P6B Fireworks Assembly

P6B presented an entertaining and informative assembly today about fireworks and firework safety. It was a joy to see a ‘real’ bonfire displayed in the hall and the children singing and dancing as they gave the ‘fireworks safety’  message. Well done to everyone involved including Miss Prince for her musical skills! Have a wonderful Bonfire night when it comes folks and please remember the safety lessons from today.

Happy weekend!

Miss Baillie x

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Parental Engagement-‘Sharing the Learning.’

You may have noticed that your child’s class teacher has sent home information regarding the planned learning for this term. I hope that you like this addition to the many different ways that we already try to involve you in your child’s education. If there is an aspect of learning that you would like to help with or have skills in, then please let us know. We would love to have any willing ‘experts’ coming into school and talking to classes of children!

As a direct result of Parental Feedback, I am delighted to announce that from this term onwards, all class teachers will use Dojo as a way to communicate backwards and forwards with you. Your child’s class teacher will have made you aware of when they are available to receive emails from you via Dojo. This means that Dojo will now be used by staff across the whole school.

I hope that you appreciate our latest moves to communicate with you and to involve you in your child’s learning.

Please feel free to email any feedback or comments to me. We strive to listen to your views and act on what you are telling us.

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie

P3 Class of the week!!

What a great first week back we have had in P3! This week marked the start of our two weeks of outdoor learning, with our focus being trees and our woodlands. As part of our topic we explored the area around our school for different trees and used a classification sheet to help us identify the different species of trees. Later on in the week we also looked at life cycles, focusing on the life cycle of an oak tree – many of us learnt that trees can live up to over 1000 years old!

In literacy we have been looking at adjectives and used them to help us create some interesting acrostic poems about autumn. In maths we went on a shape hunt to find different shapes around the school, and used leaves and twigs to make different shapes and patterns on the ground – although it was quite a challenge with the wind! In addition we also had another lesson off the SFA football coach, and even did some yoga to the story of Harry Potter.


Finally, we celebrated today as P3 were awarded the trophy for class of the week!

We hope you all enjoy your weekend. See you next week.

P3 🙂


P2’s First week back

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Here are a small selection of photos taken on our visit to the Peel and St.Michael’s Church just before half term. The children were particularly interested by some of the information we heard about the church – Holes in the wall etc. Hopefully they will be able to explain.

We have been using the Outdoors for our focus this week and will be next week as well. We have been learning about the creatures who live in our Scottish woodlands.  This has been taken into Numeracy and Literacy.

In Numeracy we have been looking at 2D shapes and making our own out of twigs outside. The children really enjoyed this activity.

In Literacy we have talked about describing words and trying to use these in our writing. We have done acrostic poems on woodland animals.

The children have made woodland animals out of clay or plasticine and next week will be making habitats for their creatures.

Reminder – children to wear school sweatshirts and warm trousers (not jeans) and wellies or sturdy shoes. Thank you.

Have a good weekend and the children have identication sheets that they can use if you are out for a walk in the woods.


Busy week in P4B

We had a Halloween disco and we dressed up. It was at the Burgh Halls. As we came in we got a bag of sweets. We also got tattoos and drinks. We made fantastic Halloween acrostic poems in class.

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We went to the Loch and we learnt about different leaves.  We raced to find the leaves to match the tree the fastest. We built animals out of sticks and leaves.






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Amelie made a pumpkin out of leaves


Ursula, Gillian and Ginny made a caterpillar


Alfie built a Fox out of sticks.


Thank you to Mrs Mathieson and Mrs Woolsey for coming along to help us and Mrs Finch for offering help.

Jennifer has gone to a different school and we are missing her. Happy birthday to her today!

A Time of Remembrance…

Eczema Outreach Scotland
Joseph and I have been working really hard last term to raise money for Eczema Outreach Scotland. We wanted to do it because a lot of people experience eczema. We decided that I would make a hamper and Joseph would hop the width of the pitch and every child in our school would get a chance to guess how many hops Joseph did. We even had a stall at Parent’s night and lots of people had a guess then. We raised £100.40!!!
Marshall from Primary 7 won the hamper- well done, Marshall! Marshall guessed 60, which was the closest to 61.
Mrs McCartney was very proud of us both!
By Sophie White

Shoe Box Appeal
If you have a shoe box to hand in, or, have any items that that could be out in a shoe box (we have ones in school), then please send in as soon as possible. Items could be toothpaste, toothbrushes, pencils, felt tips, small toys, etc. Thank you to all who have brought one in- much appreciated.

War Veterans Visit
We were so lucky to have two war veterans visit Primary 5 this week. Geoff and Tom were very interesting to listen to and gave us lots of information about life in war times. They were so brave and shared with us their experiences. We are really looking forward to filming our documentaries next Thursday afternoon.

We had a class vote and decided to explore ‘The Amazing Story of Aldophus Tips’ over the next few weeks as it links in really well with our short World War 2 focus. We can’t wait to meet the main characters in the story and find out what happens.

Things to remember:
*Shoe Box Appeal by Friday 4th November please
*Linlithgow Peel trip on Monday 31st October- waterproof clothes if required please
*Filming next Thursday 4th November- please can your child bring in anything that they wish to be in their documentary.

Have a fantastic weekend!
P5A and Mrs McCartney x

Our first week back in P1A!

What a busy first week back in P1A!

This week, we have been using the sounds we know to build words. When we were writing about autumn, we tried very hard to spell words using the letter patterns we have been taught.

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In numeracy, we have been learning to add numbers to 10. Nico says that 4 + 4 is 8. Zara would like to tell you that 5 + 5 is 10 and Sophia knows that 10 and 10 makes 20. We will continue our work with addition next week.

This week, we have been learning outdoors. On Wednesday, we were nature detectives and went on the hunt to look for signs of autumn. We found blackberries, conkers, pine cones, mushrooms and piles of leaves! Later that day, we made some autumn pictures.

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On Friday, we learned some basic French words with our P7 buddies. We also had our first official trip to the school library and we all have a library book to take home.

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend. See you next week,

P1A 🙂

Holidays are over!

This week we worked together to plan our learning from now until the next holiday, we are using the Hamish McHaggis books as a stimulus for this. Part of our learning looks at wildlife in the school grounds and we are focusing on birds and the role of the RSPB. Unfortunately the RSPB ranger is not able to visit us next week, (she is coming in January instead) however we are still going to do a nature walk around the school to see what we can find and think of ideas on how to encourage wildlife.

We started to look at food webs and chains and discovered that the sun is always the first part of the chain as it provides the energy needed for things to grow. Next week we will be planning a fair experiment around growing plants.

In literacy we wrote acrostic poems based on Halloween, these were excellent and Mrs Newton is going to make a book of them. Next week we will be looking at rhyming poems, using wildlife as a stimulus.

We have started to use our multiplication knowledge to solve dividing sums- this was a little tricky but we know that we will get there if we work hard. Next week we are going to work on time- let’s hope we can keep to time!

Mrs Newton is going to the Highland Wildlife Park on Saturday to take pictures of all the wolf cubs, If you see any wildlife at the weekend please remember to send in pictures for us 🙂

Have a good weekend,


Outdoor Learning


We were finding 2D shape in our environment. We found circles, squares, rectangles and a pentagon. Next, we are going to find some 3D shapes.

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We went into the school grounds and found fungi under the trees, brambles, elderberries and ash cones. We were surprised to find some blossom on one of the trees.

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We were testing our helicopter seeds. The card helicopter seed was better because it flew better and it fell to the ground quicker as it was heavier. Some peoples’ paper helicopter seeds flew away because they were  thinner and lighter and the wind was very strong.

Autumn Fun

It is lovely to be back together again after the holiday, we have settled easily back into our routines and have been sharing lots of interesting holiday news.

We have had lots of fun outside this week as we investigate Autumn and the changes happening all around us.  We are lucky to have such a big outdoor space and we had great fun in the outdoor classroom.  We have collected lots of things for our Autumn table and children can bring in anything they find outside of school too.

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After our walk we worked in groups using a record sheet to note down all the sings of Autumn that we noticed.  We worked very well together as we learn co-operation and how to work together to complete a task.

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We have also been working hard in Numeracy this week, learning addition.  We have been working with a partner, challenging each other with tricky sums, we like being the teacher and checking if our partner has the right answer.

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We also had our first visit to the library on Friday.  Mrs Manlove explained that we will choose a book every Friday and take it home to read, bringing it back the next Friday so we can take a new one.  Some Buddies came too and helped us to choose a book.  They are also very good at reading to us.

Have a lovely weekend from all in P1B x

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