Monthly Archives: June 2024

Parachute Fun in P1

Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been having fun with Mrs Graham, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Black, with the parachute!

We loved trying to keep the ball on the parachute, then we changed our game and were actually aiming to get the ball through the hole in the middle. We enjoyed sitting inside the parachute as we turned it into a mushroom, Mrs Black thought we had all disappeared! Our favourite game though was cat and mouse! Even one of the Primary 7’s joined in with us!

Social Enterprise Academy Awards 2024

On Tuesday this week a group of Primary 5 and Primary 7 children made their way to the Assembly rooms in Edinburgh to attend the Social Enterprise Academy’s Award ceremony, where they collected an award for their work they have done with the Toronto Boutique so far and their plans to develop it further to include a food pantry.

The Assembly rooms were so beautiful, we were in awe of the grandeur. We also got to listen to the Deputy First Minister, Kate Forbes speaking about how we are contributing to changing the future.

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