P3B Week commencing 26th August 2019

In PE this week we have started to learn how to play Bench Ball.  We have been learning how to catch and pass the ball to the other players in our team.   We will be taking part in a Bench Ball tournament later on in the year against local schools.

In Art we were learning to create pictures using lines and shapes.  We looked at the Queensferry Crossing which has lots of lines and shapes.  To make our bridge pictures we used art straws and had to measure the length of them accurately so we could get the correct shapes to form the bridge sections.

We also looked at different flower shapes as if we were an insect and used paint to draw a picture of the flower as if we were looking through the eyes of the insect.  Our pictures have made a very interesting and attractive display in our classroom.

We also had a visit from the RSPCA who brought along two “mechanical rabbits”.  We read a story and then discussed all the things a rabbit would need so that we could look after it correctly.  We also learned how to handle and carry a rabbit safely.

On Wednesday we met Mr Vilanova who will be taking the class on a Wednesday.  We played lots of interesting games to get to know one another and also played a game of rounders outside.

This week we also read a lovely story called “Have you filled a bucket today?”   In the story we looked at how we can become “bucket fillers” or “bucket dippers”.  We learned that if we are kind to everyone, play nicely, share things and are helpful we make people happy and become “bucket fillers”.   We all agreed that we want to be “bucket fillers” and made buckets filled with lots of happy and helpful thoughts for the classroom.

We have also started work on our Class Charter and have been looking at the “Rights of the Child” from UNICEF.  We have decided on a space theme for our charter which we will complete next week.

We have all had a great second week in P3B.

Mr Ritchie and the Tiggerrific P3B’s







Amazing Artists in P3A

We’ve had a very good first full week in P3A.  Our routines are becoming more established and those with classroom jobs are doing really well, helping our classroom to run smoothly.

We began the week learning about the Queensferry Crossing.  As we have had a lot of building work done in the school recently and the builders are still here, we thought our corridor could be turned into a building site.  As the Queensferry Crossing is an important construction in our local area we learned a bit more about it and made our own bridges using paper straws.  We looked closely at the lines and shapes on the bridge and worked hard measuring, cutting and sticking the straws to create our pictures.  The finished results are fantastic and they make a great wall display.  We learned some cool facts about the bridge too, our favourites are: the height of the bridge is the same as 48 London buses stacked on top of each other and all the cabling used on the bridge would almost reach around the equator – 24,874 miles!

In PE we have begun to learn some skills used in the game Benchball.  We are going to a P3 Benchball tournament at Linlithgow Academy in November so we will be focussing on these skills and learning how to play the game so we are really ready for the tournament.  We also did a yoga session with Mrs Kennedy on Thursday – it is a great way to start the day and we were all very good at it.

We read the story ‘Have You Filled Your Bucket Today.’  This is a story about how being kind to others helps them and you to be happy.

Image result for have you filled a bucket today

We worked in groups, reading statements and deciding if they were ‘bucket filling’ or ‘bucket dipping’ actions.  We then wrote some of the things we could do be kind to ourselves and others.

Mr Wells asked each class for some artwork for the corridor so we set to work painting a bugs-eye view of a flower.  We looked closely at part of a flower and painted only some of it.  We also learned a little about the artist Georgia O’Keefe who painted flowers in this way.  They look very effective and we have some of them up in our classroom too.

Our first Play Leaders took some P1s for corridor play on Thursday.  This is a job that every P3 will be doing as we will have several sessions throughout the week where small groups of P3s will take some P1 or P2 children to play with them, they will help the younger children to play nicely and tidy up well!  Fantastic work guys!

We have been enjoying ‘James and the Giant Peach.’  We looked at describing words this week as we listened carefully to Roald Dahl’s descriptions of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker.  We drew pictures of what we think they may look like and wrote lots of great describing words.

We have been learning more about place value in numeracy – partitioning the numbers and identifying how many tens and units make up the whole number, some of us were working with hundreds, tens and units.

On Friday we learned some colours in French – Mrs Kennedy was very impressed by how quickly we picked up the names of the colours and even how they were spelled as we played French hangman 🙂  Maybe you could ask us what these words mean – rouge, marron, bleu, blanc, jaune, vert, rose, gris, noir, violet and orange.

We hope you all have a great weekend.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy




Phonics, Symmetry and Charles Rennie Mackintosh (P2B)

We have had a busy first full week in P2B!

In Literacy, we have been revising the vowel digraphs ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘ee’, ‘ea’, ‘igh’ and ‘-y’. We wrote sentences containing ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words, used our ‘ee’ digraph to spell words and used our magnetic boards and letters to build ‘igh’ and ‘-y’ words. Next week we will continue to revise more vowel digraphs.

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been learning about symmetry. Miss Harrison explained to us that a picture or shape is symmetrical when both sides match. We played a symmetry sorting game on our Promethean board and then we looked for lines of symmetry in different pictures.

This week we were given a special job from Mr Wells. He asked us to help make our school beautiful by helping with some of the displays. For our whole school Expressive Arts display, we created pictures using 2D shapes. We also learned about hot and cold colours and used these to add detail to our pictures.

In our infant area, our theme is ‘Building and Construction’ so we learned about a Scottish architect called ‘Charles Rennie Mackintosh’. We looked at some of the buildings that he designed and talked about the shapes and lines that we could see. Afterwards we created our own pictures in a similar style to Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We also learned that he made furniture so some of us created our own tables and chairs.

This week we had PE with Mrs Reid and with Miss Harrison on Tuesday afternoon. We played some warm-up games and then we looked at object control. We worked with a partner to practise our throwing, catching and kicking skills. Over the next few weeks we will continue to develop our movement skills.

On Monday the SPCA were in our school. For part of the day, they gave us two rabbits to look after. We listened to a story about two children who wanted pet rabbits and then we learned how to look after rabbits. We were fantastic vets and looked after the rabbits extremely well.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P2B and Miss Harrison xxx


Welcome to Primary 5/6

Hello from primary 5/6.  Lego people  will welcome you into our classroom.

We chose  mining to display our class charter which we discussed in groups. Next week we will be making our class charter .

In groups, we discussed our feelings for the 5 point scale and are happy with the results.

This week we had a visit from SSPCA. They came to talk to us about wildlife in Britain and caring for them. We played a game about Scottish wildlife and then we did some coding. We made an owl from coding blocks and then we programmed it to move and make sounds. It was good fun . We got a sticker and a pencil at the end.


Photos from our SSPCS visit

For maths and art we drew geostars and then we got to choose whether we wanted to paint them in different shades or tones, or we could choose hot or cold colours and make patterns in the shapes. They look fab.

For numeracy this term we are learning about place value and  we did

M   Hth Tth Th    H T U.  We also did some number talks.



P7a is back ( back in school!)

A busy week and a half as we started P7. Last week we got our classroom arranged, rotas set up for our lunch, break and wet day duties and we started our time capsule information.

This week we have started to learn about Romero Britto, a Brazilian Artist. Found out about camp and skiing and completed our back to school checkups in maths, spelling and writing.

On Monday the SSPCA visited to talk about protecting animals and how we can keep them safe.

In Science we did a sampling session in the playground to see what was within each grid area.

Next week we are going to start our IDL topic on Brazil, complete some multi digit multiplication and division challenges and take part in a Rugby event with the SRU and Linlithgow Rugby Club.

For this event we should all come to school in our sports gear (no football colours), with a packed lunch and a full water bottle. Please pack a rain coat and sunscreen (this is Scotland after all).

Have a lovely weekend,

P7a and Mrs Newton 🙂


Phonics, numbers and warm fuzzies in P1B

We made it – our first full week in Primary 1! We are getting very good at our routines and we are SUPER excited about all of our learning!

In Phonics we have been learning our first sounds – a and t. Here is a link to our Phonics song that we sing at the start of every Phonics lesson:

This week we did our first ever piece of work in our jotters. We practised forming a and t correctly.

a – around the apple and down  the leaf

t – down the tower and across the tower

We know to draw our pictures in pencil and take our time to colour inside the lines. Mrs Bell was very impressed with our work!

In Numeracy we have been learning about the number 0 and the number 1. Here is a song we sing to practise counting forwards and backwards to 10:

In Health and well-being we have been learning about one of our school values – kindness. We call kind actions ‘warm fuzzies’ and unkind actions ‘cold pricklies’. We had lots of ideas for how we could give out warm fuzzies, for example – asking someone if they would like to play, smiling at someone and sharing our toys. We talked about cold pricklies such as hitting or using unkind words and how getting a cold prickly makes us feel. We are going to try hard to give out lots of warm fuzzies at school and at home too!

Today some very confident children sat at the front of the class and presented their show and tells. We were a good audience and asked lots of questions.

Some photos of our free play fun:

Have a great weekend when it gets here!

Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

Welcome to the new P4B

We have had a good start to the term and most of us didn’t have to do any getting to know you as we were together in P2B. The 4 children who didn’t know me have settled in well and the rest of the class have really helped in explaining my funny little ways.

We have talked about our hopes for the year and have made a display of what we would like to achieve along with some inspirational quotes from famous people. Our favourite moments from our holidays have been made into a comic strip and we have done a writing and spelling assessment. Our writing assessment started off with finding a £1,000,000 pound notes on our tables – task – to write about our dream holiday if we had this amount of money. Oh we wish …..!!

Our Numeracy was to work out addition and subtraction problems using emojis as numbers.

So a busy first week in P4B. Hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine.

Love from P4B and Mrs.Burton

Welcome to the new P1a!

What a fabulous start to P1 for us. We have already learnt so much in just 2 and a half days….

Our main focus this week has been on adjusting to our new environment, class and teacher. We have been learning about the school rules and Mrs Gordon was very impressed with how quickly we are following those rules.

We had a tour of the school and learnt where important places like the office and the lunch hall were.

We have been on a secret mission making some things for a time capsule that we will open at the end of P1, we will have to keep you in suspense until June next year…

Our buddies have been a fantastic help this week. They have helped us play at break and lunchtimes and have helped us collect and tidy away our lunch. We also had buddy time today which we will have each week. This week we did outdoor play which was a lot of fun.

We also had some fun with Cosmic Yoga on Thursday. Everyone joined in and really enjoyed imagining being under the sea.

Next week we will continue to learn about the values of our school and become more independent as we go for break and lunch on our own.

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a


Welcome to P3A

A warm welcome to all children and parents of the new P3A 🙂

What a great first few days we’ve had.  A few of us had some butterflies in our tummies on Wednesday, a mixture of excitement and a few nerves.  We spoke about how everything felt new and it can take a little while for it to feel familiar.  By Friday we were amazed at how we were getting used to our classroom and our new routines.

We have been working on our school values. – we are resilient, respectful, kind, included and confident.  We worked in teams to make posters and posed in our teams doing the actions for each value.  These are on our wall and we will use them to remind ourselves throughout the year.

We have also been revising our maths skills.  We had to solve the Mystery of the Missing Moji (with no e!) Using different maths techniques we solved  problems and gained clues to help us to solve the mystery.  It was good fun as well as some good revision.

Today we worked together to make our own guidelines on what makes a good pupil.  Next week we will be doing the same to tell Mrs Kennedy what makes a good teacher 😉

Have a wonderful weekend.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy

P3B Week commenncing 19th August 2019

Hello Everyone,

P3B have had a “tiggerrific” week and everyone has settled nicely into the class and had lots of fun.

We have been discussing our school values and have created posters to demonstrate our understanding of what they all mean.  We have also looked at what makes a good P3 pupil.

In Maths we used our knowledge of number, shape and time to solve the mystery of the Missing Moji.

We also discussed all the different “helper roles” within the classroom and everyone has now been given a responsible role to help with the classroom organisation.

In Art we designed postcards to show all the exciting and interesting places we all went to during the summer holidays.  This has made a lovely display for our classroom.

Best wishes from

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

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