Springfield Stars in Linlithgow Gala Day 2019

What a privilege for Mrs Gordon and Mrs Matos to have celebrated the Gala Day with so many of our wonderful Springfield children. The main retinue delivered confident speeches and everyone did so well on a long and warm day. We were very lucky to have the Queen, Chief Lady, Champion, Herald, Train Bearer, Crown Bearer, Bower Girls, Flower Girls, Fairies, Guards and Junior Guards all from our school. Well done everyone!

Mrs Gordon and Mrs Matos


P1a weekly news

Well we are getting ready to move on to Primary 2 and met our new teacher Miss Muir on Thursday afternoon. We really enjoyed getting to know her. We also met our P2 pals and had fun playing outside with them. They will be our buddies during P2.

In numeracy we have been revising our numbers to 20 and doing more practise with counting in 2’s and 3’s and odd and even numbers. Next week we will do our numbers to 20 assessment to see what we can remember.

In literacy we were looking at poetry and rhyming. We are reading poetry books in class and looking out for rhyming words. We are writing our weekend diary each week and are really improving the length and quality of our sentences.

In PE Mrs Gordon got out the wall bars and we had great fun climbing up them and trying out the monkey bars.

We had our last NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland ) session this week, and we have absolutely loved singing, playing games and learning rhymes and rhythm.

Happy weekend and good luck to everyone that is in the Gala Day!

Mrs Gordon and P1a.


Primary 5 w/e 21st of June 2019

This week we played a different version of rounders – ask us about it!!

We have also met our teachers for next session.

We also spent some time getting to know the children who are going to be our P2 Pals next session, playing games outside in the sunshine. We’re looking forward to doing this again next week.

In maths we have begun to look at volume and explore containers and how much they hold.

We have been assessing our spelling and maths this week, looking at how we have improved over Primary 5.

We have mostly finished our non-fiction texts and are ready to share these with our peers and our P2 Pals.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Marches, transitions and new classes.

This has been a quick week as we had Tuesday off for the Marches, most of us went to watch and it was good fun.

We have almost completed our class talks on global issues, these have been very informative and eye opening. We are all going to try and reduce our use of plastics as these are having the biggest impact on the planet.

On Wednesday some of us helped with the Nursery sports day and the rest of us got to go and watch. It was very funny and cute 🙂

On Thursday we had our tranisition to P7 and got to see our new classroom and meet Mrs Matos. We think it will be a fun year.

Today we finished working on our JASS folders and Mrs Newton is going to sign these off (if we have covered everything) next week.

Next week is our last as P6’s, we have had a small taste of being P7’s when we did door duty and we are looking forward to it.

Kieran is coming in on Wednesday for our fun day and we think we will get to do Quidditch and Rounders, plus a visit to the park!

On Monday we should bring a bag with us to take home our work from this year, we will take our PE kits home on Wednesday.

In our school bags today are our report cards, please do look for these 🙂

Have a lovely weekend,

P6a and Mrs Newton.

P1B – Week ending 21st June

In Literacy this week we have continued to work on our diary writing skills and tricky word spelling.  We worked on our listening and talking skills too, sharing what we had done at The Marches and talking about what we were looking forward to on Gala Day.  It’s fair to say we are excited about Gala Day!

In Numeracy we continued our learning on writing our numbers up to 20 in words.  We have also continued to practise counting up and down in 2s and progressed to counting up and down in 3s.  In Maths we completed our Data Handling lessons, learning about a new way to sort information using Carroll Diagrams.  You can see an example of these by following this link –http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/carroll_diagrams/eng/introduct/default.htm.

We met our P2 buddies this week and had great fun playing with them with the outdoors toys in the playground.

We enjoyed our final session with our specialist from the National Youth Choir of Scotland.  We continued to work on keeping the beat and using our listening skills to identify where sounds were coming from.  We also had fun again playing parachute games.

On Thursday we visited our new P2 classroom and met Miss Harrison.  We heard a story about a cautious caterpillar and drew a picture of our favourite part of the story.  We really enjoyed spending time with Miss Harrison and chatting to her about P2.

Have a lovely weekend.  Only 1 week left!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

Chess Success!

Well done to D in P4, D and B in P6 and J in P7 for taking first place in the’ improvers’ category at Lothian Junior Chess tournament. We are so proud of your achievement boys!

Miss Baillie x

Mostly Assembly in P2B

The week was spent practicing for our assembly, amongst a few other things. Our assembly on Linlithgow on Friday went very well and the children all spoke very clearly and remembered all their lines. Very proud of all of them.

Just a few of the photos. Brilliant P2B. Also this week we had an enjoyable time at the Book Festival and at least we had sunshine for our walk down and back and a picnic.

In Literacy, we created our own stories – completely free choice and we wrote some super ones.

In Numeracy we continued to work on numbers up to 100.

We had Tracy from National Youth Choir of Scotland working with us again which we really enjoyed and of course there was Sports Day. So a very busy week.

From P2B and Mrs.Burton

This Week’s News at Springfield and Bonnytoun

Mrs Burton and P2B led a super assembly today on the recreational activities that can be undertaken in Linlithgow. We all enjoyed listening to the children deliver information in a grown-up and highly articulate way. Super work from all!

Earlier on this week, we had a special talk about Marches Day from the Linlithgow  Dyers who take part in the Marches procession each year.

Thank you so much to the PTA who successfully ran their summer discos in school last night. The PTA have made a fantastic contribution to school funds over the past session through their various events and we are very grateful.

Pupil Achievements:

-A huge ‘well done’ to C in P1 for success in swimming and to K in P1 for her Enjoy-a-Ball achievment! Great effort girls!

Please remember that school and nursery will be closed next Tuesday, (18th) for Marches Day.

Pupil reports will be sent home in school bags next Friday, (21st). Nursery reports will be sent home from next Friday onwards.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Sports Day and Story Writing in P3B

Hello, we have had lots of good fun outdoors this week and managed to stay (mainly) dry!

Some numeracy photos to begin with.  Some of us have been working on data handling as our outer maths topic at the moment.  We have been reading venn diagrams and sorting information into venn diagrams. B has been learning about weighing and measuring and made us a delicious banana loaf.  We really enjoyed it, you can make that for us any day B!

On Tuesday we walked all the way to Linlithgow Rugby Club for a talk from author Colin Drysdale who told us about his book ‘Scotland’s Castles.’  He told us a lot of information about Scottish castles and then took us outside to see a trebuchet in action.  H helped him to build it and we really enjoyed watching how far the water balloons travelled when they were fired from it. The walk to and from the rugby club was also good, the weather was lovely and we saw lots of the great work that has been done by Burgh Beautiful, Transition Linlithgow and various other organisations in the town. We particularly liked the plastic waste feature as we know a lot about this, we are pleased others will learn about it too.

We have been working on imaginative story writing for the past couple of weeks.  Last week we wrote a story opener with an interesting first line to hook our reader.  We also introduced the main characters and setting.  This week we worked on the middle of the story.  We had to create a problem for the characters and write about how it was solved.  Next week we will be learning about how to write a good story ending.

To finish off our lslam topic we looked at mosques and in particular, the beautiful tiles they are often decorated with.  We made and painted our own tiles, creating our own patterns and selecting the colours we wanted to use to decorate them.

Sports day on Wednesday was great fun!  We enjoyed all the activities in the morning – there were so many different sports which meant we were able to practise many different skills.  We really enjoyed watching and taking part in the races in the afternoon, we really love the parents and teachers races!

As we have had a focus on health this week we have been learning about all the factors that work together to help to keep us healthy.  We have been looking diet, exercise, sleep as well as having fun and relaxing – as these are important for our health too.  We worked in groups to carry out research and prepare a presentation on how to have a healthy lifestyle.  I was very impressed, we are a healthy bunch and we are very knowledgeable about what is good and bad for our health.

Have a good weekend everyone, hopefully having fun and relaxing!

P3B and Mrs Kennedy


Book Festival and Sports Day (P3A)

We have had a busy and varied week in P3A! Here we are all set for Sports Day…

On Monday we went to the Linlithgow Book Festival. We met an author called Colin Drysdale who has written a book called ‘Scotland’s Castles’. He told us some facts about castles and then we went outside the marquee to fire water balloons from a trebuchet!

In Numeracy this week we have been revising dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Some of us were also solving division problems and some of us were dividing with remainders. Next week we will finish division and complete our work with fractions.

In Literacy we have been learning to write the middle part of a story. We listened to ‘The Ice Robbery’ and we identified the problem and the solution in the story. We looked at our own story beginnings and reminded ourselves of our characters and setting. Afterwards, we created a problem for our characters and decided how it would be fixed and made notes on our middle part of our stories. On Thursday, we used our notes to continue our own stories. We had to ensure that we continued our stories in a way that made sense.

This week we explored what a healthy diet looks like. We looked at the importance of drinking water, exercise, sleep and keeping a happy and positive attitude. We also revised the main food groups on The Eatwell Guide. Afterwards we worked in groups to create PowerPoints on healthy living.

On Wednesday this week we had our Sports Day. In the morning we went round different potted sports activities such as bean bag throw, egg and spoon race, tennis, rugby ball passing, running, javelin throw, cheerleading and space hoppers.  In the afternoon we had different races. We really enjoyed it and it was lots of fun!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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