Engineers in P5A…

Engineers in P5A…

What a fun and creative week!

On Monday we designed Maths games in pairs or in a group of 3 to end our addition work in Maths. We had to include additional maths language, which was actually quite tricky and lots of us had to think hard to use a variety of additional vocabulary. Once we had created our game, we then came had to come up with clear and logical instructions so that our peers can play them! This proved to be challenging but rewarding as we all managed to work together in order to create our very OWN game!

On Tuesday it was our second session of rugby at the Rugby Club. We are learning of positive values while participating in this experience. First, there is honesty, we must readily admit that we have been tagged. Second, there is the value of teamwork. Touch rugby is not a one-man show. We realise that our team must pull together in order to win. Lastly, there is discipline. As with any other sport, there are rules to be followed in rugby, which we and play fairly. We are looking forward to our third and last session next week.
We would like to thank everyone that has come along and supported us during these taster sessions- your support is very much appreciated.



On Wednesday we went on our class trip to the Forth Crossing Education Centre to learn all about bridges and the design of them. It was so informative and really benefited us. We learned, not only a lot about bridges in general but also about the new bridge being built and the many aspects that need to be considered. It was wonderful that we got an opportunity to walk across the bridge and really put all the knowledge that they had gained into context. We also had an insight into their own ‘perception’ of their strengths and weaknesses in the team building exercise in the afternoon. The visit has really helped our understanding about engineering and bridges.








On Thursday we made colour wheels with Mrs Tulloch. We coloured our wheel the 7 colours of the spectrum and then we put it onto a motor. We made the motor spin with our electrical circuit. The colour wheel spun and we saw white. What a lot of fun! Thank you Mrs Tulloch!

On Friday, Ruairidh, Rory and Zak ‘Shared our Learning’ about Scotland in our Scots Assembly. We were researching facts about Scotland in groups. They were picked as a representative for each group to explain what we have been doing this week in class. We had to consider how to present our information about Scotland to an audience. We were exploring Scottish culture, cities or landmarks in groups. It was very important that we worked as a team, using a clear, loud voice during our presentation. We are researching a ‘Famous Scot’ called Alexander Graham Bell. We created interactive information posters about his life.

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs McCartney and P5A X

Things to remember:
*Last session of Rugby on Tuesday 31st January.


Another week in P4a

With the assembly behind us we got down to some serious learning!

This week we learned about John Logie Baird- did you know that he invented warm socks and glass razors? We didn’t either, we also found out about the TV he invented and how it was different from the ones we have today. Mrs Newton even told us that long ago you had to get up to change the channel!!!!

In maths we are focusing on our times tables- we are learning the 6 times table just now and revising the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. We are also practising dividing with these numbers.

We are also learning about fractions, using our multiplication and division skills to help us.

We have started a 12 week block of singing lessons with NYCOS- we had a great time this week and are looking forward to the next 11 weeks.

Mr Fryer came to visit and talked to us about budgets, wants and needs. We really enjoyed this session, even though Abbie now knows that a Lamborghini is a want and not really a need (if only it was the other way around 😉 ).

Finally we wrote stories about China, dragons and lanterns. Mrs Newton says these were excellent.

Have a great weekend, P4a

Learning in P4B WB 23.1.17

WB 23.1.17

Dear all

This week we practised our assembly a lot.

In literacy everybody got to pick a famous  Scot and make up a who, what, where, when, why and how Scottish story.

In numeracy we got tubs of playdough to help us with fractions and numbers.


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In P.E we started hockey with Mrs. Reid. We started off using just our hands, and then we tried a stick. With the stick we did competitions to get the stick and the ball back and forth.  In P.E with Mrs. McAlpine we started athletics.

In music someone from the national Scottish choir came to help us with rhythm and keeping the beat.

In French we revised what we had learned and planned what we would like to learn.


With Mrs Begarnie, we were learning about baptism.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Una

Learning about birds

Over the last few weeks we have been setting up a bird-watching area in nursery. We have left only a small viewing area as we didn’t want the birds to fly away when they saw a sudden movement in nursery. We’ve been putting out bird food daily and have even made food kebabs and bird cake for the birds. They seem to prefer the bird cake which is made from fat, bird-seed, raisins and bread. We have been making marks on our bird identification chart to show the birds visiting our garden. We have already observed lots of wood pigeons and magpies as well as a robin, blue tit and a great tit. At our games table we’ve been playing a bird matching game and this is already helping us to identify some common garden birds. In the art area we have been looking at a bird identification book and using this to help create our own birds. In our construction area, we have even seen a bird hotel being built. We’ve been asking parents and children for ideas on what we would now like to learn about birds and have already received some great ideas. Over the next few weeks we hope to learn about how to build nests, migration, different bird sounds and eggs.


P7a RSBP Giving Nature A Home

Primary 7a had a great morning outside on Thursday with the lovely ladies from the RSPB. We learnt about how we can provide homes for animals and insects and how this can improve the environment.

The children took part in teams, in a dragons den style “design a habitat” game. The winner was the hedgehog with a webcam within its new purpose built home.

The children are now very keen to see if we can try our any of their ideas…watch this space…

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Rugby, Bird watching, street dancing and so much more….

This week in P5B we have had an active fun filled week. Starting our week off with a walk to Linlithgow Rugby Club. Once we arrived we were met by the coaches. We were divided into two groups. Once in our groups, we played a few warm up games and then a few rounds of tag rugby. It was great fun and we are looking forward to another round of games next week Tuesday.


The fun didn’t stop there. On Wednesday morning the RSPB came to visit. We had a lovely discussion about the different types of birds that we can find in our area, and we were also given tips on how we can identify the different birds. We then headed outside to do a little bird watching and we helped the RSPB count the number of birds on our pitch. This week we will be logging our bird count on the RSPB website.


The fun didn’t stop there. Mrs Matos surprised us on Thursday afternoon with a visit from one of the teachers from Dance World, who came along to teach us some street dance! What fun, Mrs Tulloch and Miss Prince came along too, to learn a few new moves. We even got to add a dab to our dance.

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In numeracy this week, we used all our knowledge that we have learnt so far in P5 (Place value, doubles/ near doubles, rounding and addition) and worked in pairs to create our own Math game. We needed to use all that we know to create a challenging and Fun Math game. This week we will get the opportunity to play each other’s games. This week we became Math detectives, we worked with a partner to answer some maths problems to help find the super hero who had turned bad in Mathhaton. Ryan, Ambra, Evie, Samuel, Emily and Gabriella were among a few of the detectives who managed to solve the mystery of the evil super hero. We are looking forward to learning different strategies to help us solve subtraction problems  next week.

The fun never stops in primary 5, next week we have another trip to Linlithgow Rugby club to look forward to, and on Wednesday we are going to the Fourth Crossing Education centre!

Till next week Mrs Matos and P5B



Happy Chinese New Year!

Primary 4A led us through a colourful Chinese New Year celebration last Friday, of acting, singing and dancing. The children have spent weeks making props including a magical Chinese dragon and learning words and songs in Mandarin. Did you know that 2017 is the year of the Rooster? Well done to Mrs Newton, Mrs Hutton and everyone else involved. Xinnian Kuaile!  Happy Chinese New Year from all of us here at Springfield!

Miss Baillie x

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WB 16.1.17

What a busy week in Primary 1/2! We have finally finished our role play area and it looks fantastic. We have really enjoyed playing in our train station and our cafe. We have practised writing lists, menus and taking orders. We have also been using our maths skills to sell train tickets using the cash till.

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In PE this week Miss Mudd was teaching us some new team games. We used the giant ball to practise dribbling and had to use our listening skills to identify the different instructions. We learnt how to support our team mates and how to motivate and encourage them.

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In Maths we have been learning about our numbers to 20. Miss Mudd put out some new activities to help us practise ordering, sequencing and comparing. We were learning how to count bigger numbers with accuracy. Miss Mudd set us a tricky challenge to practise our fine motor skills. We had to turn a number card over and carefully count that amount of cheerios onto the stick. It helped us with our precision and co-ordination.

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Some of us were learning about subtraction. We got to play skittles and had to write subtraction sums to show how many had been knocked down. We also played ‘subtraction smash’ with the playdough and got to squish the balls as we subtracted them.

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In Literacy we were learning the ‘qu’ and ‘x’ sounds. We used our bodies to make a giant X, as well as treasure maps with our X to mark the spot. We made crowns and pretended to be queens for the day for our ‘qu’ digraph.

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We also played common word splat. We used a spatula and had to splat the common word that Miss Mudd shouted out. It was a race! We loved it.

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We were busy doing some Winter art work. We looked at mixing colours and thoroughly enjoyed creating all of these wonderful new and interesting colours.

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After our visit from the RSPB we were inspired to try and help the birds this winter. We used lard and bird seed to make our own bird feeders that can be put in our gardens.

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We also conducted some science experiments to look at how animals keep warm in the winter waters. We learnt that they have a layer of fat under their skin to help insulate them. We tested this out using bags of lard and oil and discovered that these fats did help keep our hands warm in the icy water.

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Wow! We are tired out just telling you all about our week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

From Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

Another fun week of learning in P3

This week in P3 we have enjoyed learning our times tables in maths. We loved watching a fun video about the five times table and used the handy trick to help us with our learning. We also enjoyed doing some trickier word problems which involved us thinking backwards and using our division skills. With Mrs Begarnie we were also looking at lines of symmetry and trying to identify these in different objects and letters.

This week we had our first lesson of music with our lovely new music teacher ‘Mrs Bain’. We had lots of fun playing games which involved singing and clapping… and we even made up our own song about Springfield Primary School!

In literacy we began looking at diary writing and the different things which we would include in a diary entry. We talked about what we did during the week and wrote our very own diary entry, sharing our thoughts and feelings.

Finally we also found out what our next topic is…. ‘David Dale & Robert Owen (New Lanark) which will be developed further by exploring how things have changed over the years since the Victorian period. We were very excited to hear about our new topic and our school trip to New Lanark!!!

We all hope you have a lovely weekend.

From P3 (Class of the Week again!!!!!) 🙂

裝配日 (Assembly Day)

This week has been all about our assembly. We finished our props (the P7’s accidently knocked the dragon out 🙁 but we fixed him) we did some techinal run throughs in class and managed to get into the hall on Thursday for a full rehearsal. At the time of writing we have performed to the P1-4’s and it was great, BUT we know the one for parents will be AMAZING!

Thank you all for helping us get ready, listening to our singing and braiding our hair. It really makes a difference.

We have managed some other things this week- we had a Netball session which was excellent. We practised our times tables and worked on directions. In science we learned about germs in water and how some people need to walk long distances just to get dirty water as there is no clean water to be found. We tried carrying water outside, it was ok for a few minutes but we do not think we would like carrying it for 4 hours. More people die from drinking dirty water than from wars or violence!

Finally we hope you enjoy our assembly, we know we will 🙂


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