P3/4 Home Learning WB 5.3.18

a-e a-e i-e i-e
late shape tide wise
mate plate wide bite
gave grave bike kite
save shave hike size
wave slave like inside
shade   time slide
bake   fine smile
flake   line stile
shake care mine while
flame fare nine chime
shame share pine slim
plane square wine shine
grape stare pipe spine


Hi Everyone

Next Week’s spelling words:

Practise selection from Fry’s 100 words sheet

Reading: Pages covered in class from reading books

Numeracy: Practise Times tables

Have a safe weekend.

Kind Regards


A short but eventful learning week in P6A

Due to the snowy weather and school closure, we had a very short week. Never the less we had managed to do some fun and exciting learning over the Monday and Tuesday.

Fairtrade Fortnight: Fairtrade Fortnight started on 26th February and will continue until the 11th March 2018. Primary 6 have been busy making information  posters about our Fairtrade Fortnight activities. We have been encouraging the boys and girls in school to bring in a Fairtrade snack over the next two weeks, we have also been going around to all the classes and explaining what is Fairtrade and why it is a good idea to buy Fairtrade products. As part of the Linlithgow schools cluster, we have been designing a Fairtrade football, three winners will be chosen from each class and then a final three will be entered into the Linlithgow school cluster Fairtrade competition.  With this snowy weather it is a great opportunity to use some Fairtrade products to make something nice to eat, such as using Fairtrade bananas to make banana muffins, or even just snuggle up with a good book and drink a warm Fairtrade hot chocolate.

Numercay: We have been focusing on division this week. We are encouraged to use a variety of different strategies, and to use a strategy that we feel confident with and that is efficient. But it is also good to know the formal written methods too. This week we worked on division using the formal written method, ask us to explain the ‘division family’ to you at home. Next week we will use our division knowledge and continue with money.

IDL: We have finished painting our still life pictures. We used all the techniques that the Scottish Colourist would have used in their paintings. Please have a look out for our still life paintings when you come along to parent’s evening.

PE: Who says that the bad weather can keep us from learning some rugby skills. This week we embraced the cold and learnt some more tag rugby skills in the snow. With a lot of slipping and sliding we had a lot of fun, and continue to develop our tag rugby skills.

Expressive arts: We had a very successful Lion King rehearsal at the Linlithgow Academy on Monday. It was our first time practicing on the stage, it was all very overwhelming, but Mrs Matos, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Hogg and Mr Logan, we very impressed with how well we have developed, and although we are missing out on more rehearsal time due to school closures, they have no doubt that we are still going to put on a show of a lifetime. A big thank you to the parent helpers who walked with us to and from Linlithgow Academy!

P6A and Mrs Matos

P7a learning

Lion King

Unfortunately (I’m sure the children disagree…) we had a very short week due to the snow…On Monday we had a successful rehearsal at Linlithgow Academy which at least gave the children a chance to get their positions on stage for most of the show. We had hoped to be back yesterday to do a full run through, but that was not meant to be…Hopefully we get back in on Monday. If the children can keep practicing using the links that Mr Logan posted on the blog, and that I sent on dojo, that would help greatly. They can also listen to the Lion King Junior soundtrack. Well done P7, you are doing an amazing job!


In PE Mr Logan has been continuing with his better movers and thinkers football skills. The staff had a training session on this a few weeks ago, and this allows children to use ball skills whilst also having to multi-task and use their brain eg dribbling a football in different directions (4 forward, 4 side, 4 back) whilst throwing and catching a tennis ball with one hand. Not as easy as it sounds…


This week we started a new topic of Volume and Capacity. We revised the meanings of the 2 terms and then went on to estimate the capacity of various objects. We then started work on a carousel of 4 activities where we had to : estimate and measure the capacity of 5 different containers with water in them, estimate 100ml, 75ml and 25ml by pouring into a container and checking, convert from millilitres to litres and do some volume word problems.

Mrs Gordon


Primary 2B

In Maths this week we started to look at length. We began with longer and shorter and then we will look at different units of measure. We also had a Moneysense workshop with R.B.S.. Members of staff from R.B.S came and worked in the classroom with us. The children really enjoyed discussing the difference between want and need and participating in activities related to this, as well as budgeting. I

The children have been doing some work on connectives and where and how to use them. They enjoyed watching an interactive PowerPoint with sound effects on connectives and selecting which was the most suitable.

We have been learning about Victorian hospitals and comparing to our hospitals today.

Futsal continued this week and the children had practise at shooting at goal. They really enjoyed it and got very excited.

Some suggestions for activities to do home

Using feet and hand spans to measure items. Discussing other ways to measure things.

Writing sentences using connectives and also putting sentences together with a connective.

My phonics group could write sentences with their e-e words, make up word searches, crosswords and play games on TES and Galactic websites.

Reading their books.

Research on Florence Nightingale. Also the children could do further research on what they have said they would like to do in our assembly.

Keep warm and see you all on Monday.

Anne Burton

Science site

Hi folks this is a really good site for topical science which we use in school.

Kind regards



P5A Work from home

Please either save your work to dojo, print it out or email me it and we can share all your activities in class. I look forward to seeing the most imaginative snow structure. Let’s see who has the most imaginative work. I’m sure we could do our spelling in the snow!


Unfortunately we will miss Book Day too. If you had already made a costume please take a photo dressed up and we can do a competition with your photos in class.

In preparation for our bridges visit, do have a look at different types of bridges as we will be making them in class.

We have been discussing the importance of science vocabulary so if you would like to make a poster about forces , separation, bridge building etc that would be great.

Enjoy the time off but please keep practicing your multiplication tables!

P5B Snow Day Activities

Hello Primary 5B

I hope you are all enjoying and having fun with your snow days!  I have put together a list of ideas and activities that you can do to help continue your learning while the school is closed due to the bad weather: –

  • • Snow Art – Can you build a 3D model of any of the famous buildings Mary Queen of Scots stayed at?  Have a go and remember to take a picture and up-load it to the class dojo so you can share and discuss it with the rest of the class.
    • On Friday it is “World Book Day”. I would love to hear what your favourite book is.  So why don’t you write a book review and design a new front cover for it.  We can then use this to make a nice book display for our class library and you can present your favourite book to the rest of the class.
    • Reading Book Groups – Read the next chapter or story in your book.
    • We have been working on improving our table knowledge and learning how to multiply by 10 and 100.  Make up flash cards by writing the table sum on the front and the answer on the back. [Use your yellow table fact sheet to help you with this.]  You can then test yourself and check if you have the correct answer.
    • Log onto “Sumdog” and play some games involving multiplication.
  • We will be going on a visit to Linlithgow Palace.  Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask the tour guides at the Palace during the visit.
    • We will shortly be beginning work on the Forth Bridges so if you have access to the internet you could do your own research to help us with our learning in class.  Have a go at making a “flip” fact book.

Please up-load any learning or activities to the Class Dojo page.  I would love to see any pictures you may have, and we can share them with the rest of the class during snack time.

Have lots of fun in the snow and remember to wrap up well!!  Hopefully we will all be back together again next week.

Best wishes to you all.
Mr Ritchie

P4 class

School is out, the weather has been quite severe  and most children are bound indoors for long periods. To avoid boredom, I have listed a few activities which may help those little minds stimulated while they are at home.

For Numeracy, the children have been learning to work out change from £5 or £10 depending on child’s ability level.

http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/tillwemeet/– change from £5

How about setting up a shop at home as a role play activity?

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=Buy2itemsv4-  change from £1

Two weeks ago, the P4s were revising on their ability to read time.   It would be helpful if they could keep practicing ” telling time” using quarter to/past, half past and o’ clock.


Multiplication games- https://uk.ixl.com/math/year-3/multiplication-tables-for-2-3-4-5-and-10

For Literacy, the children have been exploring persuasive writing.  You could maybe ask your child to write a letter to an imaginary  Viking chief and persuade him/ her to stop their pillaging and colonising ways.

The P4s have also started learning about the features of a newspapaer report.  Some children might  prefer to write a report on the Vikings’s arrival in Lindisfarne.

Have a lovely week everyone!


P5B Week commencing 26th February 2018

In French this week we were practicing key weather terms. We listened to some French presenters talking about the weather and tried to identify the words we knew. Then we did some written work on the same terms and then we worked with a partner to practice speaking about the weather, pretending we were weather forecasters presenting the weather for different towns in France.

In our topic we continued to learn about the life and times of Mary, Queen of Scots through scanning and comparing some interesting accounts of the lives of different people in different parts of Scotland during the 16th century. In addition, we explored the use of code and encryption by the royals and nobles during Mary’s lifetime, we made up our own codes and asked our friends to decode our messages using our key. This was challenging because we really had to pay attention to what we were writing and think about our spelling. We also had a really good discussion about how code is used today, with lots of excellent examples suggested by the class, including braille, sign language, morse code and secret messages we might make up ourselves to share with friends.

Our maths focus this week has been multiplication. We’ve revised multiplying by 10 and extended this to think about multiplying by 100. Some of us found this quite tricky, so it would be a great thing to practice at home, being sure to identify what happens to our place value each time, and the pattern of adding ’00’ each time we multiply something by 100.

We hope you are all having fun in the snow and keeping nice and warm Hopefully we will all get back together on Monday!

P6 Euroquiz Competition

I am sure that all the children are loving these snow days, but I am sure I know 6 children who may be disappointed. Unfortunately due to the weather the first heat of Euroquiz which was scheduled for Friday, 2nd March has been cancelled. I know that those involved have dedicated a lot of time to preparing for the quiz, but look at this as an opportunity for additional preparations.  I will update the team of when the first heats have been rescheduled for.

In the meantime, over the next few days while you are at home continue with your preparations.  Always better to be over prepared than to be not prepared at all.

Here is a link that you can follow to help you to prepare. Try some of previous quizzes, this will give you some idea of what the questions may be like. http://www.seet.org.uk/resources/euroquiz-resources.php

Remember to take a break from your preparations and enjoy sometime out in the snow.  Stay warm!

Mrs Matos x


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