Monthly Archives: February 2018

ICT in Primary 5

Primary 5 have been learning to use SWAY and YAMMER. These are both available for the children to use from home. All they have to do is enter their glow email and password to a phone or tablet if one is available.

SWAY can be used as an alternative to POWERPOINT and is an easy way to make presentations. The children have already made one in class and can add to their SWAY library at home if they wish.

YAMMER means to whine, complain and to talk loudly!! YAMMER is a tool which connects the class as an online discussion group. The children can share knowledge, opinions and build a learning community with it.

This week we are discussing the pros and cons to : Should Kids be Allowed to Bring Phones to School? The children are welcome to add comments at home, again through GLOW.

WELL DONE P5 for all, your GLOWING hard work.

P4 Badminton Festival Fun

Today our wonderful primary 4 children, along with Miss Munro, Mrs Hardie and our lovely parent helpers Vivienne and Fiona headed down to Craigswood Sports Centre to participate in a badminton festival.  They were super excited and absolutely did our school proud whilst participating alongside children across our cluster. Well done boys and girls, we’re so proud of you and the infectious giggles as you bounced back into school proved that you had fun! Don’t believe us? Check out Miss Munro’s video 👌🏼

P4 using Comic Life to make World Book Day posters

What a terrific Tuesday I had with Primary 4 yesterday when they accepted a big challenge of running this year’s Book Swap (next Thursday). They were challenged to create posters using a digital app called Comic Life. Some children chose to work independently, whilst others were in a pair and they worked so hard that they even set their own success criteria based on their individual confidence levels. The buzz in the classroom was exciting and engaging and the results were fabulous!! Next week we will be learning how to log into our Glowmail and will answer a big question set on our new Yammer group! Watch this space…thanks so much P4, Mrs Simpson.

Positive Vibes

This week we came together as a whole school community for our weekly assembly to discuss the importance of spreading positive vibes through the medium of cheery bananas!  Each class received a special positive message written on a banana and their challenge this week is to fulfill some of these positivity challenges, for example, brighten someone’s day with a smile, believe in yourself and you’re halfway there and ofcourse the favourite – put on your positive pants! 😂

Eco Award ♻️

We would like to thank our wonderful Eco team, clean team, litter pickers and battery collectors along with Mrs Wong, Miss Galloway and Ms Muir who have helped us sustain our prestigious Green Flag award!

We celebrated this achievement at our school community assembly yesterday and we were very impressed to receive our 6th green flag! Well done everyone!!