Category Archives: fun

P1 visit to WL College

This week P1 visited WL College to take part in some Active Schools activities.

The children really enjoyed practising their ball skills and playing fun games. Some of their favourites were Duck, Duck, Goose, Domes and Dishes and Sleeping Pirates.

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ICHS Cluster Football Festival

This morning our P7 Football team took part in their first competitive matches at the Inveralmond Cluster Football Festival.

Team Toronto have been training hard and their coach Miss Telford was delighted with their performance at their first event. The teamwork, determination, skill and stamina were exemplary! The team were proud of their efforts today too, especially when the managed some great results in some difficult games.

The outlook for Team Toronto is positive and they can’t wait until their next game!

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Judo Taster Sessions

This week we welcomed Destination Judo to Toronto, who spent 2 days with us providing all our classes with a taster session in Judo.

Everyone enjoyed their lesson with Sensei Euan. We had lots of fun and learned some new skills!

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Festive Fun at Toronto!

What a week we have had this week! It truly Christmas Parties, Santa’s Den, Christmas Assemblies, Nativity. Even the Toronto Staff couldn’t help but get into the Christmas Spirit! It really is a wonderful time of the year!

Christmas and Happy holidays to all, from everyone at Toronto!

Santa’s Den

P6/7 and P7 had a visit from Santa this week. Pupils worked together in groups to design and create a new mode of transport for Santa. Each group then had to pitch their design to Santa, explaining how their mode of transport was environmentally friendly , cost effective, how it moved, etc.

Santa was very impressed with our designs! Well done to Santa’s winning team!

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Playground fun in the Snow!

We have been really loving the playground in the cold weather over the last week. It has allowed for lots of different play opportunities during our breaktimes. Our pupils and staff have been creative with their play and had lots of fun. We made sure we were wrapped up for the weather though!

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It’s Party Time

P6/7 and P7 kicked off the week with the first of the Christmas parties! We had fun playing some Christmas games, winning prizes, some yummy snacks and a Christmas film.  It was great to get our dancing shoes on and get into the Christmas spirit!

Merry Christmas from P6/7 and P7!

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Playground Fun

We are continuing to develop our playground areas to make them fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff are leading games and activities with our children and we are continuing to see the positive impact it is making. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

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