Hello from Springfield and Bonnytoun…

Another week has flown by in school and nursery. Our P6 and P7 children have been putting the final touches to their Lion King performance which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week. We are so looking forward to the show!

Yesterday, P3 held a super assembly about Scottish Inventors. We learned lots and enjoyed watching the children perform-what confidence they all showed!

Here are some birthday children from this week:

We have also had a number of pupil achievements…

A in P5 came to show me a picture of her as a flower-girl. A duty that she performed recently at a family wedding. How exciting for you A!

Some little P2/3 girls came along to let me listen to a song that they have created and recorded! Who says that we don’t teach music and digital literacy well at Springfield! Thank you to Miss Prince for her amazing talents in this area! How creative of you all too!

The lovely G in P5 shared her Girls Brigade success with me. I am so proud of you G! You always try your very best in all that you do!

U who is also in P5 was very excited about her recent dancing achievement. Congratulations to you U!

Finally, M in P1 came along to my office to show me his Roman ladder that he made during free play. I was most impressed!

We work really hard in school and nursery to allow every child to shine. I’ve been speaking to the children a lot this week about the fact that we all of our own strengths and how it is good to be unique and different. This is something that we should celebrate. We are all one of a kind!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine today,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖🌞

Lion King P6 and P7

Well it is the end of an emotional week with our Lion King rehearsals. The children took a little time to get back into the swing of things at Linlithgow Academy yesterday. Mrs Matos and Mrs Gordon were a little worried that the children had forgotten all their positions and had lost their voices…

Today however, they proved us wrong and our morning rehearsal ended with a massive cheer. We had goosebumps during their performances… and cannot wait to share this with you all next week. #teamlionking, #hakunamatata, #circleoflife, #P6&7superstars.

Here are some photos of rehearsals.


P1B Life Cycles and Guess the Baby!

We began the week learning the ‘ew’ sound.  We wrote the words on plastic pockets and made words on our magnet boards, working in small groups to do these tasks.

We have begun to read number names up to twenty.  This was tricky to start with, but we have practised every day and we are getting pretty good.  We will keep going with this next week too.  In outer maths on Thursday we started to work on coin recognition.  There are some really good computer games for this and we played coin bingo and worked in small groups with Mrs Kennedy to complete our worksheets.  We have been putting on shows in our role play corner this week, we also have a ticket office with money so we can practise using the coins to pay for things and give change.

We began our mini topic on life cycles.  We learned about the life cycle of a frog and then human life cycles.  The baby photos were great – thank you! It was lots of fun trying to guess who each baby was.  We also had great discussions about what we couldn’t do as a baby but we can do now.  We really enjoyed thinking about what we will be like as teenagers and what we’d like to do when we are adults.

We have now completed our ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ wall display, with the addition of our ‘Rainbow Fish.’  We used celery and rainbow coloured paints to print colourful scales on our fish.  It’s looking really good and we have tried lots of different art techniques as we built up the display.

A last the weather has cottoned on to the fact that it is Spring!  We had a great time playing outside with P1A on Thursday.

Let’s hope the weather stays for the weekend and we can all get outside and enjoy it.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P7a weekly news


This week we finished our work on angles. Everyone was able to identify acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex angles. We also worked on drawing and measuring angles as well as solving problems with missing angles.  We then moved onto coordinates and direction. We looked at coordinates in all 4 quadrants and were able to name and plot them accurately. To finish off and consolidate our learning we played battleships with a partner.


Last week in literacy we started poems with Mrs Lawrie to demonstrate use of abstract and proper nouns. We then used this knowledge to create a poem which also included lots of figurative language. We finished our class novel “Wonder” which we all agreed was really wonderful…and we have started watching the DVD. We are taking notes and next week will write a comparative piece on the novel and film.


In French we looked at the names of body parts. We can all now sing “tete, epaules, genous, pieds” (head, shoulders, knees and toes) in French. We wrote a few sentences about a monster and a partner had to draw the monster, some had about 5 heads…Next week we will use our knowledge of body parts to describe when something hurts.


This week we finished our Propaganda posters where we had to choose a slogan and use persuasive language to convince the audience to do what we needed. We then went on to hear about and research the Blitz. In partners the children picked a British city that was impacted by the Blitz and used the netbooks to find out some key facts. We shall continue our research next week.

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

We had 2 visitors this week : Mr Vereker who told us about his job in rope access, and Mr Matheson who told us about his job as a software writer as well as other software related jobs. Both talks were very interesting, and as with all of these talks, gave the children an idea of the types of jobs that exist that they may not know about.

Have a wonderful weekend, looking forward to seeing you all at the Lion King next week.

Mrs Gordon and P7a



P3 Scottish Inventors!

This week has been super busy for the class! We have had our first Futsal lesson, which we really enjoyed, we have been outside litter picking to help keep our playground looking great and of course the preparation for our amazing assembly!

The whole class presented confidently and with enthusiasm at both assembly performances! They spoke clearly and all knew exactly what to do and when. It was brilliant to see their creativity shine through!

Well done everyone!

Mrs McVay

Number names and life cycles (P1A)

This week we were learning the number names to 20. We played number names bingo, matched the number names to the numerals, practised writing the number words, made a number names graffiti wall and made the number names with our play dough. We also played ‘Teddy Numbers’ on our new Promethean board and matched number names to numerals in our workbooks.


This week we started to learn about money. We looked at all the coins up to £2. We played ‘Dino Day Out’ on Education City, sorted coins into the correct money amounts, played coin bingo and cut out coins and matched them to the correct amount.

This week our new sound was ‘ew’. We made ‘ew’ words on our magnetic boards, made ‘ew’ words with play dough, practised writing ‘ew’ words on our whiteboards, wrote ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ sentences in our literacy jotters and played ‘Matthew’s Stew’ on Education City.

On Thursday we took part in our whole school litter pick. We worked in teams to look for any litter in our school grounds and we used litter picks and bags to collect the litter. We made sure that we washed our hands afterwards and Miss Harrison even made us use hand gel!

This week we have been learning about life cycles as part of our P1 Health and Wellbeing ‘Relationships’ trail. We looked at the life cycle of a frog. We cut out pictures to make our own frog life cycle diagrams and we wrote a sentence about the life cycle underneath. We also played ‘Roll, Say, Colour’ using the frog life cycle, coloured and labelled a diagram and played a frog life cycle game on the Promethean board. On Thursday, we looked at the human life cycle. We drew pictures of what we look like now then we drew pictures of what we think we will look like as an adult and as an elderly person! We also talked about the basic needs of a baby.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A , Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

P5B Week commencing 16th April 2018

In Maths we have been learning how to calculate basic time intervals using the 12 and 24 hour clocks. In addition to this we have also been learning to read different types of timetables and calculating how long it takes to travel from one point to another.  We have also been looking at calendars and discovered they contain number patterns in the months and years.  On Friday we challenged ourselves by taking part in BIG Maths and Multiplication quiz.

In Literacy we wrote imaginative stories, poems, newspaper articles and cartoon strips for our entries into the West Lothian Young Writers competition. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that we will have produced some of the winning entries this year!

In Reading we launched our Literacy Circle Groups and learned about all the different types of roles we will have each week. We are all looking forward to our first circle meeting on Wednesday.

In art we used some of our writing to make fake parchment documents which date back to the time of Mary Queen of Scots.

In Science we started to investigate different types of light sources and how it can be reflected.

16.4.18 P2A


In Numeracy we started learning about Fractions. We were revising halves and quarters of shapes. We also learnt about halving numbers and linked this to our work on doubles. We had lots of practical activities set up to help us apply our new skills to different contexts.

In Literacy we were learning about how Alan the explorer travelled to Antarctica. We talked about different modes of transport then had to use different sentence starters to describe Alan’s journey. We were learning how to use an Atlas and a globe.

We have also been learning how to use a dictionary this week. We used our knowledge of alphabetical order to help us.

P2A and P2B worked together to look at different landmarks in Linlithgow. We had a great discussion about our favourite places and talked about the Geography of Linlithgow. We then mixed the classes up and worked in pairs to create a poster to advertise our favourite places.

We continued our work on Charlie and the Chocolate factory and this week we were focussing on the characters in the story. We created a character profile for Charlie and Grandpa Joe to demonstrate what we have learnt about them so far. We had to use examples from the story to support our answers and we had to use the word ‘because’ to help us explain our thinking.

In phonics Miss Mudd’s group were learning all about questions. We learnt how to use a question mark and we were learning how to spell some of our key questioning words. We had to look at different pictures and think of questions we could ask about them.

With our milk this week, we have been looking at different pictures and developing our inference skills. We have to look for clues in the picture and try to make inferences and predictions based on what we can see. We had to look for clues and find the evidence. It is like becoming a reading detective!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine

Miss Mudd and P2A x

P2/3 out in the spring sunshine :)

After a sick start to the week (quite literally!) we are getting back to normality in P2/3. I won’t collect homework in tomorrow as lots of children have only just returned to school. Homework next week is to practise words for the assembly and to catch up on this week’s tasks and reading.

Our Big Writing Adventure this week made us miniature and took us to the beach! We wrote postcards about our trip; riding the waves on rulers, crawling inside mussel shells and climbing to the top of sandcastles! What wonderful imaginations we have in P2/3.

In Maths we started learning our 4 times tables, we played games on our fancy new board and sang some times tables songs. We also began our work on fractions of an amount, we can find a half and  a quarter of an amount by sharing objects equally into groups.

We’ve been out in the beautiful weather today; litter picking, practising our phonics words and playing a game of man hunt.

We also finished our See the Sea is Beautiful music video today, we can’t wait for you to see it next Friday!

Have a great (healthy) weekend 🙂

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x












P7b Weekly Blog


  • Established the difference between a pattern (shapes) and a sequence (numbers)
  • Explained and used rules to extend well known number sequences including square numbers, triangular numbers and Fibonacci sequences
  • Applied knowledge of multiples, factors and square numbers to generate and continue number sequences
  • Challenged peers to solve our own pattern and sequence problems


  • Completed our personal projects on an aspect of WWII and received our feedback
  • Beginning to summarise our personal projects ahead of our class talks
  • Carried out research on the blitz in Scotland and how this affected those in Glasgow and the surrounding areas
  • Used the Literacy Box for comprehension challenges and consolidated our learning of grammatical rules and punctuation
  • Began reading and exploring the themes within our new WWII related class novel, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
  • See examples of our propaganda below


  • Created a display around our classroom door using our propaganda posters
  • Produced blitz artwork using watercolour paints and silhouettes of British and German aircraft
  • See examples of our artwork below

Health and Wellbeing

  • Continued improving our physical fitness as part of a fitness and track athletics block in P.E
  • Completed a fitness circuit with various activities and exercises
  • Recorded and tracked our progress using score sheets at each of the 8 stations
  • Football team trained in preparation for this year’s George Allan tournament on Sunday 20th May, 7-a-side games with a formation/shaping focus
  • Netball girls participated in their final league meeting of the year, finishing 3rd in the cluster league standings
  • MF and LC successfully led our Cheerleading after school club for their younger peers ahead of their showcase event

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

  • We welcomed Mr. Vereker into class to speak about his job in rope access
  • Mr. Matheson also visited us to speak about his job as Software Writer
  • Putting together our list of professionals and local businesses ahead of our P7 Careers Fayre on 1st May at 6pm

Lion King

  • Final preparations and rehearsals taking place for our Lion King performances at Linlithgow Academy next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
  • All tickets now sold out for the Tuesday evening and a very limited number remaining for Wednesday
  • See photos below of us rehearsing below
  • Next Week

  • Monday 23rd April – After school football training outdoors at 3.15pm
  • Tuesday 24th April – Full day dress rehearsal at Linlithgow Academy and Lion King performance at 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 25th April – Lion King performance at 7.30pm
  • Thursday 26th April – Mr. Boiling visiting for WWII at Sea presentation, rugby taster sessions to begin, sports leaders to assist at Minikickers football for P1 at 3.15pm

As always, have a great weekend when it arrives!

P7b and Mr. Logan

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