Wow! Where on earth has the day gone?! Lots to share with you so bear with us…we’re exhausted!
Group 2 bounced in to Low Port just in time for lunch (and a spot of bedmaking)…challenge number 1 conquered…well kind of
Wow! Where on earth has the day gone?! Lots to share with you so bear with us…we’re exhausted!
Group 2 bounced in to Low Port just in time for lunch (and a spot of bedmaking)…challenge number 1 conquered…well kind of
We have had a very busy day! A guest speaker from the SSPCA spoke to us then the author, Regina Nurney read us one of her stories. At the end of the day, we did various activities with the Scripture Union visitors.
We’ve certainly built up an appetite! Final activity for this group is orienteering!
Last activity before lunch and then heading home…what an experience!
As day 2 comes to an end we have 18 happy campers snoring their little heads off cosy in bed.
After an amazing morning of sailing and forest gorge walking (photos shared earlier today) we headed off over the Queensferry Crossing and back again towards Dalmeny Beach.
On the beach we were absolutely delighted to learn from Rona and Dave as they took us on an epic journey around the rock pools! Some children enjoyed investigating sea anemones, others were looking at limpits and barnacles, some were skimming stones and others enjoyed collecting and categorising shells! Every single child was thoroughly engrossed and it was an incredible sight to see!
Back at the centre we caught a glimpse of the Marches before heading off for macaroni cheese and garlic bread followed by rice pudding and peaches.
After our showers we got our dancing shoes on and partied until 9:30pm! We were treated to songs played by DJ Katy and then had some party food and ice poles before happily falling into bed just after 10pm.
It has been an absolute pleasure to have taken the children to Low Port this past few days! I hope they can fill you in on all of the fun they’ve had and I hope they sleep well tomorrow! Miss Walker and I have been so impressed with their polite manners and their resilience as they faced lots of new challenges! I’m ready to take on group 2 with Miss King tomorrow and your cherubs will be back to you around 2:30pm after sailing and orienteering! Look out for a Groupcall.
Mrs Simpson
Wow what a first day!! Group 1 went orienteering around the Peel utilising some super mapping skills whilst group 2 went on an adventure to Beecraigs where they put their waterproofs to excellent use!
After lunch we headed out to roll down every hill we could possibly find beside the palace before walking the 2.5 miles around the loch where Alex and Jake spotted some particularly interesting trees and dens that were itching to be explored and climbed!
Along the way we spotted many swans and ducks and were delighted to come across lots of baby signets and ducklings! We thought that we were going to have to take a couple of geese home with us as they waddled along behind our line!
After our walk we had some time relaxing and unpacking in our rooms. The girls quickly organised their bedding and displayed their things neatly…whilst in the blue corner we were rescuing some of the boys who were trapped inside their duvet covers with puzzled looks on their faces – don’t worry, we sorted it all out in the end
Dinner was, in the children’s words, masterchef worthy!! They tucked into homemade vegetable soup and bread then chicken, gravy, chips and sweet corn, Liz and Julie in the kitchen are looking after us just fine!
After dinner Mrs Gingell joined us for fun on the Peel during our downtime and the sun came out again for us! Mrs Gingell then set about helping us with supper and sorted all the toast which we enjoyed alongside hot chocolate and mini malteaser traybakes.
Absolutely no issues with bedtime – after clocking up an average of 20,000 steps (and that was just us adults), the children cuddled down with their books and teddies and we’ve not heard a peep since 10pm! Fabulous!!
Hope you’re enjoying the photos – look out for more tomorrow, night night everyone!
P.S. we noticed that some parents might not be following us on Twitter, would those of you who do, mind directing them to our blog and Twitter for updates (to see clearer images of photos – follow the link back to the safety of our blog). Thanks!