Sporting Achievements from this Week

A few sporting achievements from this week…

-Congratulations to two sisters, E and O for their hard work and success in gymnastics!

-We are so proud of F in P5 who gained an award from his football club for showcasing positive values! Well done F!

Miss Baillie xx 💖

Exploring Our Local Area P3B

We have been exploring our local area in quite a few of our lessons this week.  We began by exploring Linlithgow High Street in our art lesson on Monday.  We were focussing on shape and line, looking closely at the buildings on Linlithgow high street to see what shapes and lines we could see.  Using only sugar paper and our hands – we tore the paper into the shapes we wanted to make the buildings and then added lines with black pen. We looked at the buildings really closely and made a good job of recreating the sky line and adding the lines we could see on the buildings too.

We continued to look at our local area on Tuesday when we made maps of Linlithgow and then had to programme E.A.R.L to make his way around the map.  We learned the terms algorithm and debug.  We used direction cards to make algorithms which we used to programme E.A.R.L We had to debug some of our algorithms by finding and fixing the problems.  This was great fun and E.A.R.L has become a favourite in our class, we will hopefully be programming him using Scratch soon.  After all this hard work work we finished the day with a visit to the park.

In writing this week, we were trying to persuade people to stop dropping litter.  We begun this last week with a listening and talking session where we looked at photographs showing different problems that litter can cause, we shared our opinions with our friends.  This week, using these opinions we wrote notes on our arguments for not dropping litter and then used these notes to write pieces of persuasive text.  We worked on using strong words to convince others.  Some of us were also working on sentence openers to make our points even stronger.  The finished pieces of writing are very good and we have certainly got the hang of expressing and writing our opinions!

In health we have begun to look at transitions and changes as we begin to think about moving onto P4.  We read the story ‘Silly Billy’ about a boy who worried about everything.  He found a good solution to his problem though.  We had some discussion about sharing our worries to help us to resolve them and did some group work using a Venn diagram to allow us to think about differences between P3 and P4 and all the things that will stay the same too.  We will continue to work on this over the coming weeks.

In social studies we looked again at our local community. We were set a task to make a powerpoint to persuade The Simpson family to move to Linlithgow.  We carried out research and made presentations showing all the things that there is to do in and around Linlithgow. We will complete and present these next week.

In numeracy some of us have been working on quick recall of the 3 and 4 times tables and some have begun to multiply 10s numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 e.g., 30 X 5 = 150.  In outer maths we are continuing to develop our measuring skills, using cm and 1/2 cm.  We were measuring objects and lines as well as drawing accurate lines and shapes with a ruler and using construction to create structures of specific sizes.

We enjoyed outdoor PE again this week, trying different activities for our circuit training.  The weather has been lovely and we are hoping it continues into the weekend.

Have a good couple of days, everyone worked very hard this week.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy 🙂


P1a jobs in the community and more…

This week we continued our local area focus by looking at jobs in the community. We invited in any of our P1 parents/carers that had a job in the community to come and share it with the children. We were delighted to invite in a policeman, a firefighter, a midwife, 2 nurses and a community youth worker. The children learned about the jobs by taking part in a rotation around each job where they could interact with resources and ask questions. At the end they shared their learning and Mrs Gordon and Mrs Reid were very impressed with everything they picked up.

In French with Camembear we learnt about the weather and how to say it is hot, cold, sunny and rainy.

In literacy we learnt 2 more digraphs ow and is cow and ou as in loud. These were quite tricky ones. Our common words were into and here.

In numeracy we worked on sequencing and ordering numbers to 20. We will need lots of practice as this was quite tricky, especially when we had to do it backwards…. We also started a block on data handling and talked about surveys and pictographs. We asked our friends to vote for their favourite fruits and then made a pictograph with a partner to show the results.

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a.


Primary 5 – w/e 17th May 2019


We’ve had a busy week, with our visitors popping in and out and talking to us about our learning.

Some of our highlights this week include:

In maths, we have explored area, how to calculate it and created a robot with specific dimensions.

In storywriting we planned and wrote an introduction to a story. We included lots of description and were trying really hard to include connectives too.

In Science we explored buoyancy, creating our own boats from tinfoil and seeing how much cargo (marbles!!) they could carry. Ava and Aleisha’s boat carried 154marbles before it sank.

Our topic focus this week has been mapping and we created our own maps of the school and its grounds.

We explored kosher and non-kosher foods in RME, looking at how Jewish people separate these foods.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Visitors, Inspectors and Microsoft

This was a busy week for us, we had the inspectors in from HMIe and they visited our class a couple of times. We chatted to them about our work and what we think of school. We also had a number of us out for small group meetings with them. We also taught some of them how to skip, NW got 107 skips whilst the inspector got 2- well done P6a 🙂

We began to write our leaflets on groups that children can attend in Linlithgow and in comprehension we looked at the difference between inference and literal meanings.

We started to draw maps of the school for our buddy’s and we also met some of them at the Tiny and Tall sessions.

In numeracy we looked at how to solve mental multiplication problems using a range of strategies and in measure we looked at world records and how we compared to these.

Microsoft visited us on Wednesday and we learned about basic coding. It was good fun and we hope they can visit again.

Next week we are going to the Peel on Monday for an environmental art session with Historic Scotland and Ms McAlpine will be back in class on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Newton is still teaching us on Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.

Mrs Newton is very proud of how we worked this week and how we talked to all the inspectors, she is going to miss us on Mondays and Tuesdays (but Zelda is looking forward to having her at home on these days 😉 )

Have a great weekend, hopefully the sun will shine.

Litter and Our Local Area (P3A)

What a busy week we have had in P3A!

In Numeracy we have been learning to multiply by 3 and 4. We have been recalling our multiplication facts and we have been using our times-tables knowledge to solve missing number sums. We have also created our own board games using our multiplication facts and we have made multiplication flowers. Some of us have been learning to multiply multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and some of us have been learning to multiply 2-digit numbers by a single digit.

This week we have also been learning to estimate and measure using centimetres. We estimated the lengths of different objects and then measured their lengths using a ruler. We also drew lines of different lengths. Some of us were estimating and measuring using half centimetres too.

Last week we came in to our classroom and it was covered in litter! In Literacy, we learned to talk about our opinions about litter. We looked at different photos of litter and we discussed how the photos made us feel. This week, we wrote persuasive writing pieces on littering. We looked at examples of persuasive writing and highlighted words used to influence the reader. We also looked at using a title to grab the reader’s attention and how to use sentence openers to state our opinions. Using our notes, we wrote persuasive pieces of writing about litter.

In French we are now learning to name clothes and accessories. We watched a programme on High Five French about clothes, played games on our Promethean board and then in pairs, drew pictures of people and labelled their clothes using French vocabulary.

This week we have been learning about our local area. On Tuesday afternoon we worked in groups to make maps of Linlithgow. On our maps we included our school, Play Bugs, Linlithgow Leisure Centre, the train station and Linlithgow Palace. Afterwards, we helped EaRL (a programming robot) to navigate around Linlithgow by giving him a set of instructions. Sometimes EaRL got a bit lost so we had to evaluate our instructions, fix the problem and suggest improvements. We really enjoyed using EaRL and we have already been showing some Primary 1 and Primary 2 children how to use EaRL in our Primary 3 Play Leader time.

This week we also looked at leisure facilities in Linlithgow. Miss Harrison explained to us that a family were wanting to move to Linlithgow but they wanted to find out what there was to do in Linlithgow before making a final decision. We named places of interest in Linlithgow and then we worked in groups to create PowerPoints about leisure facilities and things to do in Linlithgow. We shared our presentations with another group.

In Health this week we explored transition and change. We listened to a story called ‘Silly Billy’ and we discussed his worries. Some of us had said to Miss Harrison that we were a bit worried about moving on to Primary 4 so we completed an activity where we looked at what would stay the same and what would change in Primary 4. Afterwards, we discussed our feelings about moving into Primary 4 and what we could do if we were feeling worried.

In Art this week we looked at representing objects by creating detailed images, shapes and lines. We looked at photographs of Linlithgow High Street and we discussed the shapes and lines that we could see in the buildings. We used paper tearing to create our buildings and then we used different lines to add detail and effects. We were really pleased with our results.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Homes, Data Handling and similes in P2A

A lovely sunny week in P2A 🙂

Our topic this term is houses and homes. On Monday we went on a walk around Springfield to look at different types of homes. We saw detached, semi-detached, bungalows, flats, and terraced houses. Then we looked at the needs of others and designed a home out of lego for an elderly lady. We decided that a bungalow would meet her needs. Some of us even added a stair lift to our home design!

In Maths this week we have been working on data handling. On Monday we learned how to make tally marks, we even made tally marks with our bodies!

On Tuesday we each used a bag of skittles to practise organising data into a bar chart.

Then we each asked the class a question like ‘What is your favourite pet?’ and showed our findings in a bar chart.

In mental maths we have been practising counting in 5s. This helped us to count our tally marks.

In Literacy we worked on character descriptions. We wrote descriptions of Gerald the Giraffe using WOW words and some of us even challenged ourselves to use a simile. A simile is when you compare two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ eg, he is as fast as a rabbit.

Here are some examples of our amazing writing:

Admin for next week:

Monday – Please send in costumes or coloured t-shirts for our assembly. Thank you 🙂

Friday – Our class assembly at 10am

Have a lovely weekend!

Love P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x


Primary 1B – w/e 17th May 2019

We have had another very busy week in P1b!

In Literacy, we have been learning two new digraphs, ‘ow’ as in cow and ‘ou’ as in loud.  We learned that there is unfortunately no pattern to follow to work out which ow/ou to use when we are spelling using this digraph but we know that with lots of practise we will get to know which one to use.  Our new tricky words were ‘here’ and ‘into’.

In Numeracy we were learning about one and two more or less than within 20 and how to order a selection of numbers within 20, both forwards and backwards.  We created number lines in pairs and challenged each other to work out one or two more than or one or two less than.   Once we had shown that we could order numbers from 1 to 20, we challenged ourselves by selecting a few cards at random and put these in order from smallest to largest and vice versa.  Mrs Reid was very impressed with our ordering skills. 

In Maths we were learning about Data Handling.  We learned that data is information and that ‘handling’ means how to present the information to make it easier to understand.  We did a class survey of favourite fruit.  We learned how to collect data using tally marks and how to put this information into a pictogram.  We did very well answering questions about the data, using the pictogram to help us.

In PE, we continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We were learning about balancing and jumping this week.   We worked hard to listen to instructions and did our best to balance on the floor and on sloping benches.

We had some very special P1 visitors this week – a policeman, firefighter, nurse, midwife and community youth worker!  Not only were these great community jobs for us to learn about as part of our Community focus but these people were special because they are mums and dads of some the P1a and P1b children!  We joined up with P1a for the event and had great fun learning about the different jobs.  We got to spend time with each of the visitors and got to pretend we were doing their jobs!  Mrs Reid and Mrs Gordon were delighted to hear both classes asking great questions and sharing their learning with each other.

We have continued to learn about the butterfly life cycle and have been watching our caterpillars very closely over the past couple of weeks.  We have been amazed at how quickly they have grown, becoming very fat and hairy!  When we arrived on Wednesday we found they had transformed into their cocoons.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

P7B weekly update

What a busy learning week we have had.

Literacy: For reading this week, we spent some time in our reading groups analyzing our class novel, Goodnight Mister Tom. We focused on characterization, settings within the novel, themes and the author’s use of language, we worked in a group to create an anchor chart of our analysis. To further develop our writing we concentrated on the importance of the style, presentation and purpose of our writing. We revised the different types of persuasive techniques and we learnt about key elements of writing a pitch. We then planned and wrote a pitch to Dragon’s Den, persuading them to invest in a redevelopment of either Blackness Road site or the Victoria Halls.

Numeracy and Maths: We are all becoming architects in the making. This week, we further developed our knowledge and skills of map reading  and using scale for measure. On Tuesday we used our map skills and route tracking to complete an orienteering challenge, where we needed to use prior learning to help us to solve the different challenge cards along the route. We later designed using scale and keys to design a dream house. We agreed that our playground needed a revamp too, we used trundle wheels to measure the perimeter of the playground, we chose a suitable scale and designed a new and creative playground.  It has been a busy week of design and measure.

IDL: Social Studies this week we discussed two possible land-uses in Linlithgow that we could possibly re-develop. We worked in groups and chose a specific demographic group as our focus. We needed to ensure that we considered the constraints and opportunities our development would have both on the demographic group as well as the community of Linlithgow.  We worked together to create a presentation that we will present to the class and persuade them that our development is the best and why.

Expressive Arts: Art this week, we learnt the names and techniques of three different ways in which to shade a picture. We drew from a still life 3D shapes and used the shading techniques that we had learnt to shade our pictures.

RME: We learnt about religious pilgrimage, we used Ipads to identify a range of religious pilgrimages and we plotted them onto a map and explained why people chose to go to those places.

1+2: In Spanish this week, we continued to practice having a conversation. We asked questions in our conversation, such as what is their name, when is their birthday and how old they were. Please ask us to share our learning, the next holiday can be in Spain and we can do all the talking.

HWB: We learnt about tobacco  this week, we were surprised to hear how many chemicals are found in cigarettes and what an expensive habit it was, we had a look at what tar looks like on a persons lungs. We discussed how smoking can affect us and our bodies. During PE this week, we practiced some athletics skills such relay races, sprints and speed bounce. We had another rugby session this week with the coaches from Linlithgow Rugby club. With Mrs. Reid we have continued with our sports management and basketball.

ICT: We were lucky to have a visit from Microsoft this week, where we had the opportunity to do some coding.

What could we possibly do next week?

Wishing all of P7b and their families a lovely weekend.

P7b and Mrs. Matos

P1a’s caterpillars, butterflies and dentists…

Another busy week in P1a.

We had the first of our nursery visitors for their transition to P1. Each week some of the children will come and spend some time in P1 sharing a story and playing.

Our topic for this term is all about our local area. As part of that we are looking at people who work in the local community. We have invited any parents/carers who do a job in the community to come and talk to us about their job. Our first visitor this week was H’s mum who is a pediatric dentist. We absolutely loved learning about the job and playing with all the props H’s mum brought. We loved it so much we did a vote for our next role play area and over half of the class voted for a dentist!

We have been very creative this week. As we have loved making things with loom bands Mrs Gordon taught herself (and then us) to finger knit. It is pretty tricky so we will need lots of practice. We invited in some of the P3’s to help and L and R picked it up very quickly to take back and teach in their classrooms. We love leading learning ! We also learnt the recipe to make our own playdough. We have our own station now. It was challenging but we are learning what to do when it is too wet or dry…

We have also been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and have 5 very hungry caterpillars living in the classroom. We are looking after them and watching them grown each day.

In literacy we revised our common words and in numeracy we finished our subtraction journey (for now…).

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a.

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