Primary 5 – w/e 22nd March 2019

This week we have begun to look at 2D and 3D shapes in maths. Some of us have explored the properties of triangles while others have discovered which shapes will tile.

In Science we have begun to explore how bridges are built. We built our own bridges to see whose could hold the most weight. We discovered that the bridges with the taller upright stands could hold more weight.

We have written stories about the African Savanna, which will be entered into the Round Table Marches Competition. -Good luck to us all!!

In HWB we discovered how our bodies change as we grow up.

In music we are learning a song about Egyptians.

We had a treasure hunt in the classroom, where we discovered how the Egyptians mummified the bodies before putting them in the pyramids. We also watched some videos that showed us how the pyramids were built.

Looking forward to another busy week next week.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


P7b weekly blog

Literacy:  We continue to develop our reading and comprehension skills, focusing on skimming and scanning of a text. This week we read the story of Lily Ebert and her golden pendent, her story was very unique as she  and her pendent both survived the Holocaust. After reading her story, we identified the different Parts of Speech that were used in the text. We then used our reading and comprehension strategies to show our understanding of the text, by answering some questions.  Over the last few weeks we have had an insight into how life was like during WWII, we were particularly surprised with how little food rationing you would have received. We watched a short clip about one particular lady that took an interest in eating foods that would have been available during the war. Her story inspired us to do a little more research and try to take a modern or create a wartime recipe and adapt it to only using the foods that were available during the war.  We found this particularly tricky and at the same time really appreciated the variety of food choices we have available to us now. Writing the wartime recipe has helped to develop and extend our instructional writing skills.

Numeracy and Maths : This week we have been continuing with data handling, as well as reading and drawing bar, line and pie graphs. We have been learning mathematical terminology, such as dependent and independent variables, trend, peak, trough, mean, mode and range  – please ask us to explain any of the new terminology that we have learnt and ask us to show you our understanding. Using ICT this week, we researched data of our interest and displayed our research on a line graph, bar graph or pie chart using Microsoft Word.

1+2: During Spanish this week, we recapped on our greetings and introducing ourselves. We are getting particularly good with our counting and we can now count from 1-30 in Spanish and we impressed Mrs. Matos by counting backwards from 10! We learnt this week the days of the week and the months of the year. Using what we have learnt, we practiced asking and replying in Spanish when is our birthday – ask us at home what we have learnt, it will help us to practice and you would learn some Spanish too.

 PE: During PE this week, we practiced our dodgeball and football skills and played a few competitive games against each other.

Science: We continuing to work on our buggies this week, and we have impressed Mrs. Matos and Mrs. Tulloch with our handwork and determination to get our buggies to move and to go up a ramp.

P7B and Mrs. Matos

Primary 1B – w/e 22nd March 2019

This week in Literacy we were have been learning ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ as in grew.  We have found that ‘oo’ is mainly found in the middle of a word and ‘ew’ is mainly found at the end.  We have also been practising our new tricky words – her and of.

We have been learning about Spring this week and had fun going outside to look for the first signs of Spring around the school.  We found some flowers and saw buds on the trees and bushes and were excited to find a nest high up in one of the trees.  When we got back to the classroom we did some fantastic ‘Spring Writing’ which you will be able to see on display when you come in for your Parents’ Evening appointment.

In Numeracy we have been continuing our learning about subtraction within 10 and have focused on subtracting from 10, 9 and 6.

We found our work on Money a bit tricky this week.  We were trying to work out which coins we could use to make up a given amount.  We were good at working out numbers which made the amount we needed but got a bit muddled deciding which coins were real.  We had lots of discussion about whether there was a 3p, 4p, 6p, 7p or 8p coin!  We enjoyed playing an online money game, working on sorting, ordering and counting coins (single coins to 10p and 1p to 10p).  You could play this at home too –

Within our Transport topic we managed to finish our junk modelling.  Everyone chose a form of transport to design.  There was lots of discussion and problem solving during our building as we tried to work out the best way to structure our models. Everyone used their imaginations very well indeed and successfully worked out how best to fix their models together.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have begun to see our plant life cycle in action.  Our sunflower seeds have already started to grow into seedlings.  We have been looking after them carefully and have been very good at taking turns to water them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

Gymnastics Medal Winners

We have lots of children who won medals at gymnastics last weekend! Well done to you all! We have so many talented children!

Miss Baillie x


Primary 4

The class has been buzzing all week as we immersed the in our ancient Egyptian studies.  F created a 3D representation what she learnt about  the topic. D had created a life sized Sarcophagus and A shared a stop motion video of the first Egyptians.

We explored the history of Hieroglyphics and we wrote our names using this writing system .

It has been a busy week. We have been creating props for our assembly.  We applied their knowledge of symmetry and proportion in order to create symmetrical picture of Tutankhamun.


We revised our previous written task.  We used uplevelled words.  We further enhanced or knowledge on how to use adverbs and we practiced spelling words with “tch” sound..



We applied different subtraction strategies to answer word problems.  We used our RUCSAC strategy as well to help us solve them.

Expressive art

We have been practicing for our assembly.  We used out drama and performing skills.


A Week of Performances at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our children continue to make us extremely proud with another week of successful performances.

Mrs Gordon was delighted with her group of P4 and P5 girls who took part in the West Lothian Schools Dance  Competition and performed brilliantly!

Our P6 and P7 children ‘blew us away’ with their Scottish Opera performance entitled, 1719. All children sang and danced their hearts out and were a credit to their parents and our school.

In addition, our Glee ‘superstars’took to the stage last night at Howden Park Centre and amazed the audience with their strong vocal and dance moves. We also came away with the trophy for the best ‘values’ displayed which we are delighted about!

A group of P6 and P7 children recently  received  awards in the Scottish Maths Challenge which is run in conjunction with Edinburgh University. Well done especially to Emily in P7 and Katie in P6 who both gained gold awards.

Lastly, our school chess team won at the inter-schools tournament today and we couldn’t be any more chuffed! What a fantastic win boys!

Mrs Kerr and P5 led a fun assembly today to tell us all about the work of Comic Relief and to help us to celebrate Red Nose Day.

Pupil Achievements for this Week:

-A brilliant effort  from the lovely sisters S in P4 and U in P6 for their accomplishments in piano!

-Great work from C and A in P1 for their achievements in dancing!

-F in P4 came along to see me with a magnificent Egyptian pyramid that she had made for homework! What fabulous work F!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Growing Up and Bear Hunts (P3A)

In Numeracy this week, we have been learning to subtract a teen number from a two-digit number, with bridging. When solving 72 – 14, we have been learning to subtract 10 and then subtract 4. Some of us have been learning to use a written method to subtract two-digit numbers, with exchange and some of us have been learning to subtract two-digit numbers from three-digit numbers.

This week we have been continuing to learn about money. We were learning to make different money amounts up to £5 using coins up to £1. Some of us were also learning to give change from £1 and £2. We played different money games on the laptops to revise our learning.

As part of our school’s Health and Wellbeing Relationships trail, this week we learned about growing up. We discussed things that we could do as a baby, things we can do now and things that we would like to do when we are teenagers and adults! We looked at life cycles, growth and change.

In French, we have been learning words for classroom objects. We listened to a song called ‘Dans ma salle de classe’, learned key vocabulary and then worked in pairs to draw and label items in a pencil case. This week we have also been helping Miss Harrison with her Spanish homework and we learned how to say ‘My name is’ in Spanish.

In Literacy, we learned how to write an information leaflet. Our infant area is changing to a ‘Great Outdoors’ theme and Miss Baillie asked us to watch the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. After we watched and sequenced the main parts of the story, we created a story map using all of the settings in the text. Then we wrote step by step instructions on how to find the bear. We used descriptive language from the story and bossy verbs in our instructions. We look forward to seeing our work on Miss Baillie’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ display.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

P1a’s weekly journey


In subtraction we continued the links to addition by looking again at doubles. We noticed a pattern that each time the answer increased by 2. We even tried to do doubles up to 10+10=20. Some children noticed a pattern that is 2+2=4, 20+20=40….wow.

In money we had to work out which coins we could need to buy something that cost 6p or 12p etc. The children enjoyed this and would love to practice this at home.


This week we learnt “oa” and “ow”. We saw that oa as in boat and goat mainly is in the middle, and that ow as in sow and row is mainly at the end of words. We also learnt 2 new tricky words one and you.


We read a book called “Oi, get off my train”, it was all about endangered animals trying to get on the train for safety. We then wrote our very first story based on the book. We did a plan first where we drew the beginning, middle and end. We then used the plan to help us write a story with a beginning, middle and end. Mrs Gordon could not believe the quality of our stories!

Health and Wellbeing HWB

This week we were learning about living and growing things. In particular the plan life cycle and the journey from seed to seedling and then plant. We talked about the things a plant needs to survive, light, air, water and soil.

Happy weekend!

Primary 4/5 – Week Beg. 11th March

During our 8th NYCOS session we learned a new song called, ‘Someone Sitting on a High High Hill’. We really enjoyed it!

In our writing this week we focussed on being presentation perfect. This helped us improve our writing by making sure our spelling was correct, that we had remembered punctuation and our writing was structured well. We enjoyed up levelling our sentences.

As part of our Ancient Egypt topic we discovered facts about pyramids, tombs and the Valley of the Kings. We learned why they stopped building pyramids and started using tombs for their Pharaoh’s. In addition to that we learned that Christians destroyed and carved over Egyptian artefacts.

This week in Science, we finished our shaduf’s and began to test them to see if they could turn, pick up water and then pour the water into a bucket.

During our P.E. lesson we performed a small show for one another to demonstrate the balances that we have been learning in gymnastics.

We have had a great week!

Have a lovely weekend,

Primary 4/5

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