World Book Day in P3A

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week, we have been learning to subtract a single digit bridging 20 and to subtract a single digit bridging a multiple of 10. For example, when we have been solving subtraction sums such as 72-4, we have started at 72 and then counted back 4. We have also been subtracting 2 to get to 70 and then another 2 to get to our answer. Some of us have also been learning to use a written method to subtract 2-digit numbers and some of us have been subtracting multiples of 10 from 3-digit numbers, with bridging.

This week we were also learning to use coins to give change. First we had to work out how much change to give by using our subtraction skills and then we listed the coins to make the change. Some of us were also learning to make different money amounts using all coins.

On Tuesday, we continued to learn about how computers have developed. We revised what we already knew about how computers have changed over time and then we watched a video about the introduction of the World Wide Web. We looked at when personal computers became popular in the household and then we worked in our groups to make our presentations on the development of computers.

In Art & Design this week we became Fairtrade chocolate wrapper designers! We looked at the story of chocolate and watched a video about Tayna’s visit to the Dominican Republic. We learned that Fairtrade farmers get a fair price for their cocoa beans and that Fairtrade makes a difference and makes things better for the farmers. Afterwards, we looked at examples of Fairtrade chocolate bars and then we designed our own Fairtrade chocolate wrappers. On Thursday, we went to the P6 Fairtrade Bake Sale.

On Thursday, it was World Book Day. We designed book covers, created our own bookmarks and some of us even started writing our own books at free play!  We also became illustrators for the day! We participated in a draw-along with Chris Riddell and then we watched a video on how to draw Mr Willy Wonka with Quentin Blake. We definitely have lots of budding illustrators in P3A. In the afternoon, we read stories to our friends in Primary One.

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, we also created our own aliens! We read a chapter from our class novel ‘Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator’. In the chapter, ‘Something Nasty in the Lifts’, Charlie and his family, and Mr Wonka, meet some aliens! We looked at the text and highlighted the descriptive language. It helped us to create a picture of the alien. In pairs, we created our own aliens and we used descriptive language to write sentences about our interesting creatures!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Fun, Fabulous, Fairtrade Bake Sale

The weather cleared on Monday afternoon and we managed to do our Rugby session outside. It was fun.

On Tuesday Roger, from Scottish Opera, came into school for a rehearsal of all the songs. He said we were absolute stars!

Wednesday we wrote our autobiographies and then assessed these to make sure we had met all of our targets.

Thursday was our Fairtrade Bake Sale- a HUGE thank you to Mrs Stapleton for helping set up the stall, sell the goods and clean up afterwards. Thank you to everyone who sent in cakes, they were all yummy! We are not sure how much we have raised as we sold the remaining items today. We will update you with an amount next week.

In Science we planned our candle holders, we will be making these next week. In Maths we have continued to work on problem solving, word problems and multi-digit additions.

On Wedensday afternoon we shared our learning about Robert Owen with P2a. We look forward to hearing how their visit to New Lanark went next week.

Later that day we watched the Glee group rehearse- they are stars and we are sure they will win when they perform on Thursday.

Next Wednesday is our opera performance. We all need indoor pe kit with us for this. Our performance is at 2:15 and details of this were sent out by Mr Logan last week.

Have a lovely weekend, please remember outdoor PE kit on Monday for Rugby.

P6a and Mrs Newton 🙂

P2B -Questions, Number Families and New Lanark

In Phonics this week some of us have been revising our common words and some of us having been learning the sounds ‘aw’ and ‘au’. We have then done an assessment, which will be used to decide on our next progression of learning. Well done everyone.

We have been learning how to recognise sentences that are questions and that we use the question mark at the end of the sentence, so don’t need a full stop. First time Mrs.Burton has said we don’t need a full stop at the end of a sentence! We have also learnt which words are usually used at the beginning of a question sentence.

In Maths we have been learning about number families. For example 6×3, 3×6, 18÷6, 18÷3. Some of us found it a little tricky but with practise we got there. Our next challenge is Fractions- both of shapes and numbers. Halves and quarters initially.

We have looked at pictures and information on New Lanark in preparation for our trip next week and have made up some questions to ask. Some great questions which we have really thought about.

Today as it was World Book Day, we have done some activities related to this and also watched a” Puffin Live” programme where various authors talked and then there was a drawing activity with Chris Riddell, an author, where the children drew their own” Banda Bear’s” – a character in some of his stories. Some brilliant results P2B.

We did Cosmic Yoga this week and did a

dragon related exercise programme. We have also been looking at designing our own dragons as we are going to enter the National Gallery’s Art Competition. The theme being dragons. So will continue with that next week.


For next week:

New Lanark Trip next Tuesday 12/03/19

Please can your child bring a packed lunch and waterproof jacket as weather forecast not so good.

Wednesday 13/03/19

P.E with Mrs.Reid will be outside so suitable clothing and again waterproof jacket.

Thank you. Have a lovely weekend everybody.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton


P4/5 Week commencing 4th March 2019

On Tuesday we had our seventh NYCOS lesson. We were learning a new song called “Mrs White had a fright in the middle of the night”.  We learned it by playing a game that involved counting the rhythm and hiding an object.

We continued with our Egyptian topic by learning how to read and write using Egyptian Hieroglyphs.  We also learned about the very famous and important Rosetta stone which proves the key to reading the hieroglyphs.  We wrote down our names inside a “cartouche” and also wrote coded letters to our friends in the class.  We all had fun decoding the messages and reading the hieroglyphs.

In Science we made model “shadufs” out of wood, stone, string and playdough. We had to make sure that they could move up and down and rotate so they could pick up the water from the river Nile.  Next week we are going to test them out in the water to see if they work.

In Maths we revised what we had been learning to help us with our SNSA tests.  We also took part in the BIG Maths challenge to improve our multiplication skills.

We also learned how to play one of our new literacy games called “Boggle”.  We managed to make over thirty-one words from the letters provided.  Next week we are going to learn how to play the maths version called “Noggle”!

In reading we continued to work hard carrying out our Literacy Circle roles and working on the different stories within the Literacy Box.

In writing this week we pretended we were the Manager of Thomas Cook Travel Agents and had to write a reply to a letter of complaint received from a customer who was not happy about the cancellation of their holiday to Egypt.

We also submitted our entries for the Fair Trade competition.  We had to draw Fair Trade Superheroes.  We also enjoyed all the lovely baking at the Fair Trade bake sale.  The cakes were yummy!

Last week we presented a card and gift to Miss Fiddes.  We hope she is working hard back at University.  We are all missing her.

By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

Primary 1B – w/e 8th March 2019

In Literacy we were excited to be learning our first trigraph ‘igh’ and the grapheme ‘y’ (as in cry).  We discovered that the ‘igh’ trigraph is mainly found in the middle of words and the ‘y’ grapheme is mainly found at the end.  We agreed that our language can sometimes be a bit tricky to know which word has which sound!  We have also been practising our new tricky words – come and said.

In Numeracy we have been learning about fact families and how addition and subtraction are linked.  We learned that there are three numbers in each fact family and saw how these numbers are related to one another.  We managed to work together to write the four number sentences – two addition and two subtraction – for each family.

We continued our work on Money too, working out change due and figuring out which coins would give the correct amount.  It was interesting to hear many of the children say that they had never seen change being given and weren’t sure what ‘change’ was.  We came to the conclusion that this was because shopping is often paid by Bank Card.

Within our History of Transport learning this week we looked at different modes of transport from the past and compared them to their present day equivalent.  We had an interesting discussion about the differences that we noticed between them.

Our class train is almost finished!  We had fun painting and colouring wheels and painted the final carriage.  Whilst we were painting we discovered that if we mix different colours together we can make a new colour! The favourite combinations were red and yellow, making orange and blue and yellow, making green.  We have decided that we still need a funnel and a fire (made of coloured paper, of course!) for the engine as we have decided our train is a steam train.

J brought in a real piece of railway to show the class.  It was very, very heavy!  J also brought in train magnets for everyone.  We would like to thank J’s dad for these!

To celebrate World Book Day we enjoyed some paired reading time with P3A and had fun sharing stories with one another.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

P7B weekly update

Another busy, fun filled week of learning.

Literacy: We have come to the end of our class novel, The boy in the striped pyjamas. Although a sad ending, we have had a lot of meaningful discussions around the different themes of the book, in particular the theme of friendship.  Developing our reading and comprehension skills further we answered  the last few questions based on the novel. We reviewed the features of a book review and the use of persuasive writing to write a book review on the Boy in the striped pyjamas. This gave us the opportunity to reflect on what we have read, and to share our thoughts and opinions.

Numeracy and Maths: A fun week, where we all felt very confident about what we were learning. We focused on the use of mathematical language and learnt words such as, axis, plotting, coordinates, cartesian and  quadrants – ask us to explain these terms to you. We learnt how to read and write coordinates, and we practiced plotting coordinates on a grid.

IDL:  Continuing with food rationing this week, we created a 7 day food menu for our family, using the food pyramid to help us to create a balanced and healthy menu, using the food that we would have had during WWII. We found this really tricky, and while researching we discovered some interesting recipes which we weren’t too sure if they would be to our liking, what we do know is that we are very pleased food is not still being rationed today.

PE: This was the last week of our 8 sessions of Futsal, we have had a lot of fun during these sessions and have learnt a lot of new skills. Extreme dodgeball was a ‘hit’ this week, we played a few games where the winner stays on the court.

Expressive Arts: We are developing our sketching skills, linking our art to our class novel and the theme of friendship, we have started to think and talk about what we can sketch that will symbolize the friendship between Bruno and Schmuel. We are focusing on correct proportions and shading.

Next week Wednesday, 13th March we will be showing off all our handwork and showing our Scottish Opera talent.

P7B and Mrs. Matos

Dragons, number families and questions in P2A

We are going to enter the National Gallery’s Art competition – the focus is dragons. We began by researching dragons and thinking about the key features our dragons must have. Next week we will begin drawing our dragons. We are very excited about this and have lots of great ideas!

In Maths we have been learning about number families. We know that we can somersault an array and write it as a multiplication and division sum. For example:

2 x 4 = 8

4 x 2 = 8

8 ÷ 2 = 4

8 ÷ 4 = 2

Some of us were finding it tricky writing the division as a sum, we must remember that we always start with the big number when we write a division sum.

Here’s a website to practise these:

Well done SF who showed resilience and confidence when learning about number families, Miss Baillie was very impressed!

In Literacy we learnt how to write a question using a question mark. We know that we use a question mark instead of a full stop. We can tell if a sentence is a question by looking for question words like why, what, who, where and when.

We looked at strange photos and wrote fantastic questions:

We also had a look at pictures of New Lanark and came up with some questions we want to ask on our trip:

Admin for next week:

Tuesday: New Lanark trip – please send children to school with a packed lunch and a waterproof jacket.

Wednesday: PE with Mrs Reid will be outside as the hall is being used for Scottish Opera. If it looks like it’s going to rain please send children with waterproofs and jogging bottoms.

We will have a week off spelling words next week as it is our trip and we have still have a few phonics check-ups to complete. We will still give out new reading books.

Love P2A and Mrs Bell x

D’s Chess Win!

Well done to D in P6 who recently played very well at the Lothian Junior Congress  Chess tournament.  His award was given for making the best progress in score among the 50 participants (P6-7) at the tournament.

Brilliant news D! We are proud of you!

Miss Baillie x

Tae Kwon Do Success!

Congratulations to J in P7 who recently achieved success in Tae Kwon Do. He won gold and silver medals in a match that proved particularly challenging. J showed real determination and perseverance and we are so proud that his positive attitude and efforts paid off!

Well done J!

Miss Baillie x

Victorian toys and Instructions in P2B

Well this week we have been looking, talking, creating and identifying the differences in Victorian Toys compared to nowadays. We made Thaumatropes, which Mrs.Burton has struggled to pronounce all week. We tried to make them using string but found that they worked better using plastic straws. The children have brought them home and will give you a demonstration. We have looked at toys today and compared them with toys in Victorian times. The main difference seems to be what they are made of. Some of the children brought in toys that their Mummies and Daddies played with. So we had plenty of discussion about these.

In Literacy this week we planned and then wrote instructions on how to make a Thaumatrope and most of us remembered the order of what to do. It’s been a week if revision in Phonics for one group. We’ve been revising the magic ‘e’ and next week we’ll go onto revision of common words. The other group having being ‘ou’ and ‘ow’.

This week we completed work on division and the children are getting very good at working out division problems. Next week we will be looking at the relationship between multiplication and division. Some of us have already made the connection. A good site to use for division practise is Topmarks – Sharing.

As it’s Fairtrade Fortnight we had to ladies come to talk to us about Fairtrade foods and we even got to taste some Fairtrade chocolate!

So another busy week in Primary 2B. Have a lovely weekend.

Love from 2B and Mrs.Burton

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