P7a Weekly Blog

What a busy week in P7a! Here’s what’s been going on…

Numeracy and Mathematics

Our learning this week has allowed us to extend our knowledge of angles. We started on Monday by recapping on our prior knowledge of angle types and identified examples of these in school, the playground and the wider built environment. These were acute, right angles, obtuse, straight lines, reflex and complete turns. Following on from this, we were able to measure and draw angles of varied sizes using a protractor. Angles can be named using the letters representing the arms (lines) and vertex (where the lines meet). The vertex must always represent the middle letter, e.g. < ABC where B is the vertex. We have also been introduced to complementary, supplementary and vertically opposite angles. Complementary angles add up to 90°, supplementary to 180° and vertically opposite angles are always the same.

Literacy and English

Yesterday, we finished reading Boy in the Striped Pajamas, which has been our shared reading text over the past few weeks. We discussed different symbols within the text and the themes that they represent. For example, Ethan commented on the fact that the striped pajamas symbolised the persecution and dehumanisation of Jewish people. A fantastic and worthy contribution! There were a number of context clues within the final chapters which we used to infer what was going to happen. We found the ending to the story incredibly powerful and rather upsetting. Although it was hard to listen to, we all agreed that the key learning point to take from the story relates closely to the final line; “Of course, all this happened a long time ago and nothing like that could ever happen again. Not in this day and age”. Always be kind to others and treat people fairly. Race, religion, skin colour, gender, physical appearance and sexual orientation are irrelevant. We are all human beings, so celebrate diversity and allow equality to prevail. On Thursday, Miss Baillie and Mr. Ritchie visited class to see what a writing lesson looks like in P7a. We were writing letters from the perspective of a child evacuee in WWII whilst attempting to portray their feelings and emotions during this traumatic experience. Finley was chosen as our Star Writer for February and we’re incredibly proud of him. What a great addition he has been to our class and school!

Health and Wellbeing

Our football season kicked off on Tuesday at Xcite, with 30 of our footballers in action. Mr. Logan was incredibly impressed with the positive attitude, enthusiasm, sense of fair play and skill level demonstrated by all children. He’s incredibly confident that it will be another successful year for our football teams, as they follow in the footsteps of last year’s trophy winners. Thank you to Miss Baillie, Mrs. Tomczynski and our former pupil Robbie Tomczynski who assisted with the coaching on Tuesday afternoon. We couldn’t have managed without them!

In P.E this week, we were continuing to develop our skills in dodgeball before applying these in different match adaptations. Below you can see some of us practising our throwing and catching. In between each throw, we had to create a finger-tap sequence (our fingers were numbered 1 to 4) before catching the ball. As we improved our ability to do so, we added in 5th and 6th numbers to our sequence before sharing these combinations with a learning partner. In game situations, we developed the accuracy of our throw by not only trying to eliminate opponents but also striking targets on our opponents’ side of the court. Next week we aim to further improve our peripheral vision, spatial awareness and positioning.

Learning Across the Curriculum

As part of the Developing the Young Workforce initiative (DYW) our Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme continued this week with four more visitors in class. We welcomed in Marlous Peterse (a Theatre Manager), Ben Johnson (an aircraft engineer), Joe and Claire from Sygenta (agrochemicals) and Iain Fyfe (volunteer in school, retired HR Manager and ex-professional referee). These visits have been a fantastic learning experience, allowing us to extend our knowledge of the variety of careers, occupations, business and workplaces out there. The important message this week was not to assume that everyone leaves school, goes to college or university then finds a job in that field. Our visitors alluded to the fact that everyone’s journey into work takes a different route and there really is no right or wrong way to get there. Find something which is suited to your unique skill set and make sure you’re passionate about it! We look forward to hearing from more visitors next week including a Procurator Fiscal, Defense Lawyer and Policewoman.

Coming Up…

Here are important upcoming dates for the P7 diaries…

  • 4.3.19 – Deborah Demick (Procurator Fiscal) and Neil Hay (Defense Lawyer) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 4.3.19 – After school football outdoors from 3.15-4.15pm
  • 4.3.19 – Football kit to be returned please
  • 5.3.19 – Scottish Opera workshop (all day)
  • 6.3.19 – Claire MacPherson (Police Scotland) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 7.3.19 – P6 Fairtrade Bake Sale
  • 8.3.19 – World Book Day assembly
  • 8.3.19 – Pupil Voice Committee meetings
  • 11.3.19 – Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood lessons begin in Health and Wellbeing
  • 11.3.19 – Fidelma Guest (Dietician) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 12.3.19 – Grant Armstrong and Scott Brown visiting P7 for S1 transition talk
  • 12.3.19 – Deborah Paton (Sustrans) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 12.3.19 – Jennie King (NHS – Nurse) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme
  • 14.3.19 – P7 Information Evening for children, parents and carers at Linlithgow Academy
  • 15.3.19 – Natalie Boyle (Eye Surgeon) visiting P7 for SfLLW programme

We’ve lots to look forward to! Have a great weekend everyone!

P7a and Mr. Logan


P3B Breaking News

We have had a ‘news’ focus this week. Some of our lessons have been linked to our class novel, The Ice Monster by David Walliams. It is a funny book with lots of very interesting characters.  It is quite exciting too, we’ve had quite a few cliff hangers already.  We are also learning a bit about science and Victorian London as we read.

Continue reading “P3B Breaking News”

School and Nursery News from this Week

Today we held our next ‘Wellbeing Indicator’ assembly focused on ‘we are achieving.’   As you all know, we track each pupil’s health and wellbeing on a daily and termly basis at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We have noticed from the data that we gather, that some children  have the false perception that they are not achieving in school or are worried about how well they are doing. This is something that we are seeking to rectify by the messages that we give our learners and we’d ask for your support with this at home. Everyone is doing well and all children in school and nursery are making progress.

 We talked today in assembly about ‘achievement’ being about progress. We also learned that achievement can be realised when you believe in yourself, practise a skill until it is mastered and never give up! It was also explained to children that we need to be comfortable with our own strengths and weeknesses and see the beauty in our uniqueness.

We also had a ‘sneaky peek’ at the Glee performance which some of our P6 and P7 pupils will showcase at Howden Park Centre in the next few weeks. The children look and sound amazing and we can’t wait to see them perform on the night. Thank you to Mrs Bell for her support with this.

Pupil achievements for this week:

– Well done to A and K in P1 for their achievements in gymnastics and Enjoy-a-ball.

-A brilliant effort from L in P3 for making progress in swimming.

-Well done to S and O in P4 for gymnastics success.

-Finally to A in P3 and R in P4 also for making progress in swimming.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫




P1a weekly news


We learnt 2 new digraphs this week “ee” and “ea”. It is quite hard to tell which one to use so we are trying to practice this as much as possible. We are pointing to our ears for the ea and our eyes for the ee (like see). We also worked with partners to find ee words in a story.


In subtraction this week we tackled the tricky topic of missing number sums. P1a worked so hard and shared their strategies with the class. Some people used fingers, some used blocks, some number lines and some just did it in their heads…It was especially hard when the first number was missing eg ? – 2 = 8.

We also had to use different strategies with money this week. We had a jar of coins and had to add them up. Then we had to fill a jar with the coins to make an amount eg 12p. Some of us had to work out that to make 86p we should first start with a 50p. Mrs Gordon couldn’t believe how well we did!


This week we have been designing and describing trains.


We had a visit from 2 ladies from the Linlithgow Fair Trade group. We learnt all about farmer’s getting a fair price for their products and played some games. We then got to taste some yummy Fair trade chocolate!

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a.

P4 class


This week we used column method of subtraction.  We learnt budgeting and we worked out change from £5 and £10-   by LKS.

DL created budgeting game for all the P4s which they enjoyed.



We learnt more about Ancient Egyptian life.  We compared the lives of rich and poor.  We talked about the different rulers and what they are remembered for.


Expressive art

We applied our knowledge of symmetry by creating an portrait of Tutankhamun.



We wrote a letter of complaint.  We had to use examples to make our letter convincing.   We had to use powerful adjectives too- LL

We up levelled our writing too –SCD


I learned about irregular past tense of the verb- IKB






Fairtrade Fortnight in P3A

In P3A we have been very busy since our last blog post!

Last week we concluded learning about time in Numeracy and Mathematics. We revised quarter past and quarter to times and we learned how to calculate time durations and solve time word problems.

This week we started to explore money. We were learning to use coins to make money totals and to use coins to give change. We played different money games on the laptops, used coins to make different money amounts and used our subtraction skills to give change from 50p and £1.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers from two-digit numbers and we have been solving subtraction problems with two digit whole numbers. Some of us have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers with bridging and some of us have been using a written method to solve addition and subtraction problems with three digit whole numbers. This week we completed subtraction check-ups and Miss Harrison was very pleased with our understanding.

Last week, Miss Harrison showed us some adverts for Disney and Lego hotels. We looked at powerful words used in the adverts to persuade people to stay in the hotels and we highlighted persuasive vocabulary on a written hotel advert. Then we created our own Space Hotels for our class novel ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator’. We drew pictures of our hotels and a room in our hotel and then we listed powerful words to describe them. We also included information about things to do at our hotels and included a quote from a previous hotel visitor! On Thursday last week, we used our planning sheets and our notes to write an advert for our own Space Hotel. We used titles to grab the reader’s attention, we used joining words to link our sentences together and we used powerful words to influence the reader. This week we redrafted our adverts and we got to choose whether we used word processing or lined paper to create our final drafts.

In Literacy this week, we also explored different types of news and how technologies have changed over time, giving us different ways to access the news. We identified all the ways that we can get the news and then we worked in groups to make posters about different types of news.

This Monday marked the beginning of Fairtrade Fortnight. On Tuesday afternoon, we watched a video about Fairtrade and we discussed what Fairtrade means. We also looked at different Fairtrade products. Then we entered the P6 Fairtrade Competition to design your own Fairtrade superhero.  We had lots of creative ideas such as a Fairtrade banana superhero and superheroes sporting the Fairtrade logo! On Wednesday we had a visitor in our classroom. Karri came to talk to us about Fairtrade. We learned that Linlithgow is a Fairtrade town and she told us all about the story of Fairtrade chocolate and how chocolate is made.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Division, Fairtrade and instruction writing in P2A

In Maths we have been working on division. We know that we might hear the language – divide, share, equally, equal parts. We can share objects into equal groups and write the sum using the division sign.

Here’s a good website for working on division:


On Monday we used the internet to research Victorian toys. We found that most toys were made out of wood as they didn’t have plastic. After that we made a Victorian toy called a thaumatrope. I’m sure the children have shown you their creations! In Literacy we wrote instructions on how to do this. We all put the instructions in the correct order and took our time to present our writing neatly.

On Tuesday we worked on our volleyball skills with Miss Devonshire. We learnt how to do an overhead pass to our partner.

On Wednesday we listened to a talk on Fairtrade. We learned about Fairtrade foods and we tasted our favourite – chocolate! We designed Fairtrade superheroes with Miss Devonshire for the P6’s competition – they were really impressed by our creativity. EN drew fantastic Fairtrade Fruit!

In Phonics we have finished learning all our sounds. This week we have been revising ‘magic e’. We also learned about the ai sound – we know there are 3 ways of spelling it:

ai as in train

a-e as in cake

-ay as in pay

We wrote ai words using the correct spellings. This is tricky as they all sound the same! We know that if the sound is at the end of the word we use -ay.

Next week we will revise our common words and complete a check-up. This will help Mrs Bell see which sounds we need to revise before moving onto the Springfield Spelling Progression.

Wee reminder to send in New Lanark forms if you haven’t done so already. We’re very excited for our trip!

Have a fab weekend,

Love P2A Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

Primary 5 w/e 1st March 2019

This week we have been learning about emails. We have planned an email and then had the opportunity to email each other through Glow.

In grammar, we learned about Collective Nouns – ask us for some of the more unusual ones!!

In IDL we learned about Egyptian Hieroglyphs and wrote messages of our own using these.

We had a visitor from Linlithgow Fairtrade, who shared information and chocolate!! with us.

In music we had the opportunity to play our Graphic Score. This sounded great.

In Science, we explored microorganisms.  We experimented with yeast, mixing it with a variety of materials to see which created the most carbon dioxide. We saw this through balloons being inflated.

Have a lovely weekend

Kind regards

Mrs Kerr

P4/5 Week commencing 25th of February

On Tuesday we had our NYCOS lesson. We were learning a new African song that used clapping and a ball.

On Wednesday we continued with our Egyptian topic and investigated pyramids. We used sugar cubes, spaghetti pasta and mini marshmallows to build pyramids. We also used our bodies to make pyramids and used a pyramid net to make a 3D paper pyramid!

Also, we were visited by two ladies from Fair trade who told us about where chocolate comes from and we even got to sample a piece! This was part of Fair Trade Fortnight.

In Science we were looking at shadufs. A shaduf is a structure that is used to collect water from a river, like the Nile, and move the water for the farmers. These are used in Egypt and other countries. We used Lego to build our own working models.

In Maths we continued to explore money by looking at the £20 note. We were also looking at mental math strategies and continued to work on our time skills.

In RME we were looking the Passover celebration and finished the story about Moses. We took parts of the story and stuck them in our jotters in the correct order.

In reading we took part in our sixth “Literacy Circles” and carried out our different roles. This week the groups who worked with Miss Fiddes looked at the characters external and internal features as well as the characters thoughts and feelings. We were using lots of great adjectives and character trait words. The other groups continued to use ‘The Literacy Box 1’ and everyone was working hard.

On Friday we had the pleasure of listening to the school choir. They performed ‘Brave’ and ‘The Greatest’ and performed actions while they sang! They were TIGGERIFFIC! It was also Miss Fiddes’ last day and she would like to say a huge thank you to Springfield Primary School especially P4/5 and Mr Ritchie who were truly Tiggerrific!!

By Mr Ritchie, Miss Fiddes and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

Maths, Maths and More Maths

This week we started our Rugby sessions with Dougie from Linlithgow Rugby Club. The weather was really nice and we managed to play the session outside, fingers crossed it stays warm and sunny over the next few weeks.

Some of us went to the Nursery to help them do a traffic survey, we found this quite tricky (but fun), who knew little children could be such hard work!!!

In literacy we wrote biographies on each other. We had to use open questions to interview our partner and then use these to tell their life story. Next week we will be writing our own autobiographies.

In Maths we have been working on fractions, decimals and percentages, converting one to the other and then calculating discounts. We have also been working on our problem solving skills. We have learned how important it is to read the questions as quite often we are missing key facts.

As part of our work on the Industrial Revolution we compared paintings by Constable and Lowry. We worked in groups and discussed what we could see, hear and feel if we were  inside the painting, as well as what we liked and disliked about them. We then shared these opinions with each other.

On Thursday we had our final opera rehearsal before our workshop on Tuesday- Mrs Newton thinks we are excellent singers.

Two ladies from Fairtrade came in to talk to us about the cocoa bean journey- we were very suprised at how little the cocoa bean farmers get paid compared to the manufacturers and retailers!

Next week we have our bake sale for Fairtrade, please remember to send in all donations on Wednesday 6th March, clearly marked with a price and labelled if they are gluten and/or dairy free. The bake sale will take place on Thursday 7th March, so please also remember to send some money in to buy our yummy bakes.

Have a lovely weekend,

P6a and Mrs Newton 🙂

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