Primary 2 are really enjoying their outdoor learning again, now that the weather is getting better. They have been sharing books and stories, setting up the hammock independently and collecting rubbish from our site.
Primary 2 are really enjoying their outdoor learning again, now that the weather is getting better. They have been sharing books and stories, setting up the hammock independently and collecting rubbish from our site.
Primary 1 had a trip to Jupiter Artland this week where we had to the opportunity to look around all the amazing sculptures which sit in the park. We saw an amethyst cave, a star constellation and a grass bridge over the water, amongst lots of other things!
Everyone had a great day, even though they were all rather tired, after walking over 4 miles!
P5 have been preparing for their Joseph performance and have been linking this to other areas of our learning.
In the story Joseph is given a coat of many colours, so in Science we tested out an experiment with colours.
Did you know, in 1935 John Ridly Stroop invented the ‘Stroop task’? This was all about naming colours. First a number of colours were projected onto a screen in their own colour, and then in a different colour. People were asked to name the colours the words were printed in.
We timed each other reading both sets of words and found that our brains work slower when the colour you have to name has been used to print the name of a different colour!
How quickly can you read them?
P2/3 have been exploring the works of different artists. This week we looked at Piet Mondrian. Did you know Mondrian began as an artist by painting realistic landscapes?!
He then changed how he painted – he didn’t want his pictures to look like nature, he wanted to explore how colour and line worked together.
P2/3 had a go at creating their own pieces of simple Mondrian art using only a few colours.
P5 have enjoyed working on our class allotment in the sun. We prepped the soil and planted some onions and spring onions. We can’t wait to see them start to sprout! Many of us are very excited for the Gardening Club to start up.
Primary 1 have had the opportunity to take advantage of the area which they have had a hand in designing. We asked the pupils what they would like to play with and have, where ever possible, tried to accommodate their ideas (the swimming pool, bouncy castle and flat screen tv were a little beyond us though!).
P2/3 were doing pointillism art pieces with cotton buds.P2/3 really enjoyed it. All the art pieces were amazing.
Posted by Benaiah