Hi Primary 2/1,
Here are some learning activities which you might enjoy doing today.
Writing Activities
- Create a snowman then write instructions about how you made it. Remember to draw a picture of the snowman or take a picture and send it to me via the school Twitter account
- Create a checklist of thing you would like to do today and tick it off when it has been completed
- Alphabet/sound hunt
Write down items you can find in your house or see outside that start with each letter in the alphabet or different sounds which you have covered
Maths Activities
- Count in 2s how many snowballs you can make
- Practise writing numbers in the snow. What is the biggest number to can write up to?
- Practise saying what the number before and after is e.g. _____ 20 _____, _____ 135 _____
- Practise adding, subtracting, counting and recognising numbers through playing the online games- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting
- Shape hunt
Find 2D shapes and 3D shapes in your house or outside and tell an adult their names
- Use the sound cards in your homework jotters (or create new ones) to create words
- Practise recognising letters and sounding out words-
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/5-7-years/letters-and-sounds - Make a list of words that rhyme e.g. cat and hat, ball and tall etc. You can write them in the snow if you want
- Rhyming words game http://www.literactive.com/Download/live.asp?swf=story_files/washing_line_rhyme_US.swf
- Read your reading book or other books you have at home
- Online reading books http://more2.starfall.com/n/level-a/learn-to-read/load.htm
http://more2.starfall.com/n/level-b/index/load.htm - Cosy up on the sofa with a good book, take a photograph of yourself and send it to me via Twitter
Remember to stay safe! Feel free to take pictures of your snow day and either upload them to the blog or bring them in for me to see when we are back in school.
Miss Galloway