Monthly Archives: May 2022

Competitive Celebrations

Some of our Primary 5 pupils took part in a Multisport Festival at Craigswood Sports Centre, as part of Livingston’s 60th Birthday Celebrations.

We tried out some new sports and some that we already love – Football, Badminton and Judo. Our competitive side came out during badminton and we had lots of fun with the Judo and Football coaches. We can’t wait to try out some of these clubs in the community.

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Go Go Go P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard to learn our songs, actions and positions for our Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat show.  We have been busy creating props, organising costumes and filming.  It is a lot of work!
We have tidied the front garden and have been chitting potatoes which are now ready to plant.
Some of our P7 class members were at a sports festival which was excellent, and they had great fun.

Shape Play in P4/5

In P4/5 we have been working on shape. Through play with 3D shape we have been creating buildings and other structures and describing them using mathematical language, such as vertices, edges and faces. We also created 3D shapes from their nets and went on a 3D shape hunt around our block and our classroom.

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