Primary 4/3 and Primary 4 Homework Challenge

On Monday, all children in Primary 4/3 and Primary 4 were given a letter explaining their homework challenge;

‘You are being asked to complete a homework challenge!  As part of our topic, Farm to Fork, you should think about your favourite food. Next, you should think about whether your food comes from a plant or animal and the journey it takes to get to our shops.

Your task is going to be to create a 3D timeline of the processes your favourite food takes to get from Farm to Fork.

For example, if you were creating the journey for bread, it would begin with wheat growing in a field, wheat being ground into flour, the flour being made into dough, the dough being made into bread and then finally the bread being sold in our shops. You have learned lots about this in class already so you can use this knowledge to help you.

You can use a variety of materials to create your timeline, such as cardboard, wood, plastic etc. Please bring these in by Wednesday 10th May and they will be proudly displayed for other classes to see! Once we have all of the 3D timelines, you will present and explain your model to the rest of your class. We are very excited to see all of your creative designs!’

Thank you, Miss Hughes and Miss Munro

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