Tag Archives: 1+2

P5’s French Breakfast

Our French Breakfast

This term, in French, P5 have been learning all about food.  We have played hangman in French and used ICT to reinforce our learning.

Today we enjoyed a French breakfast and activities linked to our learning. This included: writing in French, role play of being in a café and a wordsearch.

P6 Successful Learners

Primary 6 enjoyed watching their introduction to their science topic: Solids, Liquids and Gases. The scientists on YouTube have asked the pupils to investigate a variety of science based questions.
The pupils began creating their own experiments to change the state of a solid. We are excited to see our results when we conduct our experiments next week.
We also participated in West Lothian’s Euro Qui, with some of our pupils representing our class. They did an amazing job competing against other schools in West Lothian.

A Busy Time in P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard converting fractions and decimals to percentages, as well as finding percentages of numbers.  We were looking at real life examples and found some percentages on our milk and snack packaging.  We have also been finding fractions of different amounts.
We have been taking part in the Languagenut Competition and have been doing both French and Spanish.  We have been asked to join Sumdog’s Avatar Testing Panel to offer our thoughts and opinions about the new avatars they are creating.
Some of the P6 children have been working hard revising for the Euroquiz which will take part on the 17th March.  We will be competing with other schools from West Lothian.

La máscara de Picasso

This week our Primary 4 to 7 children were tasked with an assignment from Miss Cabezudo, a Languages Teacher from Deans Community High School, and our very own Spanish Teacher Mrs Broadley to research the work of Pablo Picasso and create a Picasso inspired mask.

We are very proud to showcase our work!