Primary 6 Residential Camp at Dalguise.

Primary 6 have recently returned from a fun filled  week at Dalguise. Our week was filled with plenty of fun and adventurous outdoor activities. All children took part in a range of challenging activities, activities such as, zip wiring, abseiling, trapeze, quad biking, raft  building and so, so much more. Everyone took on the challenges and pushed themselves beyond their comfort zones. The week has definitely left everyone with long lasting memories. Special friendship bonds were formed and an outstanding growth in confidence and resilience for all.


Home Learning 16.4.18

Home Learning 16.4.18

Hope you had a good weekend.

Please see link above for home learning that should be in jotters.

Everyone should be doing the numeracy which is reinforcing that doubles are x 2, unless they are working on second level.

If your child has been given a booklet, they have to do the ‘oa’ sounds. Everyone else has to do all the ‘ck’ and ‘ke’ sounds.

Have  a good week!

Badminton Success!

Congratulations to four Primary 7 boys who achieved success at the West Lothian Badminton competition yesterday. Well done in particular to C who was the singles winner for his age group.  We are very proud of you all boys! Another sporting achievement for Springfield! Hooray! What superstars our pupils are!

Miss Baillie xx

Back to school at Springfield and Bonnytoun…

We are all back to school and nursery refreshed after our Easter holiday.

We started off the week with an exciting addition to our school playground. One of our parents has kindly donated a lantern from the Edinburgh Zoo Chinese Lantern Festival which took place over the winter. We are now the proud owner of an amazing piece of art work made out of pure silk. The lantern takes the form of a flower and is brightening up our back playground whilst providing a stilumus for play.  Please take a look if your are passing. Thank you so much to Mrs Biggar and her helpers for getting the lantern to Springfield.  We are very grateful.

We held a further ‘wellbeing’assembly yesterday where we looked at what it means to be respected. We learned that to get respect from others then you need to give it. We understand the importance of being respectful at home, in school and around our community. We also learned how adults show respect for children around school. Did you know that both Springfield and Bonnytoun are UNICEF, Rights, Respecting Schools? We take children’s rights seriously and work hard to uphold these at all times.

We are currently undertaking some Health and Wellbeing self-evaluation work as a staff in both school and nursery.  As part of this, you will have been emailed a link to a parental survey which we’d love you to compete if you have time please. The children in school and nursery are also completing surveys around the Wellbeing Indicators. We want to know how healthy our children feel that they are and what we can do to improve this.

We will use all findings to make improvements to what we currently do in Health and Wellbeing and across our whole curriculum.

We have had a number of children in our infant department and nursery who have celebrated a birthday over the holidays. They are pictured below wearing their birthday stickers…

Here are our latest pupil achievements…

Well done to C in P3/4 for his success in Enjoy-a-Ball and also to the Stapleton siblings for their hard work in swimming!

Please see the end of this post for photographs.

Have a lovely weekend in the slightly, milder weather folks!


Miss Baillie xx🌷



Primary 2B

From before Easter – working out weights of different objects and our Easter egg hunt. Having fun relay races with P2A.

Welcome back everyone. Hope that you all had a good Easter break. The children have all settled back into school and work.

We are going to start writing a variety of stories this term and the children began with ” We were at the zoo, when an elephant escaped!”. Some fantastic ideas – well done Primary 2B. They have also been busy with dictionaries this week – learning how to put words in alphabetical order, where to find words in the dictionary, understanding what types of words they are and meanings of words.

In Numeracy we have been ordering numbers between 100 -1000, looking at numbers halfway between one and another and beginning to estimate.

With all the Spring flowers out, we have been learning how to draw daffodils and tulips. Some brilliant drawings.

The children so enjoyed “The Christmasaurus” that  we are reading another book by Tom Fletcher – “The Creakers”. They are already getting into it and enjoying it.

We have watched a” Living and Growing” DVD and talked about the differences between us.

So a busy start to the term. Have a good weekend everyone.

P7b Weekly Blog


  • Identifying multiple lines of symmetry from 2D shapes and patterns
  • Creating our own designs reflected across vertical and horizontal axes of symmetry
  • Carrying out rotational symmetry in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction
  • Designing symmetrical mascots for Team Scotland at Commonwealth Games
  • Consolidating our knowledge of inverse operations with Mrs. Doran


  • Developing our comprehension skills through the interpretation of WWII propaganda
  • Discussing the main themes, purposes and reasons for use of varied propaganda
  • Making our own examples of propaganda on a theme of our choice
  • Consolidating our knowledge of similes, metaphors and personification
  • Applying this knowledge to create poems with Mrs. Doran

Health and Wellbeing

  • Started our block of fitness and track athletics for P.E
  • Carried out baseline assessment of our fitness levels using Cooper Test method (12 minute run)
  • Springfield 1 remain unbeaten after 3 wins and a draw at our final football league meeting on Monday
  • Springfield 2 put in an outstanding performance to beat Linlithgow Bridge 3-0

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

  • Visits from various professionals this week
  • Mrs. McKellar – Speech and Language Therapist
  • Mr. Sexton – Project Manager (Scottish Water)
  • Mrs. Waldron – Landscape Planner
  • Mrs. MacKenzie – Police Scotland
  • Ms. McLeod – Bauer Academy (Media)
  • Developing the Young Workforce event at SRUC Oatridge Campus

Have a great weekend everyone!

P7b and Mr. Logan

Expressive Art

Scott- We were learning to paint and draw farm animals inspired by Steven Brown


We discussed what we wanted to learn about our IDL topic.


Cormac-  We did multiplication by 10, 100 and 1000.  We also played multiplication games like hopscotch and Snakes and ladders.



Mia- wen used the netbooks to search for faming facts.  We learnt different types of farms and what they produce.

Grammar- We learnt about Irregular past tense and interesting words.


We have learnt dance moves during our PE class.  We also had fun showing off our dance moves during a dance battle.

Week ending 13.4.18 5A

Hello and welcome back to everyone after our Easter holidays.

This week,  in number  we have started division sums by 1 digit. It has been quite challenging but with practice we are making good progress.

During our reading,  we talked about  literacy circle and chose from a wide  selection of novels.  We should be ready to start this in 2 weeks.

We copied our Babbington Plots onto aged paper ( which smelt of coffee). We wrote thank you letters to Mr Woodhouse, Elaine at the Queensferry Crossing and the Linlithgow Primary Palace guides.

In science we have started our new topic of light and had great fun investigating light sources and reflectors under cover. We took photos but all you can see is us under the sheets!


At last we got into the PE hall and were able to shoot at basketball – Harlem Globe Trotters look out.

We had music with Mrs Bain this week twice and really enjoyed the different activities.

Welcome back to P1A!

Welcome back to the final term of P1A. We have had a busy first week back at school!

This week we learned the ‘oo’ sound. We drew ‘oo’ pictures, made ‘oo’ looking glasses, made ‘oo’ words with Cheerios and play dough, looked for ‘oo’ words with magnifying glasses and played ‘Big Cook Book’ on Education City. We also practised writing our common words.


On Tuesday we went on our first school trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway (Please see our separate blog post about our trip). On Wednesday and Thursday we looked at the photographs from our trip and we wrote a report using words such as ‘first’, ‘then’, ‘next’ and ‘finally’. We were able to write the events in order and use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and joining words. We worked very hard with our writing and we included lots of detail.

In Numeracy and Maths, we looked at ordinal numbers. We stood in a line and worked out who was first, second, third, fourth and fifth. Then we ordered ordinal number cards, raced cars and awarded them with medals, played ‘Tractor Race’ on Education City, completed an ordinal numbers transport cut and stick activity and coloured in animals according to their ordinal number.

This week we also looked at the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’. We looked at the rhyming words in the text and we also talked about the characters, events and ideas in the story. The snail and the whale were good friends and helped each other. On Monday afternoon we completed different activities relating to the story. Some of us wrote letters to the snail or the whale to thank them for being helpful, some of us used paint and paper plates to make snails, some of us used glitter paint and practised our common words using glitter trails and some of us made spirals with play dough and loose parts.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

P5B Week commencing 9th April 2018

In Maths we finished off our work on division and on Wednesday we moved onto time. We have been revising what we know already know about this topic and have been calculating what the time would be before and after a period of time has passed.  In addition to this we have also been comparing how the time appears on an analogue and a digital clock.  We have also been continuing to revise our table knowledge by playing some team games to help us.  On Friday we challenged ourselves by taking part in the BIG Maths and Multiplication activities and found that our scores are continuing to improve!

In Literacy we used our research skills to find out information about Linlithgow that would help a tourist who was coming to visit the town. We combined this information with what we already knew about Linlithgow Palace to design and create a very interesting and informative leaflet for the Scottish Tourist Board.  The leaflet is full of information to help and attract tourists to visit our lovely town.

We also looked at different styles of letters and wrote thank you letters to Mr Woodhouse, Elaine at the Forth Road Bridge Education Centre and the children from Linlithgow Primary who were our guides when we visited Linlithgow Palace. After drafting the letters and checking our spelling and punctuation we transferred the letters onto paper with specially designed borders that we had made.  Some of the borders on the letter heads contain pictures of the Bridges and the Palace.

For science we finished off our work on investigating separation by evaporation.

On Thursday we looked at a video all about Internet Safety to help us learn about the importance of keeping ourselves safe. We have also started to design posters for display around the school.

Altogether a very busy first week back in P5B!

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