We have had a very busy day! A guest speaker from the SSPCA spoke to us then the author, Regina Nurney read us one of her stories. At the end of the day, we did various activities with the Scripture Union visitors.
We have had a very busy day! A guest speaker from the SSPCA spoke to us then the author, Regina Nurney read us one of her stories. At the end of the day, we did various activities with the Scripture Union visitors.
In P1 we have been learning how to count in fives. Some children wanted a challenge so decided to go beyond 100. Here are some super examples.
Good morning P1!
What a fantastic snowman and snow angel! Can’t wait to see what you and everyone else is planning to do today.
Here are some more activities to keep everyone busy today.
World Book Day
To celebrate world book day, you could dress up as your favourite character from a book and send me a photo. You could also design an outfit for your favourite character to wear. Keep on reading too!
We need to catch up
We are going to have a lot to catch up on, so why not write me a letter to tell me what you have been doing during the snow days and what I have been missing out on. Remember to draw me a picture of your favourite part!
Bulls eye
Snowballs do not have to be thrown at people. Flatten an area of snow by stomping on it and ask an adult to help you draw a target in the flattened snow. When you have drawn your target number the rings with sticks, stones or whatever you can find nearby. Now throw your snowballs at the targets and add your points together.
Nature Hunt
Take an adult for a nature walk. Keep your eyes peeled for all the different prints you will see in the snow, you could even take pictures of them to help you remember what they looked like. When you return home use the internet to help you discover what animal the prints belong to.
Bird Watch
Did you see any birds yesterday? I saw 3 bullfinches, 9 robins and 4 wrens. This morning I have already seen 2 bullfinches, a robin and a wren. Keep going with your tally chart today. Why don’t you also research how to make a bird feeder and create your own to help the birds. We will be making our own bird feeder for the school next week!
Balloon experiment
With the help of an adult fill some balloons with water. Add different food colouring to each balloon and place them outside amongst the snow. Check on your experiment over the course of the day and see what happens to the water in your balloons. At the end of the day you can pop the balloon and use the inside to create a picture.
Expressive Arts
Headless Snowman
Make a snowman without a head. When you have completed your snowman stand behind it as if your head belongs to the snowman. Take a picture and send it to me via the Twitter account
Health and Wellbeing
Snowy obstacle course
Design an obstacle course where you have to climb over, go under or/and go round different objects made from snow. When you have completed your course, play follow my leader with a sibling, friend or adult. Snowy hurdles work well!
Brighten up my day
Ask an adult for a water bottle filled with water and a little bit of food colouring. Write your sounds or words in the snow. Remember to take a picture and either send it to me via the school blog or bring it into school when we’re back.
It looks like somebody has had an excellent time sledging in the snow today! Thanks for the picture and I can’t wait to see more!
Good morning P1,
Here are a list of some activities you can be busy with today. Hope you have a fantastic snow day!
Writing Activities
Maths Activities
Remember to stay safe! Feel free to take pictures of your snow day and either upload them to the blog or bring them in for me (and Brody Bear) to see when we are back in school.
Mrs Wong