P1B Go Bananas


P1B have been learning about Fairtrade this week.  We played a game called ‘Go Bananas!’  On Tuesday afternoon our classroom was covered in bananas.  Our job was to be banana pickers, we had to collect the bananas as quickly as we could and put them in the basket for Farmer Euan.  We worked very hard but were disappointed when Farmer Euan did not get enough money for the bananas to pay us.  We thought about all the problems we would have if we didn’t have enough money – no food, clothes and maybe even no house!  We had worked very hard, it just wasn’t fair!  Luckily, he managed to negotiate a better price for all our lovely bananas – one that was fair – then he was able to pay us.

We also took part in the Linlithgow ‘Design a Fairtrade Football’ competition.  There were 3 top entries selected from each class, K, A and E were our winners.  They each worked very hard and spent a lot of time to make their designs the best they could.

To help us think about where the food we eat comes from before it is in the shops, Mrs Kennedy read us a book called ‘The World Came to my Place Today.’  It is about a boy called George who receives a supermarket delivery and his Grandad helps him to learn about where all the things in the shopping bags came from.  At the beginning of the lesson we were discussing were our food comes from, lots of us knew that food can come from a factory but this helped us to think about where is comes from before that.

Image result for the world came to my place today

We also have a farm set up in our corridor play area, this has been helping us think about our food too.  We have been enjoying playing with it and re-arranging it as we like.  We have also been colouring fairtrade pictures and painting our own fairtrade signs.

In numeracy this week, we started ‘Number Talks’  these are daily, short exercises to help us improve our number sense.  We share our thinking with our friends, helping us to develop our problem solving and mental maths skills. It is good to talk about numbers and to see the different ways others work things out.  

To begin with we have been looking at ‘ten frames’ and discussing how to work out how many spots there are without counting them (subitising).  There has been lots of great discussion, for example, “I see five spots and three spots so I know there are eight, ” “Well, I see six spots and then two spots so that’s how I know there are eight.” This is also a great way to revise number bonds.

Blank Ten Frame Free Template

We tried lots of ten frame and subitising activities in the classroom too.

In literacy we learned the sound ‘igh’ as well as practising all the sounds we have been learning over the past few weeks.  We’re getting very good at them. We really like spotting these sounds in words and using highlighter pens to highlight them.

M got an award from his Masterbuilders Lego club this week.  He built two boats, one small one and one ginormous one!

During Golden time on Friday, K, G and M made a treasure map, I overheard them discussing some of the places on it, they mentioned the Star and Garter and Tesco as well as lots of other places in Linlithgow.  They took it along to Mr Wells to out up in his office.  A great map boys!

Have a good weekend everyone, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Fairtrade in P1A

This week we learned the ‘igh’ sound.  We made ‘igh’ words with sounds on lightbulbs, practised writing ‘igh’ with rainbow writing, played ‘Fright in the Night’ on Education City, drew ‘igh’ pictures and practised writing ‘igh’ in our handwriting booklets. We also revised all the vowel digraphs that we have learned so far. We played Vowel Snakes and Ladders, played Bingo with ‘ee’ words, made ‘ai’ with play dough and wrote ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words on our whiteboards. Using our sounds, we have been reading words in our reading books and writing words and sentences in our literacy jotters.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning to find two more and two less than with numbers to 20. We have also been revising comparing numbers to 20 and ordering numbers to 20. This week we have also been using ten frames to help us to talk about how we ‘see’ numbers. We have been making different numbers on our ten frames and we have been revising our number bonds on our ten frames too. Next term we will be looking at subtracting so we will be using our ten frames to help us with our subtraction facts to 10.

This week we have been learning about Fairtrade. We watched a video called ‘Pablo the Super Banana’ about how bananas are grown and how they end up in our shops. It also told us that when we see the Fairtrade mark on food, it means that the farmers that grew them got the fair amount of money for the work they did. We also played ‘Fairtrade Bingo’ to learn about different Fairtrade products. Afterwards we designed our own Fairtrade footballs for the Linlithgow Fairtrade Partnership Competition. On Thursday afternoon we went to a Fairtrade assembly and some of us were awarded a certificate for our outstanding Fairtrade football designs.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Fairtrade Fortnight

A massive big Thank you and Well done, to all the boys and girls that took part in this years, Fairtrade Fortnight. Although we had a short week last week due to the weather, the boys and girls of Springfield Primary still managed to show their understanding and commitment to the cause.

Over the last two weeks, the children have been taking part in designing their own Fairtrade football. The Fairtrade football design was part of the Linlithgow Cluster schools Fairtrade competition. Each class chose their top three designs and after some very difficult judging we had our overall three winners, who will be attending the Linlithgow Fairtrade event tonight at Linlithgow Primary School. Well done to everybody, it was not a very easy task on having to choose the best ones as we had so many amazing and creative designs. But a big congratulations to all the winners per class, and a massive well done to our final top three.

To help us understand more about Fairtrade, on Thursday afternoon, Miss Baillie held a special Fairtrade assembly. The assembly helped us to understand the importance of buying Fairtrade products and how this ensures that farmers are being treated fairly.

Over the last two weeks, we have been encouraging the children to bring in a Fairtrade snack. Our Primary 6 children have been calculating each day how many Fairtrade snacks have been brought into school. We have two winning classes. Well done to P1A who had brought in a total of 64 fairtrade snacks and P5B who had brought in a total of 75 fairtrade snacks over the last two weeks.

To top off our Fairtrade Fortnight awareness, things went bananas on Friday. Everyone brought in a £1 to dress up as something wacky. Thank you to everyone who took part, the school sure had some very interesting and wacky dress ups. With all the £1 coins that were collected we raised a total of £174 which we will hand over to the Fairtarde charity organisation in the UK.


Thank you again to all the children, parents and staff, that supported Fairtrade Fortnight. You helped raise awareness and with your support in buying Fairtrade products and donating a £1 to dress down, you are helping ensure that a farmer is being treated fairly.

Mrs Matos and Primary 6 xx


Rights Respecting Committee

Today the Rights Respecting committee came together , we watched a children’s rights video and learnt and sang along to the children’s right song.

We worked together in groups and created our own idea of a ‘perfect’ citizen. We listed what  makes a good citizen and we also recapped on our rights and responsibilities. Each group had an opportunity to share their ideas and thoughts  with the rest of the committee members.

Please remember : ‘ Kids deserve to be happy, healthy and Safe.’ – Author Unknown.

Rights Respecting Committee and Mrs Matos



9.3.18 5A

Well done for all the great activities you did during our snow days.

This week we learned how to multiply by 2 digits to 2 digits. We are continuing to work on our multiplication tables and we were getting quite fast playing Buzz. We also started work on analogue time, minutes past, minutes to , am and pm. We found digital time easier.

Although we missed the RBS coming in to work with us for our “Party Plan”, next week we are going ahead with it and some P7 pupils will be helping us.

Fairtrade Fortnight

We were learning more about Fairtrade and we completed our footballs for the competition at Linlithgow primary tonight. We played the banana game in class.

For science we continued investigating separation this time by evaporation. We separated a solution of salt water by heating the solution over a candle. There were great salt crystals at the end.

For literacy we completes our grids for comparing life in the Palace with life as a lowlander and we are now ready for our visit to Linlithgow Palace on Monday morning. We drew pencil portraits of the important people in Mary Queen of Scots Life.




P6B Week beginning: Monday 5th march

Another busy week, the week started with excitement after the snow days, we shared our stories with peers and then had Lion King rehearsals. We found out that the Lion King show had to be postponed until after the Easter holidays.

Numeracy: This week in numeracy we’ve been doing a multiplication and division check-up. We have been practising our strategies for long division. We have also been singing a song called multiplication mashup, which helps us with our multiplication and is fun. We have continued to work on money and have used worded problems that incorporate money and division/multiplication. We also gave examples of Number Factors for various numbers.

Reading: As a class we’ve been reading Edward Tulane, by Kate Dicamillo. We have explored how his personality traits and appearance has changed based upon his life experiences.

R.M.E: We learned about the Christian Stations of the Cross and created some striking silhouette and sunset pictures of Jesus’ body being taken down from the cross. These pictures will be displayed in St Michael’s Church over Easter.

We enjoyed attending our various school committees today and sharing what we have been developing with our peers.

Fairtrade fortnight, as part of the Fairtrade fortnight we highlighted our Fairtrade snacks, we also raised money by wearing our ‘Wacky’ Fairtrade outfits, we hope you like the picture.

Have a lovely weekend

From P6B and Mrs Hogg

P7a Weekly News


This week we continued our work with volume and capacity. We used the formula V = l x b x h to calculate the volume of objects. We also solved word problems about volume and capacity, and had lots of fun making colourful mocktails where we had to accurately measure coloured water and follow a recipe. In problem solving we jumped back to fractions, decimals and percentages and had to solve word problems using what we remembered.


In writing this week we started our STEM Engineer Leaders letters. This is a competition that Mrs Tulloch will enter us for where we have to explain what skills we possess and our idea for an invention. Based on our idea and how well we sell ourselves our entries may make it to the final. The winning entries in Scotland are made by students at Strathclyde University. This week we focused on planning the letter and deciding the contents of each paragraph, next week we will write the letters.


Everyone was very excited to start our new IDL topic WWII. We started by listening to Neville Chamberlain declare war on Germany and led on to discuss the Allies and Axis powers and their leaders. The children did a little research on the leaders and then they chose a leader to create a portrait of. The leader photo was cut in half and the children had to recreate the other half thinking about proportion, shade, scale, symmetry etc

Lion King

We were all disappointed that our show was postponed due to the weather, but all agree it will be amazing when the time comes. We stopped all Lion King work on Monday and will pick it back up week beginning 16th April. A huge thank you to all our wonderful parent and grandparent helpers, we could not have done it without you all, the show will be amazing on the 24th and 25th April.

Happy weekend

Mrs Gordon and P7a





P2/3 on an Antarctic Adventure

Welcome back! Great to be back at school this week, the children were full of stories about their adventures in the snow; sledging, snow walks and igloos.

In Maths this week we have been using grid references and coordinates. We learned how to find a position on a grid and enjoyed playing grid reference bingo. We have also been working on subtraction, some of us were taking away 2 digit numbers and sharing our strategies with the class.

Our Big Writing Adventure this week took us back to Antarctica. We had to use sequencing words to tell Alan about the journey he would be taking. We absolutely loved using Google Earth to explore each step of Alan’s journey. Google Earth is a great resource to play on at home too! Here are some photos of our work:

We have been busy artists in class today but we can’t say any more than that…it’s a surprise!

I hope all the children have been completing all their Mother’s Day homework tasks… long may it continue!  Have a lovely weekend.

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x


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