P2B’s Victorian Assembly and History Teaching at SPS…

Thank you so much to Mrs Burton and P2B for their wonderful assembly about Victorians. We all really enjoyed seeing the children and Mrs Burton dressed up, singing songs and performing role-plays as they taught us about life in Victorian Britain.

I also enjoyed reading some of the children’s imaginative writing this week which described life as a Victorian child.

Across school (apart from in our upper stages), children are now coming to the end of their history learning for this session. Did you know that we have a whole-school teaching and learning progression for history? This allows all children to develop progressive skills in history and apply these as the learn about different contexts.

Our upper school children will complete their history learning next term, once they have held their two Lion King performances.

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, despite the freezing weather. Spring is surely on its way! 🌷

Jack and Victor,  our nursery Guinea Pigs,  have spent a cosy weekend with me getting spoiled!

Love Miss Baillie xx❄️💖 🐹

Springfield Gymnasts and Other Achievements…

We have had a week of further pupil successes at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Well done to a host of children from P2 upwards for their recent achievements in gymnastics. Here they all are with their medals.

Here is C in P2 who told me that he was a Sumdog, maths champion for our school last weekend. Well done to you C!  Did you know that you can access Sumdog on your laptops at home and that this motivational website can help to expand your child’s skills and confidence in Numeracy and Maths? Contact your child’s class teacher if you need access to our Sumdog login details.

Here is E, who is also in P2 with piece of writing that she did in Russian. I was most impressed at ther efforts! E’s Mum speaks Russian at home and E can say lots of words and phrases.  We have lots of children in our school and nursery who speak more than one language fluently and we are extremely proud of them. Celebrating cultural diversity is a major priority for us and part of our ‘included’ value.

Also, here are some P7 Girl Guide entrepreneurs who have been making and selling lip balm across school for a Dragon’s Den themed challenge. Well done girls! I can report that the lip balm is very good!

Finally, I must mention our school chess team who took second place at the inter-schools competition last Friday. What a great effort boys!

Miss Baillie xx 💫

P3/4 Home Learning for Week beginning 19.3.18


Hope you are having a great weekend.

Home Learning for Week beginning 19.3.18


Reading from group novel. There is no additional reading task this week so that there is more time to focus on spelling task.


Spelling words for this week are attached with i-e, o-e, u-e sounds. Children should try to learn these words and choose a spelling task on 5 of the words using a variety of the sounds.

i-e o-e o-e u-e
tire coke rose cube
wire joke vote tube
alive poke broke rude
drive woke broken duke
live hole choke flume
prize dome smoke tune
home spoke cute
cope stone chute
hope throne use
pope close fuse
rope those
hose chose
nose froze


This week’s focus is time. A good website for practising time is http://www.visnos.com/demos/clock which shows analogue and digital time together to make connections. The children do not need to know the exact minutes for analogue time but it is useful to learn 5 past, 10 past etc. not just quarter to and quarter past. Time is learned better with practical situations so can you ask your child examples of how long it will take to get to an event or how long event lasted e.g. if we leave at 5.30 for swimming which starts 6.15, how long do we have. Please emphasise that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour as they are used to most measurements being 100.

Learning across the Curriculum

Unfortunately, this is the last week of learning about the Vikings. Thank you for all the resources you shared with the class. Please ask your child to collect it back by the end of the week and finish anything they have been working on.

Have a good week!

Kind Regards


P7a Weekly News


This week we started a block to consolidate and extend our learning of the 4 operations (subtraction, addition, multiplication and division). Our focus for this week was addition, we linked this in with WWII and money, and had to calculate the costs of buying the equipment that soldiers would need. The children also had to budget. They were given an amount and had to say if they had enough to buy a parachute, entrenching tool and wire cutters for example. This was a fun way to ensure everyone remembered how to write the formal algorithm for addition and to carry across place value.


Our focus for this week was on improving and uplevelling our writing. We each chose a paragraph from a novel and tried to make it better by adding more ambitious vocabulary and looking at structure. We peer assessed this work. This helped us to be able to improve work, and our focus is to always try and do this with our own writing. We finished writing our STEM leader application letters where we used persuasive language to share our qualities and our inventions. This allowed us to look at the structure of a formal written letter. We discussed the use of your sincerely when we know the name of the person and your faithfully when we are writing dear sir etc


After learning about the leaders last week, this week we looked at the timeline for WWII and the key dates throughout the war. Each child selected an event from these dates and is creating a poster to go on our washing line, this will allow us to have our own WWII timeline in class. We also researched evacuees and found out about life for children in WWII. Some of us were surprised that people got to pick their evacuee, and that some children did not have a happy experience. We heard stories from evacuees using the BBC website and looked at photos. We then wrote down words to describe how they must have felt when they left home, but could not used sad or scared… Our next step is to write a letter home to our parents putting ourselves in the shoes of an evacuee.

French and Spanish

This week in French we did a listening and written assessment of our understanding of food and drink in French. Mrs Gordon was very impressed by the quality of this assessment, everyone was able to understand orders in French and translate to English, and vice versa. In Spanish we looked at “Mi familia” my family. We learnt the words for our family members and then started to draw a family tree in Spanish. This lesson helped us see the links between feminine words ending in “a” and masculine words ending in “o”. An example of this is abulelo (grandfather) and abuela (grandmother).

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

This week we had lots of visitors for our programme to allow the children to find out about different jobs. These sessions allow the children to listen to parents in different careers and find out how they got to their current position. The children then ask questions which help them further their understanding, and allow them to demonstrate confidence and an ability to talk to adults. This week we had a Procurator Fiscal, a Grid Engineer (electrical engineer), a Project Manager and a Captain from the Merchant Navy. All the talks were fantastic, even Mrs Gordon was considering a career in the Merchant Navy after this…

Have a great weekend from Mrs Gordon and P7a.



Primary 2B

We have spent quite a bit of time doing assembly practice but have done some Literacy and Maths.

In Maths we have continued with using different units of measure and have been estimating and then measuring different items in the classroom. Then we started to do the same for weight.

In Phonics, my group have been revising the common words and thinking of different clues we can use to help us to remember how to spell these words. We have written a diary entry entitled “A Day in the Life of a Victorian Child”. The children were asked to choose whether they wanted to be a child from a rich home, poor home, the workhouse, a chimney sweep, a miner etc. They wrote some great entries and really enjoyed doing it.

We had our last session of Futsal this week and the children have thoroughly enjoyed it. I will continue to teach the skills after Easter.

A brilliant assembly P2B. You all did so well and I was  so proud of you all. Super, clear voices, all remembered what you had to do and looked fantastic in your costumes. Just remind me not to do an assembly the same week as Parents’ evenings!

Our Week in P1B

Another busy week in P1B!  We have been learning the spelling patterns ‘oa’ and ‘ow’.  We have been practising these sounds inside and outside  – even though the weather wasn’t very kind to us we didn’t mind and we are remembering the sounds really well as we remember the activities we did outside.  The different environment meant  that different senses were heightened than those we use inside and this helps us to learn.

We have been counting in 2s a lot!  Not just at numeracy time but also at lots of different times during the day to help us to become very familiar with counting in this way.  We made ‘even number aliens’ every part of their bodies had to be an even number, drawing these made us think carefully about even numbers and we counted in 2s as we drew.  Here are some of our creations:

Mrs Kennedy read us a funny story called ‘The Badly Behaved Bus’ he was very naughty – he went through puddles and splashed people, didn’t stop at the bus stop and drove straight over roundabouts.  We made Wanted posters to let everyone else know about him.  We wrote very good sentences and some of us were using ‘and’ as a joining word to allow us to write even longer sentences.

In PE, we continued to pracitse our tennis skills.  We were trying hard with our hand-eye coordination, throwing the ball at first and then hitting it with a racket.  We know that good tennis players are in control of the ball so we were careful to hit it gently and accurately rather than really hard.  We’re getting really quite good.

Have a good weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy


P5B Week commencing 19th March 2018

On Monday we all went on a visit to Linlithgow Palace to find out about its history and more about the life of Mary Queen of Scots. We were shown around the palace by children from Linlithgow Primary who have been trained as guides by Historic Scotland.  The guides were very knowledgeable and told us all about the different rooms in the palace and what life would have been like when Mary Queen of Scots was there.  After the guided tour the children asked lots of interesting questions and then did some sketching of their favourite parts of the palace which we will use to add to our classroom display.

In Maths we have started looking at division using our table knowledge to help us. Some of us have been finding it a bit tricky so we will do more work on this next week.  We also used our knowledge of number to complete the “Mystery of the Slalom Flags” where someone had stolen all the flags for the winter Paralympics downhill ski run.  Luckily we were able to solve the mystery and the event did not have to be postponed for too long!

In Literacy we used our research skills to find out more facts about the history of the palace and the information a tourist would need if they wanted to go on a visit. We will use this information next week to design a tourist information leaflet for Historic Scotland.

On Wednesday we had an amazing talk from Mr Hector Woodhouse who was a Civil Engineer involved in the design and construction of the Forth Road Bridge. He explained the concept of how the bridge was constructed and told us some amazing facts and stories about what it was like to be involved in the construction.  He also showed us some breath taking pictures of him and a colleague walking across the bridge and holding onto some wires as part of the walkway was incomplete.  He was one of the first people to cross from one side to the other!  The information and facts he provided will help us with our visit to the Forth Bridge Education Centre on Monday.

For science we continued investigating separation this time by evaporation. We separated a solution of salt water by heating the solution over a candle. There were great salt crystals at the end of the experiment.

We also started work on the RBS Money Sense activity “Party Planning” which was postponed due to the bad weather. We have been working in teams to complete the activity and have managed to decide who we wish to organise the party for and what activities they would like.  Next week we will finish the activity by calculating the amount of money we will require and try to stay within the allocated budget.

P6A Weekly Blog

Numeracy:  This week we consolidated using the formal written method  for division. Continuing with money, we concentrated on budgeting and we calculated what we could afford. Working with number patterns, we used partitioning using brackets for addition and multiplication.

Literacy: We’ve been getting very creative during literacy this week. We used a picture stimuli to help us to write an imaginative story. In our writing we concentrated on sentence openers and the use of exciting adjectives.  West Lothian’s young writers competition is fast approaching, we spend some time creating some very creative writing pieces. We continued practicing our proof reading and editing skills,  paying attention to the use of the apostrophe and homophone errors.

IDL: This week we took a closer look at the impact the Industrial revolution had on the population, work, living conditions , health and medicine. We compared  this to previous years before the revolution.

RME: With Mrs Mendes we learnt about the Easter story. We have also been practicing our Easter songs that we will be singing at the Easter service on Friday, 23 March at St Michael’s church.

PE: We had another fun filled rugby taster session this week. With Mrs Reid we have been playing some badminton.

1+2:  In Spanish this week, we continued to practice our greetings and feelings vocabulary and we started to learn the Spanish alphabet and have tried to use the Spanish Alphabet to spell each others names. In French we practiced our greetings and learnt the French pronunciations of colours.


What we have to look forward to:

Monday 19 March- P6 Camp information evening at 17:00

Thursday 22 March – Visit to Cross house for Cracking Easter.

Friday 23 March – Easter service at St Michael’s church.


Mrs Matos and P6A






Counting in 2s and the Badly Behaved Bus (P1A)

This week we have been learning the ‘-y’, ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ sounds.  We matched ‘oa’ words and pictures, highlighted ‘oa’ words in the story ‘Oakley the Toad’, played ‘Goat Load’ on Education City and practised writing ‘oa’ words and sentences on our whiteboards and in our literacy jotters. When we were learning the ‘ow’ sound we played ‘ow’ bingo, wrote ‘ow’ words with rainbow chalk, made ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ words with sounds in hoops and played an ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ Snakes and Ladders game.

On Monday afternoon Miss Harrison read us a story called ‘The Badly Behaved Bus’. We spoke to our chatty partners about all the things that the bus did that were naughty. We made Wanted posters to try and catch the badly behaved bus. We used a title, included a picture of the badly behaved bus and wrote a sentence about what he was wanted for. Can you believe that he drove over roundabouts and ruined the flowers and soaked people with puddles! We were able to use a joining word in our sentences and we worked really hard on our posters.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning to count in 2s. We looked at counting in 2s and using even numbers. We painted the even numbers on our Splat Square, ordered even number pebbles, found the missing even numbers, played ‘Deep Discoveries’ on Education City and we made our own Mr Even characters! We have started to look at odd numbers but we will continue to practise counting on in 2s and finding odd and even numbers next week.

On Thursday we went to the Community Wing to continue to practise our movement skills. We were able to share with others and take turns and we worked really well together in our teams. Well done to our fantastic gymnasts who took part in the ‘Linlithgow School of Gymnastics’ show last weekend.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Primary 3/4 Blog Week Ending 16.3.18


Dear All

This week in literacy we did reading in our reading groups.

We did our spelling test on ‘a-e’ and ‘i-e’ words.

In numeracy we were learning analogue and digital time learning minutes to and past, half past, quarter past, quarter to and o`clock. We also played dominos with cards that had clocks on them. We did times tables with dices.

In health and wellbeing we did PE.  We played tennis, football and badminton it was fun.

In learning across the curriculum we displayed what we learned about the Vikings and tidied our class

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Cori and Daniel


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