Author Archives: Mrs Black
Challenge Poverty Week – P6/7
For Challenge Poverty Week, P6/7 explored the ‘Cost of the School Day’. We now have an understanding of how the school day costs money for families. We discussed the things Toronto Primary School does to support families in reducing the cost of the school day.
Challenge Poverty Week 2024
What does West Lothian do to help people in poverty?
What does Toronto PS do to help poverty?
What could Toronto PS do to help those in need?
World Mental Health Day 2024
On Thursday 10th October 2024, P4/5 recognised World Mental Health Day by taking their learning outdoors. Outdoor learning is thought to improve mood, reduce stress, encourage relaxation, improve physical activity and boost confidence and self esteem.
P4/5 took their literacy outdoors where they found interesting places to read their books and then use the natural materials to recreate some of the illustrations and photos from their reading books.
P4/5 Save a Life Scotland
On Thursday 10th of October 2024, P4/5 took part in World Restart a Heart Day.
We learned essential CPR skills via a live stream with Save a Life Scotland, who were attempting a Guinness World Record for online CPR training.
Make It Happen
You may remember a few months ago that we launched an app design competition for our P1-7 children through the Make It Happen Club, a charity whose aim is to inspire children’s digital learning!
This week Frances from Make It Happen returned to Toronto for a special Assembly to announce the winning design.
Frances and the engineers had such a difficult time choosing a winner as all the entries were of such a high standard.
Some children were awarded certificates for inspiring ideas for their apps. Frances then announced our two runners up and our overall winner, who were all absolutely delighted with their prizes.
The Make it Happen engineers built a first version of the winning app before the assembly so that we could all see and download it straight away. After the assembly our winner worked with Frances to refine their app.
Well done to all our children who entered and those who received an award for their efforts.
A huge thank you to Frances and the Make It Happen Club for allowing us to be part of this fantastic opportunity!
Scan the QR code below to take you to the Make it Happen website and click on the Winners tab to see Toronto’s winning app design!
Celebrating All Things Sports at Toronto!
Mrs Black organised a special ‘Sports Assembly’ last week where we came together as a whole school to celebrate our sporting successes and achievements over the last year. Awards were presented to individuals and we celebrated the sporting successes shared through wider achievements outside school as well as in school. We presented certificates of thanks to a number of our partners who have made it possible to offer some of the sports activities we have done this year!
We also said a sad farewell to our Active Schools Coordinator Mrs Livingston, who is moving on to work with a new cluster of primary schools in West Lothian.
Parachute Fun in P1
Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been having fun with Mrs Graham, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Black, with the parachute!
We loved trying to keep the ball on the parachute, then we changed our game and were actually aiming to get the ball through the hole in the middle. We enjoyed sitting inside the parachute as we turned it into a mushroom, Mrs Black thought we had all disappeared! Our favourite game though was cat and mouse! Even one of the Primary 7’s joined in with us!
Social Enterprise Academy Awards 2024
On Tuesday this week a group of Primary 5 and Primary 7 children made their way to the Assembly rooms in Edinburgh to attend the Social Enterprise Academy’s Award ceremony, where they collected an award for their work they have done with the Toronto Boutique so far and their plans to develop it further to include a food pantry.
The Assembly rooms were so beautiful, we were in awe of the grandeur. We also got to listen to the Deputy First Minister, Kate Forbes speaking about how we are contributing to changing the future.
P6 Cross Country
This week P6 children attended the ICHS cluster Cross Country event at Howden Park.It was wet and a bit windy but we all gave it our best and made it all the way around, even though we were a bit tired afterwards!