P3/4 Resource suggestions to download


Hi Everyone

School is closed another day. Here’s some resource suggestions for you to download. Your child can choose their own word for their acrostic poem about vikings, e.g. longboat.

Have a good day!

Kind Regards







Snow Days Primary 3

Good Morning Primary 3!

I hope everyone is enjoying their snow days! Below is a list of ideas/activities that you can do to help continue your learning while we are not in class.

  • Build a snowman/igloo. Please feel free to send any pictures of your snow creations through class dojo. We can then share and discuss them in class when we get back.
  • Search for different animal footprints in the snow and try and guess which animal they belong to.
  • Happy World Book Day!! We were going to discuss our favourite books in class today. Why don’t you write your own book review or design a new front cover for your book.
  • We have been learning how to divide by 2, 3, 4 and 5 this week so ask someone to write you some division sums and have a go at answering them.
  • Access Sumdog and play a few games.
  • Next week we will be researching and developing our understanding of Fairtrade so if you have access to the internet you could do your own research to help us with our learning in class.

Any learning/activities you do at home please send through class dojo. I would love to see any pictures!

Have a fun day in the snow and remember to wrap up warm!! Hopefully see you all tomorrow.

Mrs McVay

P5A Snow days


I hope everyone has had fun outside today although I nearly got blown into the Loch this morning.

Unfortunately we have missed our RBS money workshop today but hopefully we will get it rescheduled.

Here are some websites you can access:







http://interactivesites.weebly.com/science.html              a great site for science



We have been working on multiplication chimney sums and problems with money.

For literacy and IDL we have been reading information about life during  Mary Queen of Scot’s  reign, comparing farmers, servants, and ladies in waiting, also life in Edinburgh with life in the highlands. We were listening to music from the Tudor/ Stuart period,  “Greensleeves”.


In Spanish we are continuing with greetings, hola, buenos dias, buenos tardes, adios, hasta luego, hasta manana,  etc. We were going to compare these with the French greetings.

Sorry I don’t have access to glow account at home so I can’t reset passwords for those who have forgotten them.

Hopefully  we will  all be back on Friday.

Jean Tulloch



P6B Snow Day

Happy Snow Day everyone! Today marks the first council school closure due to snow for a long time, so I hope everyone has an enjoyable day ahead of them; whether it be playing in the snow, sledging, building snow sculptures or enjoying family time. I look forward to hearing how P6B pupils spent their snow day!

If the wild weather continues and children are at a loose end below are some examples of what children might chose to do.

-Build a snow design or sculpture, take a photograph of it and bring into school when we return to discuss the design or sculpture

– Enjoy a Fairtrade snack- Since it is Fairtrade Fortnight, it is a perfect excuse to cosy up with a hot chocolate and banana. You could use the Fairtrade website to find out further Fairtrade facts.

– Continue to practice lines, songs and dances for the Lion King production.

-Practise division and money work using BBC bitesize and Woodlands maths websites.  Use a restaurant menu and give yourself a budget for a family of four, go ‘shopping’ and calculate what your change would be.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day and enjoys the snow!

Mrs Hogg

Flying inventions in P1A!

This week we have been learning the ‘ea’ sound and our new common words are ‘some’ and ‘come’. We wrote ‘ea’ words on leaves, practised reading ‘ea’ words playing Roll & Read and playing an ‘ea’ words memory game, wrote ‘ea’ words on our whiteboards, played ‘A Day by the Sea’ on Education City and wrote ‘ea’ words and sentences in our literacy jotters.

For writing this week we made posters for our own flying inventions! We looked at features of a poster and made sure that our posters included a title, a picture and a short sentence. We also tried to make our posters colourful.

In Numeracy & Maths we have been learning to order numbers to 20 and find numbers one more/one less with numbers to 20. We played ordering games on the laptops and smartboard, ordered our number pebbles from largest to smallest, played larger/smaller number games with dominoes, found numbers one more/one less than and worked with a partner to cut out numbers to 20 and put them in the correct order. Next we will be looking at finding two more/two less  than with numbers to 20.

We hope that everyone is enjoying the snow and keeping safe and warm.

P1A and Miss Harrison xxx


Here are some suggested activities for the children to do if the weather continues:

• Practise reading, saying & writing the ‘ea’ sound. Have a go at writing ‘ea’ words such as ‘read’, ‘seat’, ‘mean’ and ‘cheap’.

• Although we haven’t started learning the ‘igh’ sound in class, practise reading, saying & writing the ‘igh’ sound. Have a go at writing ‘igh’ words such as ‘light’, ‘night’ and ‘fright’.

• Practise reading common words in the sounds/words tubs. Have a go at writing the common words.

• Read your reading book. Draw a comic strip of the beginning, middle and end of your story.

• Practise ordering numbers to 20 and beyond. If you google ‘Topmarks’ and then type in ‘Caterpillar Ordering’ then you will find an online ordering game.

• Practise finding numbers one more/one less than with numbers to 20. You could use a number line for support. Although we haven’t started this in class, you could find numbers two more/two less than with numbers to 20.

• We will be learning about money after Easter so you could practise identifying coins to £2.

• Make a poster about a method of transport and try to include a title, picture and short sentence. Can you make your poster colourful?

• With adult help, use the internet to research about a method of transport. Put in key words to find information. You could also look for images of transport from the past


Snow Day P1B

Hello,  I hope you’re all either snuggled up warm or out enjoying the snow.  If you are looking for some activities to do here are some suggestions:

You could do a little of your homework, maybe look through all your sounds and common words and revise them, can you remember the actions too?  All children were given a new reading book yesterday, you could read this together.

See your maths homework sheet for suggestions of activities that can be done at home.

Here are some other activities that might keep you busy today:

  • Bake a cake
  • Build a snowman, can you build a snow car or train?  what else could you make?
  • Go sledging
  • Play a boardgame – one where you have to count spaces or follow numbers would be good!
  • If you fancy some indoor exercise ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ on youtube is easy to follow and there are lots of different stories to choose from.
  • Build a den using clothes horses and material – or anything else you can find
  • Make a junk model – design a new form of transport.
  • www.oxfordowl.co.uk is free to sign up and has free online books – some of our reading books are on there too.
  • https://www.topmarks.co.uk and www.doorwayonline.org.uk have some good literacy and numeracy games.

Have fun in the snow and stay safe.

Please message me if you want any more information.

Mrs Kennedy  

P7 Snow Day Activities

Good morning P7

We hope you’re all enjoying the snow and having a day at home. If you find yourselves with time on your hands, here are some things you could be getting on with…

Reading: Read the next chapter of your group text.

Grammar:  Up-Levelling.

Numeracy and Mathematics: Attempt the following word problems – Volume and Capacity Word Problems or recap on our Volume and Capacity Powerpoint from Monday – Capacity and Volume.

Health and Wellbeing: Consolidate previous learning on internet safety lessons covered so far – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_13/

Expressive Arts: Lion King – continue to practise both individual script lines and songs for next week’s performances. You’re all doing an incredible job, keep up the hard work. Only 6 days to go!

Have a lovely day everyone and keep an eye on the school app, Class Dojo and the blog for further updates.

Mr. Logan and Mrs. Gordon

P6A Snow Day

Brrrr, the snow has arrived! I hope that everyone is enjoying their snow day. During snow days when the schools are closed, I would encourage everyone to make the most of this opportunity and enjoy the snow for fun and exploration. When outdoors and exploring, we can always see this as an opportunity  for learning. You can be outside, building snowmen, castles, crocodiles etc.. all of this involves a variety of learning possibilities, if you decide to go sledging today, not only is this great fun, but you will also be learning about, speed and distance. Sometimes the best learning is when we are out having fun! Snow days  are also a great opportunity to snuggle together with a warm  Fairtrade hot chocolate and catch up on some reading. However, if you are looking for some examples of learning activities to do at home please  have a try of some of the following.

Numeracy: Money – continuing on from what we have been learning in class. Give your child a budget of £150, tell them that their will be a week closure of all shops, and that they need to purchase food that will feed the family for a week. Get your child to make a shopping list for all the food they think will be needed for the week. Use an online supermarket website to research prices of the foods they may require.

Literacy: Children can become a roving reporter and create a newspaper article on todays snow… Remember this is HUGE news, so get creative. Another option could be that today’s snowday is reported on the front page of a newspaper. Children can look at the newspaper front page as a guide.

Expressive Arts: Continue to practice lines for the Lion King production, or rehearse song lyrics and dances.

IDL: Begin some research on the Industrial revolution, take some notes so that you can share them with the class.

Technologies: Using the information you have researched, create a presentation on the Industrial revolution, which you can presented to the class.

1+2: Using YouTube, do some French or Spanish five a day, this activity will help with your French and Spanish vocabulary and will get you moving on this chilly day.

RME: As Easter is approaching, try find out how different religions celebrate Easter or How is Easter celebrated around the world.


Some great websites that enhance learning:








No matter what you choose to do today, make sure you are staying warm and safe and having plenty of fun!


Mrs Matos x




P3/4 Snow Day


Hope you’re having a lovely snow day and the school closure hasn’t been too difficult for your work arrangements.

The trip to the Peel has been cancelled for tomorrow by Historic Scotland and I have requested a new date of Thursday 22nd March. I will let you know when this has been confirmed.

Suggestions for activities your child can do if the weather continues:

  • Read group novel or personal choice.
  • Look at format of books, paragraph structure etc, finding punctuation, practice expression.
  • The next assessment will be on imagining you are a Viking, try to get ideas formed of what a day in their life would be like.
  • Work on tasks from Viking Grid
  • Research what Vikings ate, where they lived, gods, countries they invaded, any reason why they were not as bad as they seemed?
  • Practice times tables, money, (measuring and estimating, time – next maths focus)
  • Practice handwriting
  • Practice saying name, age, where they live in French

Please check blog regularly for more updates and document attachments.

Kind Regards


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