Author Archives: Mrs Black

WL Cross Country Championships 2019

Last week one of our talented P7 girls took part in West Lothian’s Cross Country Championships 2019.

At the beginning of the year, our P6 children took part in our cluster Cross Country trials.  Our Toronto Primary representative finished in first place of all girls across the cluster. This win gave her entry into the WL Cross Country Championships.  She ran a super time and came well within the top 20 girls runners across the whole of West Lothian. Well done, we are very proud of you!

P3/4 Fun With Balloons

P3/4 have been investigating flight as part of their learning this term. This week P3/4 had fun experimenting and investigating balloons. The children discussed the types of gas that can be used to inflate balloons and the weight of helium compared to the air around us – the gas takes up space inside the balloon, forcing it to expand. We popped some balloons and untied the ends to let them fly around the room to illustrate air pressure inside a balloon and it escaping.

One pupil then drew a funny face on the surface of a balloon, but forgot to give it some ears. So 2 helpers pressed two plastic cups firmly onto either side of the balloon where the ears should be. We then blew the balloon up again while the helpers held the cups in place. When the balloon was big enough our helpers let go of the cups, which stuck to the balloon by themselves, showing the displacement of the air and the pressure surrounding.

We then continued the balloon fun by investigating static electricity. We tried sticking the balloon to the wall, picking up small pieces of paper and moving our hair.

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P6 Tennis Festival

A group of our P6 children took part in ICHS cluster Tennis Festival this week. Walking to Ladywell Tennis Courts proved to be a good warm up before their matches. The pupils then took part in doubles matches against pairs from our cluster primary schools. All children had fun taking part and Toronto were proud to make it to the semi finals! We may have a new Andy Murray or Serena Williams on our hands.

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P6 Bikeability

Bikeability is well under way this term and our P5’s and P6’s have been working hard to learn new skills and techniques.

These Primary 6’s below are working on Level 2 bikeability and have been using the streets around our school to help practise their newly learned bike skills. They are mastering safe starts and stops, right, left and U turns and negotiating parked cars.


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Outdoor area – Work in Progress

During the last term, three Primary 5/6 pupils recognised an area of their playground that they would like to develop. The girls organised an activity to raise funds in order to buy some supplies to make a start to this area.

Over the last few days of term the girls were delighted to see that the work was well underway to repair the trellis area that they identified. These P5/6 pupils have now been organising the next steps for this area when we return after the holidays. They plan to paint the trellis and have already begun collecting ornaments to decorate with.

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P1 and Scripture Union

Last week Scripture Union came into school to work with classes. P1a and P1b had a great time watching and taking part in the story of “God’s Great Idea!”. Children learned about God’s plan, designed their very own inventions and created a head band with a light bulb showing themselves……God’s Great Idea!

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Sports Committee Assembly

This morning we had an assembly to celebrate all of the great sporting achievements of  2018/19. This year we have had lots of different clubs such as football, futsal, rugby, dancing cycling and invasion games. This year we have had a lot of different clubs but next year we want more. We would to thank all of our partners who have played a big part in helping us achieve our sporting excellence this year.

Ayden and Ryan

Sports Committee.

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A Fun Filled Day at Low Port

Today we have been very busy outdoors!

Once kitted out in our waterproofs and wellies we all took part in canoeing and a forest adventure. We loved crawling through tunnels, walking up the stream and keeping our canoe afloat!

After dinner we got glammed up for our disco and were cutting some shapes on the dance floor.

We are all really tired today after lots of activities and looking forward to bed!

An early morning visit to Linlithgow Palace is planned for tomorrow, before heading home after lunch.

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Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!