Monthly Archives: June 2018
P1 Party!
Teddy Bears Picnic
Primay 1 And Primary 2/1 enjoyed preparing and taking part in their Teddy Bears Picnic today!
Beecraigs Forest Adventure
One of the final activities today did not disappoint! We asked to get wet…and wet we got! Thanks to Ian who showed us what Beecraigs has to offer behind the surface! Amazing!
Thank you Low Port! We’ve had a ball!
We’re off on our last adventures…half sailing and half forest adventures in Beecraigs before heading back for lunch. See you all around 2pm/2:15pm.
p2 fruit tasting
We have had a great morning this morning tasting new fruit. The pineapple and oranges were our favourites. We didn’t like the kiwi and raspberries as much. Look at some of our faces as we tried them, Miss Butler pulled a few funny faces too.
Did somebody say D-I-S-C-O?!
This lot know how to party party party!!
P3/2 and the fire engine
We had lots of fun looking round the fire engine that visited school yesterday! We learnt lots about the equipment & the role of the fire fighters
Picnic then fun at the park!
Fire Fighter Visit for P5/4

A visit from the fire fighters!