Monthly Archives: March 2024

P5’s French Breakfast

Our French Breakfast

This term, in French, P5 have been learning all about food.  We have played hangman in French and used ICT to reinforce our learning.

Today we enjoyed a French breakfast and activities linked to our learning. This included: writing in French, role play of being in a café and a wordsearch.

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Victorian Inventions in P5/6

P5/6 have been learning about Victorian inventions this week and had a go at being Victorian detectives. We had a look at some objects from Victorian times and tried to guess what they might be used for. We then looked online at photos from a Victorian museum to find out if we were correct.

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WL Dragons Den 2024

On Wednesday this week a group of our P5 and P7 children attended West Lothian’s Dragons Den event where they pitched their social enterprise idea to a panel of local businesses in the hope of gaining investment in their business The Toronto Boutique and Pantry.

The children asked for investment in order to expand our already successful boutique, to include other school resources, eg. school bags, lunch bags, pencil cases, etc. and also to add our very own Toronto Pantry. The children’s aim is to support our families with the increasing cost of living by helping to lower the cost of the school day.

All pupils spoke confidently before the panel of dragons and an audience of mainly secondary pupils and adults – Mrs Black and Mrs McDougall are so proud of each and every one!

Although we didn’t win the main investment, we did secure a £50 seed funding to invest in our Toronto Boutique and Pantry.

We plan to share our vision for the expansion of The Toronto Boutique and Pantry at our next Parent Council Meeting on Tuesday 19th March.

We will also share all our plans and how you can access our Boutique and Pantry, here with you when we have ironed out all the logistics.

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Poetry in P3

Primary 3 have been learning about poetry. We have been exploring how adjectives can help the reader imagine things in more detail.
We collected leaves from outside and thought of different adjectives to describe them. We then put these adjectives into a poem.

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Building Castles

As part of P2’s interdisciplinary learning we focused on castles and this week we have been looking at the features of a castle.

As part of our technology outcomes we have planned and sketched our castles and selected the materials we would need to construct them.

We are in the early stages of building the castles but here are some pictures to show our progress so far.

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Digital Victorian Rugs

This week Primary 6 were learning about the importance of rugs in the Victorian Era.
We learned that the more detailed rug you had, then the more stylish your home was!
We planned our rugs first using a grid, trying to include as much detail as possible.
After that, we recreated our rugs digitally using a mosaic app!

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P2 Visit to WL College

It was P2’s turn this week to visit West Lothian College for some fun and games.

The children enjoyed the excitement of the bus journey and then had great fun playing the games with the WL College Students. The favourites this week were Duck, Duck Goose, Ladders, Toilet tig and Chaos tig.

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