Monthly Archives: June 2022

Playground Fun

We have been working to make our playground areas fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff have been leading games and activities with our children and we have seen such a positive impact. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

National Numeracy Day

As part of National Numeracy Day on 18th May children from P2/3, P3, P4/5, P6, P7/6 and P7 took part in an Official World Record Attempt for the most participation and views of Rolling Numbers Livestream.  We managed to break the record and 5, 362 schools took part.  Well done!
We also took part in Numbers and dancing with Katya Jones, where we learned dynamite dance moves.  We had to keep count of the steps .  It was great fun.   We ​thought about what we would like to be when we grow up and how we would use numbers in that job.  We created pictures of us doing our dream job or hobby and  how it uses numbers.
We had a great day.