P7a Weekly blog

This week P7a have continued using “The Great Kapok Tree” as our book focus. The children have been researching deforestation and threats in the Amazon Rainforest in pairs, we will be writing a persuasive letter to the Brazilian Government next week to ask them to continue to reduce deforestation.

We wrote very moving recounts of our trip to the Lady Haig Poppy Factory, and had a fabulous discussion about the emotions we felt during the visit.

On Wednesday Springfield P7’s won the cluster Sportshall Athletics competition. We were extremely proud of the children who despite a long warm up walk to get to the leisure centre scored top marks for the event.

Yesterday we started our enterprise focus. We are helping the children gain skills for life, learning and work. The children have split into groups and have been tasked to come up with a business plan for their “product” which will be sold by them at the Christmas Fair. They have to look at planning, design, resources, costing, marketing and sales. Watch this space for more news…

Iggety ziggety zaggety zoom another spellbinding week in P3

This week in P3 we continued with our book Room on the Broom. We have been looking at question words and question marks and thought of our own questions we would like to ask the witch. A couple of people in the class even turned into witches, wearing a witches hat and answering questions in the role of the character! We also got the opportunity to create our own sequel to the story in our writing this week, involving lots of different adventures along the way.

On Thursday we started to make stick puppets for the characters in the story to help us act out the story to some music and bring the story to life… we are all very excited to practice this next week!!

Have a magical weekend from P3 🙂

Primary 6

Primary Six developed their balance and co-ordination skills this week, with a session of yoga.

The children demonstratedyoga-nov-2016-001 yoga-nov-2016-002 yoga-nov-2016-003 yoga-nov-2016-004 yoga-nov-2016-005 yoga-nov-2016-006 yoga-nov-2016-007 their balance and flexibility.

Primary 5A’s Scottish Book Week Focus

Another jam packed week!!

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips

We are continuing to explore the text, ‘The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips’. The story is both sad and funny at the same time. We have had great discussions about what life was like during the war and how hard it would have been for children.
We created ‘If you liked this book, try…’ bookmarks. We created bookmarks to leave inside books when children get books from the library. On the bookmarks, we put our book recommendations for other readers to read and hopefully help them choose the book that we recommended. Mrs Manlove kindly let us put our bookmarks into books in our school library- thank you, Mrs Manlove!!

Circuit Training

We have been doing circuit training in P.E. This is a fun way to get children involved in physical fitness and put them on the path to a lifelong enjoyment of exercise. We are going to adapt these activities and come up with our very own!

Learning Pit

We explored the Learning Pit for Health and Well being. We discovered that James Nottingham came up with the concept of the Learning Pit during his time as a teacher in Nottingham in 1999. He found it a helpful analogy to use with students to help them understand why more challenge leads to enhanced learning. This tool fits in well with the principles of Growth Mindset and is really effective tool to help us visualise our learning journey and see the purpose in what we are learning and understand why challenge and effective feedback are important. Mrs McCartney’s goal this year is to give us all ‘effective feedback.’


We have been looking at mental addition strategies for adding several numbers together. We started off with smaller numbers and then progressed onto larger numbers. We were working with a partner and shared our ideas with the rest of the class. Ewan had a ‘Eureka!’ moment when he discovered a new strategy for mental additional strategies- great work everyone!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 5A and McCartney x

Things to remember:
*St Michael’s Christmas Hamper appeal by Friday 25th November please- thank you so much to everyone who has contributed!


P4B Blog WB 14.11.16

Dear All

We have been learning the Canadian barn dance for social dancing in PE. With Mrs Reid we have been doing rhythmic gymnastics. We practised passing games and tag rugby at rugby. Thank you for Mr Crawford and Kyle from the rugby club

Ursula, Niamh, Leah, Gillian, Katie, Sabrina and Piotr have been displaying all our work. Our portraits are now on the wall outside our class. We have moved our BFGs to our literacy wall.

We have made our own paper birds and they are hanging from the ceiling at our outdoor learning display. We Ewan brought in a bird poster and made a bird box Callum took photos of parks and Lola brought in a bird book. Our outdoor display is growing with lots of birds, leaves and conkers.

In literacy we finished our Hamish McHaggis stories and wrote spooky stories as well. We made our own clan characters and used Scottish words. We have read the Hamish McHaggis and the Ghost of Glams and the Clan Gathering.  We learned about verbs in the past tense.

In French we played a game called Mon Monstre. We drew a monster to practise parts of the body, colours and numbers it was fun!

In maths we have been learning the 4x table and using division .We learned to add hundreds with 2didget numbers. We did big maths and everyone improved. We learned the digital time quarter to and quarter past. We learned how to read a train time table and played time games on the computers.

We measured our plants. We have recorded what has happened to our plants.

On Friday we wore lots of spots and dressed down for children in need thank you for your chocolate and money.


Have a good weekend!

Typed by Amelie

Blogging from P4a

This week we have we made table clan banners and worked as teams to give our tables new names. We have also created a class banner and this, as well as the table banners, are now on display in the classroom. We completed our science experiments and recorded the results using scientific language. Some of us took our plants home, some of us didn’t.

In writing we wrote spooky stories which we will read to each other next week. Mrs Newton will make them up into a book for the class library.

We completed a design challenge this week. We had to use our imagination and problem solving strategies to build birdboxes out of card. They had to have sides, a top and bottom and an entrance for birds. There also had to be a mounting part so they could be put on the wall. This was quite tricky, however most of us succeeded and our next step will be to use these new skills to make bird boxes out of wood.

We continued to learn about time and finished this on Thursday with a game of Time Scoot. This was fun and we will be doing more Scoot games in the future. Although we won’t be helping to move the tables (Mrs Newton’s finger is very sore but not broken).

As a class we have had a number of chats about Pokemon cards and how these should be fun. Sometimes we have been a little sad about trading and so talked about perhaps not bringing them into school if we do not want to trade.

We had our individual and family photographs- these are in our bags today.

Finally (drum roll please!) we won the class of the week award for the second time this year- go P4A- we rock 😉

Have a great weekend. Only 4 weeks and 3 days left before we will be half way through P4- where did all the time go?


Jack and the Flum Flum Tree

This week we started our book focus by looking at ‘Jack and the Flum Flum Tree’. We used our predicting skills to try and guess what would happen in the story. We used clues from the front cover, blurb and first page. We then had to create a mental picture of what we thought the Isle of Blowyernose looked like. Here are some examples of our imaginative islands.

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In Literacy this week we have been revising all of the sounds we have learnt so far. We have been practising our sounds in many different ways using lots of sensory approaches.

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We have also been working hard on our common words this week. We used the spelling stones, scrabble tiles and crabs to help us write our tricky words. We have been doing lots of sentence reading using our digraphs. Miss Mudd even forgot to put some of the words in the sentences so we had to identify the correct word to put in.

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In Numeracy we have been consolidating our knowledge of number facts. Some of us were working within 10 and others up to 20.

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Some of us have even been working on numbers to 100! The numbers got all jumbled up so we had to get them all back in the correct order.

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This week Miss Mudd has also been using our new choosing board. Different activities are set out on each table and each table has been given a number. We have to put our names on the station we want to work at and do the tasks that have been set. We then get a chance to change stations and try other activities.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Primary 1/2

Skills for learning, life and work

Hello all,

Over the remainder of this academic year, both P7 classes will be developing their skills for learning, life and work. The aim being to develop their enterprising, pre-vocational, personal and employability skills in a practical context. An important aspect of this, is to make the link between the classroom and the work place in order for the children to see the value of their learning and how they can contribute to their school, community and wider economy.

We would like to invite any parents or carers who would be willing to deliver a short talk about their occupation or line of work. It would be hugely beneficial for the P7 pupils to learn aboutdiverse range of careers and roles. We hope to build their knowledge and understanding of the workplace, and give them an insight into what employers may expect of them and what they should expect from employment.

If anyone is willing to give up some of their time to do so, could you please email me (ewan.logan@westlothian.org.uk) stating your interest and line of work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mr. Logan

A day to remember

Miss Mudd was very proud us on Friday for showing respect during the remembrance assembly. We all sat in silence for two minutes to remember those who gave their lives for us in the war. We were wearing our poppies with pride!

In Literacy this week we have been working hard to read and write all of our common words. We even linked this to our PE lessons playing some fun games with our words.

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We have also been practising our sentence writing. We have learnt how to use finger spaces and full stops.  We have been using our phoneme fingers to sound out our CVC words and then apply our work on letter formation.

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We have been learning different spelling rules which is very tricky. Some of our digraphs make the same sound which can be confusing so we have been learning which digraph to use in our words. Shy ‘i’ doesn’t like all of the attention so he likes to go in the middle of words to stay safe. Toughy ‘y’ is very brave so he often likes to go at the end of words. There are, of course, some cheeky words who do not follow our rules!

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Not only have we been listening to feedback from Miss Mudd but this week we have started to give feedback to each other. In pairs, we gave each other a star and a wish to help improve our sentences. Miss Mudd was very impressed with how supportive we were and said our feedback was very helpful.

In Numeracy this week we were continuing to work on addition. Some of us even took on the role of teacher and were teaching each other new strategies.

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We have had different stations to move around this week to practise our number bonds. We are getting much faster at our recall and we are all beginning to apply our knowledge to different sums.

We finally finished our Autumn hedgehogs so here is a picture of the finished product….


Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

P1B – Flumflums and Poppies!

P1B have been on the move this week; using our bodies, getting our hearts pumping and brains working as we learn.  In PE on Monday we used our whole bodies to make all the addition sums for 4.

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Then we played a running game where there were lots of sums around the hall with no answers, when Mrs Kennedy called out an answer we had to run to one of the sums that adds up to the number she called out.  We’re getting really quick at remembering all the different ways to make 2, 3, 4 and 5 and enjoyed racing our friends to find the right sums.

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We have also been doing a lot of word building this week.  We used our bodies again as we put sounds in hoops to make words and said each sound as we jumped in the hoops and read the word at the end.

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The whole school has a book focus this week and next and we’ve been looking at the story of Jack and the Flumflum tree by Julia Donaldson.  Firstly we drew pictures of what we think the Isle of Blowyernose looks like and what we might find if we visited there.  The pictures are amazing and Mrs Kennedy wrote down all our ideas too – she had a lot of writing to do as we had lots of thoughts about what it would look like.  We also studied the words in the book to help us to understand the story better.  Our favourite phrases are ‘don’t get your knickers in a twist!’ and ‘I can’t swim for toffee!’  There are also lots of lovely describing words to explore too – heaved and hauled, gobble and guzzle, nip and gnash, as well as the characters – red-cheeked Rose and stubble-cheeked Stew and poor granny with her terrible doze of moozles!

At assembly on Friday we watched as P5A put on a fantastic performance all about Remembrance Day.  They helped us to understand why we wear poppies at this time of year. After the assembly we really wanted to make our own poppies. Mrs Kennedy gave us some resources and in our usual creative way we made lots of different styles of poppies – they were brilliant!

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P1B and Mrs Kennedy x

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