Author Archives: wlbeth.wong@glow

Trip to Forth Bridges Education Centre

Primary 4, Primary 3/4 and Primary 3 had a wonderful time at the Forth Bridges Education Centre today. We listened to a quick bridges and engineering presentation then completed an engineering challenge in groups. After lunch we walked across the Forth Road Bridge so the children could experience the scale and structure of the bridges. Well done everyone!

P1 Learning

We’ve had a busy first week back at school. In Maths, we learned about odd and even numbers through using our smelly socks! We also made patterns using different materials in the classroom then looked at number patterns by counting in 2’s. In Literacy, we sounded out three letter words independently.



We have been super busy in P1b this week! We have had a great time completing lots of activities relating to Jack and the Beanstalk. We had fun measuring leaves using different items and used lots of different construction materials to try and create the biggest beanstalk. We also played with musical instruments to help us explore syllables.



Here are some pictures to show what we got up to last week in Phonics and Maths. We had lots of fun exploring the sound ‘s’ through different activities and had a fantastic time completing a shape hunt in the classroom.