Author Archives: Mrs Black

P7 Prepare for Joseph

In P7 this week we designed a poster that will be used to promote our upcoming performances of Joseph and the Technicoloured Dream Coat. We considered what information was required, how we would ensure we had an eye-catching layout and included photographs that grabbed the reader’s attention. If you’re lucky enough to be attending, see how many of the posters you can spot around school!


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Competitive Celebrations

Some of our Primary 5 pupils took part in a Multisport Festival at Craigswood Sports Centre, as part of Livingston’s 60th Birthday Celebrations.

We tried out some new sports and some that we already love – Football, Badminton and Judo. Our competitive side came out during badminton and we had lots of fun with the Judo and Football coaches. We can’t wait to try out some of these clubs in the community.

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Go Go Go P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard to learn our songs, actions and positions for our Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat show.  We have been busy creating props, organising costumes and filming.  It is a lot of work!
We have tidied the front garden and have been chitting potatoes which are now ready to plant.
Some of our P7 class members were at a sports festival which was excellent, and they had great fun.

Shape Play in P4/5

In P4/5 we have been working on shape. Through play with 3D shape we have been creating buildings and other structures and describing them using mathematical language, such as vertices, edges and faces. We also created 3D shapes from their nets and went on a 3D shape hunt around our block and our classroom.

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Green Fingers in P1A

Everyone in P1A has made a super start to our final term in Primary 1!

We have been outside quite a bit this week, making the most of this lovely weather. We have been getting to grips with some new gardening tools which will be very handy when we start planting in our allotment.

Excellent Experiments in P6/7

P6/7 have been carrying out science experiments this week, looking at changing state of materials.
We did some dissolving experiments and had to predict which materials would dissolve and which wouldn’t.
We learned that some substances dissolve when you mix them with water. When a substance dissolves, it looks like it disappears, but in fact, it has just mixed with the water to make a transparent (see-through) liquid called a solution.
When you mix sugar with water, the sugar dissolves to make a transparent solution. Salt dissolves in water too. We learned that sand doesn’t dissolve.
We also discussed how ice can change to water and steam and how some materials can change back to ​their original state.

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We also looked at the structure of the Earth.  We made models to show the crust, the mantle, outer core and the inner core.  We also learned that we can use an apple or a boiled egg to represent these.

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Super Science in P2/3

As part of Science week and our IDL topic the children have been exploring how to make and test predictions about solids dissolving in water.

Experiment one involved the children to predict, investigate and record how solubility is affected by heat and stirring. The children had to predict which method would dissolve the sugar the quickest and why. We looked at this through using cold water, warm water, warm water stirred or cold water stirred. The children all worked in groups and discovered that the warm stirred water was the quickest because when water is heated and stirred, the molecules gain energy and thus, move faster.

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To follow this experiment we also did the Skittle Experiment and the children loved learning that warm water dissolves the food colouring on the sweets and makes beautiful rainbow patterns. The children all had good fun and enjoyed being Scientists.

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