Monthly Archives: September 2018


We have been super busy in P1b this week! We have had a great time completing lots of activities relating to Jack and the Beanstalk. We had fun measuring leaves using different items and used lots of different construction materials to try and create the biggest beanstalk. We also played with musical instruments to help us explore syllables.

Pupil Leadership Roles – The Interviews!

Introducing two of Inveralmond’s finest – Jack and Neve (Depute Head Boy and Girl) who assisted with interviews for Toronto’s pupil leadership roles (Head Boy and Girl) this morning.

Jack and Neve were very impressed by the quality of all applicants and admired the confidence our P7 pupils have.  The interview questions were based on our school values and each of the candidates shone.   Jack and Neve both agreed it was a hard decision to make!  We thank them for their valuable contribution to this process and look forward to working with them again over the coming year.

Our P7 pupil leadership roles will be announced on Friday during assembly!

Election Day

Our Primary 7’s have been working super hard on their parliament topic that they are able to bring it to life. We have been looking for responsible members of Primary 7 to take on the role of house captain and we thought the best way to decide was to hold an election.

The boys and girls had a fantastic day today visiting the other classes and members of staff around to school to appeal for their position as house captain. There were many compliments from different people around the school saying how well they presented themselves and delivered their plea. Well done to those involved in both P7/6 and P7.

Tomorrow is the big day. Good luck to everybody – You have all worked extremely hard and we are very proud!

ELECTION RESULTS – Watch this space.

Snack Time with our Friends

P1 and P2/1 are continuing to enjoy preparing and eating healthy snacks.  As well as eating delicious, healthy food, the children are also learning about following instructions, taking turns, using manners and the importance of hand washing.  They also enjoy spending time chatting with their friends which helps their talking and listening skills.  They have even helped to order snack and they are all really looking forward to water melon and strawberries being on the menu next week.

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you all had a relaxing long weekend.  Primary 7 and Primary 7/6 have been hard at work preparing for our MacMillan coffee afternoon on Thursday 27th September at 1.30pm.  We would love for you to be able to come along and help us raise money for such an important cause.

If you are able to, please accept our family bake challenge! P7 and P7/6 are asking for you to bake the most creative cake and bring it in for Wednesday 26th September; winners will be chosen and rewarded with a prize!

If you have any home baking that you could bring in for us to sell and raise money, please hand it in to the office on Wednesday 26th September.  Can the cakes/tray-bakes be stored in a container with the ingredients listed just in-case of any allergies.

Thank you for all your support, we hope to see you there!

Primary 7, Primary 7/6, Miss Munro and Miss Hughes




Here are some pictures to show what we got up to last week in Phonics and Maths. We had lots of fun exploring the sound ‘s’ through different activities and had a fantastic time completing a shape hunt in the classroom.

P2/1 Activities



Live workout with Joe Wicks

The Body coach, Joe Wicks, is on a mission to get more kids active and feel the benefits of exercise so P2/1, P2 and P6/5 decided to take part in his live workout.

We all gave it a good go, some of the exercises proving easier than others.

 We all had a good time proving that being active and exercising helps keep us healthy as well as being fun!!