P2 Snow Day!!

Good Morning P2! Happy Snow day!

As well as keeping safe in this weather here is a list of a few fun activities you can complete today, I know how much you will be missing school.

literacy – after all your fun snow  activities,  write about something you have really enjoyed doing today? Perhaps it was spending the day in your pjs. What was your best bits? Remember those amazing wow words to help describe your day.
Get cosy and read a book, perhaps you might want to design a new front cover for this?

Maths – log onto sumdog and play some games, remember you can challenge your friends to a competition.

P.E – go outside and have fun, can you make a massive snowman? Perhaps go sledging? What about helping parents and carers to clear the snow?

Topic – we are carrying on our learning about the winter Olympics, if you are able ask a parent to help you find out 2 facts about a winter Olympic sport of your choice. Can you design a new piece of  equipment for this sport (i.e what design would you have on your bob-sleigh, skies or snowboard?)

Most  of all  have fun and stay safe! Please send in any pictures of your snow day so we can share our adventures when back in school. I can’t wait to hear all your stories!!

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