Monthly Archives: March 2019

Rotary Quiz Winners!

Congratulations to our P7 team who took part in the Rotary Quiz this week.  They successfully answered a wide variety of questions beating off their opponents to win this round of the competition.  Here they are pictured with the winning trophy and certificate which we will display with pride.

As a result of their win, the team has qualified to go through to the next round which will take place at Murrayfield PS on Thursday 2nd May.

Wishing you all the best of luck!

Internet Safety

The digital leaders have recently been talking about internet safety, here are are top tips for staying safe online:

  1. Never share your personal details, eg. age, where you live etc.
  2. Always have parental supervision
  3. Don’t contact anybody you don’t know
  4. Only accept friend requests from people you know
  5. Keep your logins and passwords safe and don’t let anyone know them

Parents, you can also help keep your children safe online by following the advice in the link below:

Stay safe 4 life!

by Michael, Digital Leader

The Voice of Toronto – Glee

Glee Club were completely overwhelmed on Friday morning when they had a surprise visitor join their rehearsal! The lovely Amy Hawthorn stopped by to watch their performance and give Glee Club some words of encouragement.

For anyone who missed it, here’s Amy’s recent audition on The Voice…

And the moment Glee Club realised she was here… in our school…to see them!

Amy sang for the Glee Club, encouraging them to sing along and then she joined in their performance of The Greatest by Sia. She just about managed to keep up with their dance moves 🙂

Special thanks to Amy for making time to come and inspire our youngsters who are so passionate about music.  You are truly one in a million and everyone at Toronto wishes you all the very best for a successful musical career!

National Theatre Scotland

Primary 7 spent Monday of this week working with the National Theatre Scotland. The children took part in a fabulous workshop with games, music and drama. Our P7 pupils have been talking positively about this experience all week and loved every second of it. This has also given them some helpful ideas and hints as they prepare for their World War 2 class assembly in a  few weeks. We would like to thank our lovely friend of Toronto, Sandy who organised this for us. Primary 7 can’t wait to show you what they have been working on!

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1+2 Languages Family Fun Afternoon

This afternoon was our first 1+2 Languages Family fun session at Toronto. We welcomed lots of children and their families. Our families showed off their super singing voices by learning and performing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French. A definite favourite of the afternoon was the taste testing session, where everyone enjoyed foods from France, Spain and Germany – the croissants and brioche were a big hit.

We rounded off the afternoon with a European trivia quiz. We had 3 clever winning teams and each enjoyed choosing their prizes. A huge well done to all teams who took part, some of those questions were tricky!

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Sharing Learning in Primary 5/6

Primary 5/6 have been working hard over the last couple of weeks and have been sharing their learning in a variety of ways.

More pupils this week shared their homework on Scotland. Their task was to bring something Scottish to share and talk about with the class. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to be creative with this homework task and have shared lots of new things. This week we had some facts about a Scottish artist, a tartan hat (Stewart Tartan), Scottish music and gigs, a Saltire flag and even some tablet to try!

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During our Literacy sessions, Primary 5/6 have been making the most of the little bit of good weather we have had and taken their Spelling tasks outdoors. The pupils used chalk to practice their spelling words in the playground. This is a definite new favourite activity!

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