Category Archives: P1a Mrs Lumsden/Mrs Richmond

Watch Them Grow!

Primary 1 are learning about what plants need to grow.
Last week each of the Primary 1 children planted peas.  They needed a pot, soil and seeds.  Once they had panted the seeds they then watered them.
We are going to look after our seeds and hopefully we will see shoots appearing very soon.
In class we wrote instructions to tell others how to plant a seed.

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P1 visit to WL College

This week P1 visited WL College to take part in some Active Schools activities.

The children really enjoyed practising their ball skills and playing fun games. Some of their favourites were Duck, Duck, Goose, Domes and Dishes and Sleeping Pirates.

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Primary 1 trip to Jupiter Artland

Primary 1 had a trip to Jupiter Artland this week where we had to the opportunity to look around all the amazing sculptures which sit in the park.  We saw an amethyst cave, a star constellation and a grass bridge over the water, amongst lots of other things!

Everyone had a great day, even though they were all rather tired, after walking over 4 miles!

P1 Have Their Say!

Primary 1 have had the opportunity to take advantage of the area which they have had a hand in designing. We asked the pupils what they would like to play with and have, where ever possible, tried to accommodate their ideas (the swimming pool, bouncy castle and flat screen tv were a little beyond us though!).

Green Fingers in P1A

Everyone in P1A has made a super start to our final term in Primary 1!

We have been outside quite a bit this week, making the most of this lovely weather. We have been getting to grips with some new gardening tools which will be very handy when we start planting in our allotment.

Imaginative Play in P1A

P1A had a delivery of some creative crates to extend our outdoor play opportunities. Our first problem was how to transport the boxes outside. This was easily solved as the children worked together to carry them outside. The crates and the boxes resulted in lots of imaginative play and fun outside!

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P1A Explorers

One of P1A’s learning highlights has been investigating some of the new equipment that has arrived in school!

We used guttering, pipes, our new guttering stands, water and cars to set up an area for the children to experiment with the resources.

The children said they had so much fun seeing how super fast the cars went down the guttering and pipes.  They also said that they enjoyed putting the water down the pipes.