A ‘wacky’ week in P5B

What a wacky start to our week. Things were just not how they should of been….socks on rulers, posters upside down, fake clock on the wall, even Mrs Matos was slightly wacky. Our day was inspired by the Dr Suess book, Wacky Wednesday. The children were encouraged to write a journal entry about their wacky day. This was linked to our class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom, and how Michael keptĀ  journal entries while sailing around the world.

The children have made fantastic silhouettes of MichaelĀ  and Stella (characters from our class novel), the children put in a lot of effort and they look amazing.

Using various materials the children created their own islander for their island.

In numeracy we have been continuing with number talks. The children have enjoyed using strings to help them solve more complex problems. We have also been concentrating on how to write and say numbers up to 100 000.


It has been a busy week, who knows what next week will have in store!!


Kensuke’s Kingdom in P5A!

We have had a fun filled week!

In Literacy we have been exploring the text, Kensuke’s Kingdom. We wrote ‘Messages inĀ a Bottle’ and considered what importantĀ information we would need to putĀ in our very own message if we wereĀ stranded on a desert Island. Callum visualised what Kensuke looked like and created a large version of his drawing for our wall display. We learned the importance of an effective story opener and played a game to see if we recognised familiar stories by their story openers- we were fantastic at this!

In Maths, we have been learning how to write number names for large numbers. We helped each other if we found it tricky and played lots of games on the netbooks to help us understand place value. We had good fun playing a place value game at home for homework.

We considered how we could use colour effectively to create a piece of art for Kensuke’s Kingdom with a sunset in the background, these were brilliant! Mrs McCartney thinks that we have lots of budding artists in P5A!We made large versions of the main characters in the story for our wall display- our favourite is Stella, the dog!

We designed our very own Islander that would live on our Island. We used a variety of material to do this task and had to consider gender, age, appearance and the use of similes to describe our interesting character.

Mrs McCartney was very impressed with our use of persuasive language when we delivered our Powerpoint presentations, we were certainly confident individuals!

Looking forward to our work for our ‘Pack for a Purpose’ project for Africa next week.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

P5A and Mrs McCartney x







P4B’s Amazing Learning Adventure!

In Primary 4B we have been learning about growth mindset. We have been challenging ourselves not to give up when we find things difficult and to ask for help.

In numeracy we have been learning the 3 and 4 times tables. We have been learning how to measure in centimetres. In Big Maths we have been challenging ourselves to beat our scores. We have been learning about maps and using a compass and we made maps of our local area. We learned how to do surveys and made a survey of Springfieldā€™s favourite weather. We displayed the information on bar graphs.


In literacy we have been learning how to open a story, create settings and use punctuation. We have learned how to use paragraphs, use speech marks and question marks. We have used the BFG as a stimulus and have been writing stories and reading a play based on the BFG.

In French we have been learning to count to 30. We learned to say the days, months, colours and the French alphabet. We can now say French foods and we practised with fun activities with P4A including shopping and money. We also made French postcards.

In learning across the curriculum we have been learning about the BFG and Roahl Dahl stories. We have also been learning about the animals, landmarks and food in Australia and compared the weather to Scotland. We have been learning characterisation, acting and presentation skills through drama and art. In music we have been learning to play the Ukelele.

img-20161007-00020Ā img-20161007-00022

In health and wellbeing we have been learning to be good friends. We have been walking a mile most days. In PE we have been learning movement skills through gymnastics, football, basketball and we have played games to learn to work well together as a team. We have also been learning how to meditate so we are healthy body and mind!

Week 7 in P4a

This week in P4a we have been learning how to create bar graphs from the data we collected last week, all about our favourite weather. The graphs are now on display in our classroom. We also answered questionsĀ  about the information we collected.

We looked at compass points and worked out which direction north is in our classroom (it is towards the windows!) We used an atlas to find different places in the world using the index page, coordinates and grid references. We played games using North, South, East and West but in French (please ask us what these words are).

In French we learned about colours and then used this knowledge to play corners games during PE. We also had to move in a variety of ways, using different parts of our bodies- the best one was when we all had to be French Beans šŸ™‚

In Big Writing we wrote our imaginative stories using our planning from last week. Then we peer and self assessed these using two stars and a wish.

Finally, giants have started to appear in our classroom- not sure how that has happened as we are supposed to be a giant free zone! If you happen to work out how they are getting in please let us know.

See you all at parents night next week- assuming the giants don’t eat us all first.

P4a and Mrs Newton

Paddington Bear makes a visit

On Monday, P2/1 had a special visit from Paddington Bear. He came to visit Springfield and teach the children some French. The children learnt some classroom instructions in French and have been practising them this week.


In Maths this week Primary 1 have continued with their number formation. They have learnt all of the numbers to 10 now so had fun practising them in many different ways. Primary 2 have been adding two sets together and have looked at number bonds to 10.


In PE this week, the children enjoyed a game of helicopters and aeroplanes which helped them look for space. They have been working hard on their throwing and catching skills, making sure they are keeping their eyes on the ball. Some of the children challenged themselves further by adding movement and creating a short sequence.


The children have also finished creating their castle for our classroom. The Princess lost her home when the Enchanted Forest was destroyed so the children have been working very hard to create a new, magical home for her. They have learnt some of the key features of a castle and were able to design their own both on paper and by using Lego.


Harvest Assembly


Thank you to all families who contributed a food item for our Harvest display. We have been overwhelmed by your generosity! The food items will be handed over to a representative from West Lothian Foodbank next week. Stocks at the Foodbank are at an all time low and your kind donations will be a much needed boost to supplies. Thank you to Miss Prince for ensuring that the children were in fine voice with their Harvest songs and to Russell from St Michael’s Church for his help as always.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x


Bears and Porridge – P1B


This week we have had a very busy week. Ā We have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Ā We made porridge on Monday – it was a big hit, 17 children said they enjoyed it and only 3 weren’t veryĀ impressed! Mrs Kennedy was really pleased that everyone helped to follow the recipe and tasted it. We have also been learning about where oats come from and Mrs Begarnie has beenĀ teaching us about what happens to our food in our bodies once we’ve eaten it.

Our home corner is the Three Bears Cottage at the moment we have been acting out the story as well adding to it and making up our own versions – lots of very active imaginations! Ā We worked in groups to retell the story by drawing the pictures and trying to write some of the words. Ā We worked very well in our groups, showing good teamwork Ā and we all concentrated well and worked hard. Ā Mrs Kennedy has put our story mats up on the wall outside the classroom, people visiting for parents night can have a look at them.

We have been learning the sounds p and n and the words in, an and and.Ā We are getting very good at spotting the sounds and words in the books we read and around the classroom šŸ™‚

We had PE with Mrs Reid this week. Ā She brought a huge bag of balloons with her and we practised throwing and catching – it was great timing as it was Cohens birthday andĀ playing with the balloons was a perfect way to celebrate!

We finished the week with our Harvest assembly. Ā We were very active, singing lots of great songs with actions. Ā Some girls and boys from P6 came to help us with the actions, they were very good at it and helped us a lot. Ā We also read our reading books to our buddies on Friday and they read us a story too. We love buddy time.

Thanks for reading our very first blog. Ā We’ll write more soon.

P1B x



Our week in P3 by Mrs Leadbetter

This week we have been doing lots of fun things in class,Ā here are some of the things which we have enjoyed learning about:

Euan andĀ JessicaĀ – I enjoyed counting to 1000 in maths

Ruari and Rebecca – I enjoyed helping others in maths

James – I enjoyed counting one before/after numbers within 1000

Ava, Madeleine, Michael, Scott, Finlay and HannahĀ – I enjoyed science this week when we were researching about different animals from Scotland and Australia

Emma, Emma, Kristin, Mia, Cormac,Ā Jemima, Scott, Ava, Hannah, Michael, Hollie, Eilidh, FInlay, Alexander,Ā James, Lauren, Sean, Ben and OliviaĀ – I enjoyed designing our islands for our junk modelling

Aston – I enjoyed circle time with Mrs Stewart



P1A’s Fairyland Castle!

P1A have been learning all about Fairytales and are helping the friendly dragon to rebuild Fairyland. We used lots of paint and sponges to make bricks for our castle and we got a little messy! Today we added some flags and windows. We think that the dragon will love our castle!



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