using a digital app called Comic Life. Some children chose to work independently, whilst others were in a pair and they worked so hard that they even set their own success criteria based on their individual confidence levels. The buzz in the classroom was exciting and engaging and the results were fabulous!! Next week we will be learning how to log into our Glowmail and will answer a big question set on our new Yammer group! Watch this space…thanks so much P4, Mrs Simpson.

World Book Day


This year World Book Day falls on Thursday the 2nd of March, but in school we will be celebrating on Friday 3rd of March where we will invite all children to dress up as a character from one of their favourite books.  You can find lots of ideas at the following website:  http://www.worldbookday.com/

Our Assembly team are busy working on a very exciting Assembly for Friday too and will be going around school this week filming staff and children telling us what their favourite books are.  They will then make this into a short movie that will be shared with the children at Assembly.

As part of World Book Day, the children have requested that we do a book swap again.  We would like to ask everyone to send in a book from home that they are finished reading and that they wouldn’t mind swapping with someone else in school.  Books should be in very good condition.  Children can send in more than one book and our aim would be that all children in our school get to swap a book and leave with another.  This was hugely successful the last time we did it and we are really hoping for the same thing again this year.  Please send books in to classes anytime from now and we will aim to carry out our Book Swap at the start of next week if we have enough books.  Thank you in advance.

book                 book-swap