P7a weekly blog

What an amazing time we had skiing on Thursday. Have a look at some photos below. I was very proud of all of the children. We all had a growth mindset and gave it a go (even if we were scared), which Mrs Gordon was!

This week we also wrote a persuasive letter to the Brazilian ambassador about our concerns over deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

In maths we continued working with large numbers and place value, and in French we focused on time.

Enterprise skills have been developing as our mini teams prepare their products, and complete marketing for the Christmas fair next week. Everyone is very excited and the class will be full of glitter and loombands next week!


P5B’s Evacuee Assembly

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P5B dazzled us today with their acting, dancing and singing as they provided an account of life in WW2. The children acted out the story of an Evacuee and described the feelings of children who would have been in this position. Well done to those involved! Thank you especially to Mrs Matos and all parents and carers who provided costumes and came along to support the children today.  Excellent work everyone!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x




Outdoor Learning- Maths.

We were making 3D shapes in the playground.

We had to find twigs and we used string/wool to help us to tie the sticks together to make the shapes. First, some of us had made a 2D shape and built them in to 3D shapes.


Daniel L., Calan and Dean started their shape building by tying 4 twigs together first to make a square based pyramid.



Howie, Daniel W. and Mark on their way to making a square based pyramid.



Will and Sarah worked enthusiastically. They are looking very excited at completing their 3D shape!


Sing-a-long in P1/2

This week we had a special visit from NYCOS (National Youth Choir Of Scotland) to do a workshop with us looking at rhythm and steady beats. We absolutely loved the games and activities and had so much fun. We want to say a big thank you to Tracey for coming to teach us. You can download the short video to have a look at what we were doing.

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In Literacy this week, both groups have learnt their new sounds and we have been using the stations set out to practise using our sounds. Each week we do activities to help us say, make, blend, read and write our new sounds.

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Some of us were doing activities where we had to read the sentence and write in the missing word. We have been using our new spelling rules to help us know which digraph to use. We have then applied our new learning to our sentences.

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We have also been working hard on our CVC words so we can write short sentences more independently.

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In Numeracy this week we have been consolidating our understanding of addition. We have looked at number facts for 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15. We will continue to work on our numbers to 20 to speed up our recall. We have also looked at doubles and will be going on to use our knowledge to help us with near doubles.

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Our Nativity rehearsals have been going very well this week. We are keeping it all top secret so it is a surprise for all of our parents. Thank you to all of the parents who have helped us with props, we are very grateful.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend

Primary 1/2

Hola from Primary 5A!


Another busy, busy week!

We are beginning to identify key information from a short predictable conversation and react with words or gestures in Spanish. We worked with the other Primary 5 on Tuesday morning and created a months of the year calendar in Spanish. We are learning songs and rhymes and are showing understanding and enjoyment by listening, joining in and responding in both French and Spanish.

Health and Wellbeing
We have been doing Gymnastics in P.E. Mrs McCartney was so impressed that she came into the hall to see us with Mrs Reid and took photographs. We are recognising when we experience new challenges for learning, we are encouraged and supported to demonstrate our creative ability. We are going to the P5 Handball Festival on December 14th.We are going to be preparing for this festival over the next couple of week in our P.E slots.

We are beginning to identify key information from a short predictable conversation and react with words or gestures in Spanish. We worked with the other Primary 5 on Tuesday morning and created a months of the year calendar in Spanish. We are learning songs and rhymes and are showing understanding and enjoyment by listening, joining in and responding in both French and Spanish.


We are continuing to explore the text, ‘The Amazing Story of Aldolphus Tips’. We are demonstrating our understanding of the text by answering very tricky questions about the text- even coming up with our own!!
We wrote fantastic poems about peace. We were asked to visualise what peace looks like and how we can link peace to our senses. Our poems were very emotional and brought a tear to Mrs McCartney’s eyes!


We have been looking at mental addition strategies for adding a 2 digit number to the three digit number. We were working with a partner to create a poster demonstrating our chosen strategy. Mrs McCartney told us to make sure that it made sense as we are going to share these with our peers. We are really working on having Growth Mindset in Maths. We are becoming more confident with which calculations are needed and can solve problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods. We are really enjoying sharing my approaches and solutions with others.

Book Fair

The Book Fair was a wonderful success!!! Mrs Manlove worked so, SO hard preparing for all the books for the fair and each class loved going along! Paul Manlove has been a credit to the school and helped his mum out each day! We are so proud of you, Paul! What a responsible citizen!
Christmas Hamper Appeal
Thank you to all who brought in food donations for the Christmas Hamper Appeal! Your support is very much appreciated. Both Primary 5 classes are going to prepare the Christmas bags next week to give to the Day Care Centre.

Christmas Fayre

We are looking forward to our enterprise focus next week and preparing our ‘Snowman Soup’ for the Christmas Fayre. We are very lucky to have parents coming in next week to help us with this and the Christmas Hamper Appeal.
Happy weekend everyone!


Primary 5A and McCartney x

Things to remember:
*Growth Mindset Open Afternoon 1.30-2.45pm Wednesday 30th November
*Christmas Fayre next Friday 2nd December


Blog WB 21.11.16

Dear All

This week we had our last time at rugby. Everybody was feeling cold. We played tag in rugby. We played in teams. Thank you to Mrs Mathieson and Kyle from the Rugby Club for helping us to walk there. We did body balance on Monday. We learned more of the Canadian barn dance and we switched partners. We learned Rhythmic gymnastics with Miss Reid.

We finished of recording our mustard plants and we got to take them home. We tested to see how they grew with no sunlight, no soil and with no water or with all conditions. The ones with no water and no soil didn’t grow. They tasted spicy. We also started making our Christmas fair goods.

In maths we added 4 diget numbers with 4 digit numbers. We have been learning different strategies to learn the 4 times table.

In literacy we have been making up a dictionary to help us with our spelling. We also learned how to show expression in our writing using bold, italics, capital letters and big writing.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Lola, Franz and Una

P4a is awesome!

This week we started to look at money in Maths. We were working with amounts to £5, buying goods and receiving change. We practised these skills during our ICT time.

In French this week we were asking questions about our names and the names of our friends. We also revisited all our previous French skills.

Next week we have chosen to do an activity, on the mindset afternoon, linking our budgeting skills and French together. Please come visit us from 2.00pm until 2.45pm on Wednesday (1.30pm in the hall first for a presentation by Miss Baillie and Mr Logan.)

In literacy we looked at different ways to display texts. We made posters for the school fair and about the Christmas Post Office we will run in P4 this year.

We worked out our potentual profit if we sell all our crafts at the school fair and then started making these for next week- this will take us a long time- but we hope you will like them.

We did football rounders for our PE with Mrs Newton and gymnastics with Mrs Reid.

We are almost finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone- we have been reading it since August and hope that all the parents will agree we can watch the movie as our Dojo Christmas Treat (Mrs Newton has sent a Dojo message about this.)

We visited the book fair and loved seeing all the different books we could read.

A huge thank you to Abbie’s dad who has donated wood (and is going to arrange to have it cut for us) so we can attempt to make some bird boxes. More news on this will follow after the school fair.

Finally- on the back of winning class of the week last week, this week we won Mrs Malcolm’s peg challenge for the upper school. Pegs are awarded for walking quietly around the school and we managed to win 2 this week. We are hoping our good luck continues next week 🙂

Have a great weekend, stay warm.


It’s getting colder outside!

We’ve enjoyed exploring our outdoor area this week. We left containers filled with water overnight on Wednesday. Look what happened! They had all turned to ice. When we took them inside to show everyone we could see that our ice shapes started to melt in our warm nursery.

We also added some warm water to the frosty, icy ground. It started to melt too but by the afternoon it was very slippy as the water had turned to ice. We had to be very careful. ice-3ice-12ice-16ice-24ice-14ice-11

P1B – From making dough to collecting trophies!

Another week has raced by!  At the beginning of the week we had a visit to the school kitchen to make play dough.  It was good fun, following the recipe, checking we had the right ingredients, measuring them out and then the tricky part – mixing it together, it was very sticky!  Our dough is lovely and soft and squidgy and we’ve used it a lot to make our sounds and words.

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As the nights are getting longer, we’ve also been learning about how the earth moves to create night and day.



We’re continuing to look at addition in numeracy, looking at adding three sets of numbers together and are beginning to look at adding larger numbers.

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We completed our study of Jack and the Flumflum Tree on Friday.  When Mrs Kennedy came back from break she had a terrible dose of the moozles, she must have caught them from granny!


Mrs Kennedy also had the sack that granny gave Jack, all the things in the sack helped us to retell the story and put them in the correct order as we sequenced the story too.  We also spoke a little about why Jack says ‘don’t get your knickers in a twist’ and discussed what we can do when we are faced with a problem.

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We also got fantastic news on Friday – we are class of the week for a second time and were also the class who have been the most sensible when walking around the school this week.  We got an extra long breaktime as a reward.

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P7b Blog

P7b have been continuing to work hard to extend their knowledge of place value using 9-digit numbers, and demonstrated their knowledge on Thursday in a topic assessment. Our scores were excellent and are a reflection of how hard we have been working over the past 3 weeks. In Big Maths we have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals and practising both our 11 and 12 times tables. On Friday, we completed Beat That! week 7, with everyone’s scores showing significant improvements since the beginning of term. Next week we will be moving onto addition, using both written methods and calculators to do so.

In writing this week we created first drafts of our curricula vitae (we learnt this is the plural in latin, curriculum vitaes is grammatically incorrect). This formed part of our focus on developing Skills for Learning, Life and Work and is an important step towards gaining employment. We will be self-correcting and redrafting these next week using the Netbooks. After Christmas, we are looking forward to visits from various professionals to give us a taster as to what can be expected in different workplaces.

Another key part of Skills for Learning, Life and Work is the development of enterprising skills. This week we started work on our enterprise which involves us working collaboratively in groups of 5 to come up with a business plan before designing, resourcing, costing, ordering, manufacturing, marketing, advertising and eventually selling our products at this year’s Christmas Fair. We have split into our groups, created team names and logos, decided on a product and compiled a resource list so far. Next week we will be calculating costs and ordering resources.

Finally, we were delighted to find out that Springfield placed first at the cluster Sportshall Athletics Event on Wednesday. All of our practise paid off and we performed brilliantly on the day. We are hoping that our score of 56 points will be enough to progress to the regional final.

Have a fantastic weekend from P7b and Mr. L

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