Author Archives: wlshannon.munro@glow

Primary 7 Camp – Day 5

Today was our final day of school camp in Primary 7!

It’s been a great final day celebrating all that we have achieved, and celebrating our camp winners… Dorm 5. Well done to Ellie-Nicole, Elly, Lily and Myah. 👏🏼⭐️

We then had a special delivery from Inveralmond to end our camp week on a real high… Our pupils going to Inveralmond now have their school ties!

I asked our Primary 7s what they enjoyed most about our camp week today… Here are some of their responses:

The whole entire first day… I just had so much fun” – Ryan B

The whole of Tuesday. Toasting marshmallows, an ice cream van and a movie… It was just so much fun!” – Lily

Den building was my favourite because it was really fun to make with my friends” – Emily

Toasting marshmallows because I’ve never done that before” – Kacey

I enjoyed the whole week. Every night I had something exciting to share when I went home” – Vilte

Mr Abbott and I have had a blast too. Thank you for all of the wonderful memories Primary 7!

Primary 7 Camp – Day 4

What another fun filled day for our Primary 7’s. Today we took part in a nature scavenger hunt where there was a big race to find a squirrel! We then had a picnic for our lunch out at the trim trail… Mr Abbott and I really enjoyed having our lunch with you all!

In the afternoon, we spent time out on the field taking part in different sports activities and ended the afternoon with an ice pole to cool down in the lovely sunshine! 😊

Thank you for all of the fun Primary 7!

Primary 7 Camp – Day 2

What another fun filled day our Primary 7’s have had at their school camp. This morning we made a fire and toasted marshmallows. Some of our marshmallows were on the burnt side but super goooey inside… Yummy!
We then got into our PJ’s for a movie afternoon. During our movie afternoon, we had a surprise visit from an ice cream van in our school car park. Check out our photos below!

Our camp leaders at the end of today are… dorm 1 with an amazing 25 points. Well done to Willow, Peyton, Grace, Emily, Marwa and Molly!

Primary 7 Camp – Day 1

Primary 7 have had so much fun at their first day of camp (at school!) We started the day by working together and problem solving to design and create a map of Inveralmond High School. We had some fantastic, creative ideas and we all worked so well together. Check out the winning map below – Well done Lily, Ellie-Nicole, Elly and Myah!

We spent the afternoon outside, in the sunshine, building dens in our dorm groups. There was lots of fantastic team work going on to build the most sturdy den.

At the end of day 1, dorm 6 are in the lead with a fantastic 18 points. Well done to Liam, Amor and Ryan. Great work boys!

Getting Ready for High School!

We loved looking at a typical high school timetable today in Primary 7. We were working out where we’d be at different times in the day, which teacher we would have and which room we’d be in. We have lots of exciting changes to look forward to!

I loved hearing about all of the subjects our Primary 7’s are looking forward to. It’s great to hear their future goals and how they are going to meet them at high school!

#proud #transition #learning #goals

Narrative Writing in Primary 7

Bubbly Bob Loses His Teddy by Emily, Marwa and Grace. 

We have some fantastic authors in Primary 7. We used Julia Donaldson as inspiration to write our own children’s stories. Click on the link below to read a story about friendship and perseverance as lots of friends come together to find Bubbly Bob’s teddy. Will they find it?

Scottish Parliament Visit

Primary 7 had a fantastic time yesterday with Angela from The Scottish Parliament.

They had the opportunity to work in their own political parties, create manifestos and hold an election. We had our very own Presiding Officer who had no problem calling out ‘ORDER’ when necessary. We used our debating skills to debate on a topic that we all voted on – Prohibition of Use of Wild Animals in Circuses. They even got to turn this into an Act at the end… And as the Queen has to sign it, I had the great pleasure of doing so.

We are looking forward to holding our own Election for our Primary 7 Leadership Team, and now have lots of skills that will help us to do so. 

Below are some photographs of our Party Leaders, and the Presiding Officer!



Primary 7/6’s Anderson Shelter

Operation Anderson Shelter – Success!

… And it was so worth it to see their excited faces at their new hide out for this term. Primary 7/6 have brought their topic of World War 2 to life by creating their own Anderson Shelter, identification cards, and gas masks.

Thank you for all your support in providing the cardboard boxes – I think we have enough to make another Anderson Shelter!