What a busy day we’ve had!! We’re all tucked up in bed dreaming of the fun ahead tomorrow canoeing and rambling in the forest at Beecraigs before dancing the night away at our disco!
What a busy day we’ve had!! We’re all tucked up in bed dreaming of the fun ahead tomorrow canoeing and rambling in the forest at Beecraigs before dancing the night away at our disco!
After watching half of Boss Baby whilst munching on our sweets we enjoyed some delicious hot chocolate and toast before heading off to chill out with our friends in our rooms! Thankfully we had some helpers on cue to clean up and do the dishes!
Today, our last full day we finally had a good spell of sunshine. We all enjoyed doing our final activities. We absailed, hill walked, went canoeing, (only some of us jumped in) but we all took part! There was also archery and tree climbing. We played loads of different games during our free time with our new friends. We are currently enjoying the disco but looking forward to chapter 3 of Harry Potter tonight and coming to see you all tomorrow! We’ve had the best time! Love Primary 7.
Yesterday and today has been all about making new friends and learning new challenges at camp! Everyone slept really well last night. Miss Lawton was pampering the girls by braiding their hair whilst over in the boys dorm Miss Watson was enjoying listening to Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone but the boys zonked before the end of chapter 2! Fresh air works wonders! A tasty full breakfast for everyone this morning and another full day ahead today followed by disco fun tonight! I think these smiles are even bigger than the ones from yesterday
From the look on these little faces, we can tell that our Primary 7 campers had a ball yesterday! Enjoy day 2 everyone! We can’t wait to see more photos of all the memories you’re making!
We were delighted to see everyone skip back into school and nursery this morning with bright eyes ready to take on this year’s brand new challenges that lie ahead!
We can’t wait to see what this year brings – we just know it’ll be our best one yet!
What an amazing first day our special Primary 1 boys and girls had with us today! They bounced in with happy smiles and excited faces which was lovely to see! They enjoyed exploring all of our new toys in the newly refurbished area and had a great time in the playground after a hearty lunch! Primary 1b even had PE in the hall with Mr McLeish. All classes will have PE again tomorrow so feel free to pop on some joggers with their school jumpers! A brilliant day was had by all – here are a few snapshots of them in action!
See you all tomorrow anytime from 8:45am -9:15am (apologies about the typo yesterday)!
Bring your happy smiles again tomorrow remember
One of the final activities today did not disappoint! We asked to get wet…and wet we got! Thanks to Ian who showed us what Beecraigs has to offer behind the surface! Amazing!
We’re off on our last adventures…half sailing and half forest adventures in Beecraigs before heading back for lunch. See you all around 2pm/2:15pm.
This lot know how to party party party!!