P4B’s Super Scottish Assembly!

Thank you to Primary 4B and Mrs McAlpine for their hard work in putting together last Friday’s assembly. Following on from the previous week’s assembly,  the class chose to stick with the Scottish theme and they showcased their many talents as they shared examples of our culture. The children had also made wonderful models of Scottish landmarks which were on display for the audience to look at. Well done to all of those involved!

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Our Week in Primary 2

We had a great week, the highlight being our Trip on Thursday to New Lanark. We had a good journey there and our first session was a visit to the school room where the children had great fun playing with Victorian toys/games. These included hopscotch, skittles, peevers. Our next session was a trip to the Annie Macleod experience. Everybody enjoyed this although some were a little nervous to begin with. The children heard about life in the mill village back in Victorian times and began to understand what it was like. We then had our lunch and our last visit was to a Victorian cottage and shop. The children were fascinated to learn what life was like then. So a successful visit.

We began our Victorian study by thinking about what we know and want to know. Then we started our focus on Victorian toys.

In Literacy we having working on the “ou” and “th” sounds, as well as reading and comprehension.

In Maths we have continued with multiplication, focussing on 2 times table.

The children had an exciting time exploring under the sea with their google experience. They will explain if they haven’t already.

Photos of New Lanark to follow.



” Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be entertained, and delight.” – Dr. Suess

Continuing with our Scottish focus, we spent some time on the netbooks  researching facts about Scotland. We looked up interesting places in Scotland, historical sites, traditional foods, and so much more. We made a note of the all the information we found on a Scotland snapshot worksheet.


Last week we created interactive posters which included the facts we had learnt about the life of Alexander Graham Bell, this week we had the opportunity to present our research and posters to the class. A lot of work was put into the posters, a lot of creativity and detail was shown.

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In literacy this week we continued learning about the different types of figurative language. We worked together with a partner. We were given some pictures, we had to match the pictures together, decide what figurative language it would demonstrate and using the pictures we made our own sentences that would demonstrate the type of figurative language it was. We worked really well together, we communicated our ideas, listened to each other and we had to use some problem solving skills too. We put all this information onto a poster, which we later presented to the class.

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In Numeracy this week we continued with subtraction, the strategy that we learnt was partitioning. During number talks we were given a string of 2 digit subtraction problems, we were encouraged to use the bridging strategy to solve the problem, we also had to think of one other strategy that we could use to help us solve the subtraction problem. We are becoming very confident with our number talk discussions. We all really enjoyed the partitioning strategy better, so far we find that this strategy can help us solve 2 and 3 digit subtraction must quicker. We wonder which strategy we will be learning this week?

This week Tuesday was our last week of Rugby at the Linlithgow Rugby club. We have learnt so much over the last three weeks, not only did we learn about rugby, but we learnt the importance of teamwork and listening. The coaches and our teachers were so impressed with our behaviour , our willingness to learn and our team playing, both Primary 5 classes were award class of the week this week at Friday’s assembly! Well done P5A and P5B.

It’s a short week this week, we wonder what Mrs Matos could have in store for us this week?

P5B and Mrs Matos

Train Mad P1B!

This week we have been learning our first 2 digraphs – ‘sh’ and ‘ch’.  We already knew lots of words with these sounds in as we are very good at hearing sounds in words.  We are now working on using these digraphs as we write.

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Imogen and Lucas made shampoo and shapes for the ‘sh’ sound.

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In maths we have been learning odd and even numbers.  We made Even Characters, drawing them using only even numbers – 2 heads, 4 legs, 6 arms, etc.040 041 042

Next week we will make Odd Houses for them to live in.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Greig of Google Expeditions.  The photographs don’t do it justice but we had a really interesting session, using the handheld devices to have a 3D trip under the sea and then into space.  We really enjoyed it.



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In outer maths this week we continued to look at patterns.  We read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and then designed our own underpants.  We all made fab designs and we think the aliens would love them!

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More pattern through play:

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We have been extremely busy turning our home corner into a train station.  We planned together, deciding on the furniture, equipment and signs we would need.  We then set to work to make it and have had a lot of fun playing in it already.  020 021 019024  027 028 029 025 031 034

We have also been thinking about train journeys.  We read the story ‘The Train Ride’ and sequenced it together.  We will be thinking more about train journeys next week – one’s we’ve actually been on and magical ones that we would love to go on.

We have also been trying some yoga at the end of the day for the past couple of weeks.  The children are far more flexible then Mrs Kennedy!  We’re finding it is a nice relaxing end to a busy day.

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A few more of my favourite pictures from this week:

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Have a good weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 1/2

In Literacy we have been learning all about the alphabet. We used Lego bricks, alphabet stones, clothes pegs and flashcards to practise putting the alphabet in the correct order. We were using our fine motor skills to shape foil into letters. We used our magnetic boards to order the alphabet and even had to dig in the sand to find our letters and sort them all out!

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The Red group have also started learning their digraphs, looking at sh and ch this week. The Blue group have been sorting words with different spellings. We have all enjoyed writing silly sentences using our new sounds. We have started to give each other feedback and identify next steps.

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In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. We created stories about Odd Todd and Even Steven. We had to work in groups and listen to each other’s ideas.  It was hard to make decisions as a group so we talked about how we could prevent arguments. We then went on to design houses for our characters. Odd Todd only liked things that were 1,3,5,7 and 9. Some of us put 3 doors, 5 chimneys and 7 flowers. Even Steven only had items that were 0,2,4,6 and 8. We used number sponges to order even numbers and used the story of Noah’s ark to look at the animals going in their pairs onto the ark.

We have also been learning about patterns. We used the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ to look at different patterns then design our own underpants.

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In IDL we were learning about our famous Scot-  James Watt. We were very brave and stood up in front of the school and shared all of our learning. We were comparing trains from the past and present. We looked at the similarities and differences between our lives today and the lives of people in the past.

We have been designing and making junk model trains. This was a very tricky task as we had to think about the different shapes we were using and work out how to attach them together. A big thank you to Mrs Miller for helping us for the afternoon.

We have been studying the story of ‘The Train Ride’. We are now writing our own books based on this story. We have created our own train journeys and thought about the different things we would see on our journey.

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Miss Mudd’s friends the MacDougall family have donated more toys and dressing up costumes to our class. We had some very unusual visitors to our train station including a princess, some superheroes and an elephant!

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The most exciting thing to happen this week had to be our visit from Google. We went on a google expedition under the sea and we loved it!! We felt like we were actually there. What a cool experience.

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What a busy 2 weeks!! Thank you to everyone for helping bring in bits and bobs for our junk model trains. They were fabulous! We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd


Expeditions and Underpants! (P1A)

Our week in pictures…

On Monday, we went to gym with Miss Harrison and worked on our balancing, throwing and dribbling skills. We had a lot of fun!


This week we have been learning the sounds ‘sh’ and ‘ch’. We made our own ‘sh’ ships, drew ‘sh’ pictures and we even made our own ‘sh’ sentences!


Have you heard about Mr Odd and Mr Even?! This week, we have been learning about odd and even numbers. We looked for odd and even numbers on our number lines, counted up in even numbers to complete dot to dot puzzles and found odd and even numbers in our work. Using our odd and even numbers we made our own characters, Mr/Mrs Odd and Mr/Mrs Even.


This week we finished learning about patterns using shapes and colours. Miss Harrison read us a story called ‘Dinosaurs love Underpants’ and we created our own patterned underpants! During active play time, some of us have been using our shapes to build castles. Daniel made Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Miss Harrison loves Harry Potter and she was so impressed!


One of the highlights of our week was our Google Expedition workshop. We really enjoyed learning about Under the Sea and looking at the different animals in the ocean. We also got to explore our Solar System! Eva liked seeing all of the different planets and Sammy liked seeing the whale sharks.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a lovely weekend,

P1A 🙂

Blog 3.2.17

Blog 3.2.17

Dear all

This week we practised our assembly and we did it! We were all nervous before the assembly but it turned out really good. After the assembly we had irn bru and shortbread. Thank you to all our families for coming and helping us to practise and for giving costumes. Unfortunately we only managed to get one photo, but if you managed to take any that you are happy to share, Mrs McAlpine will send out. On Wednesday we had a google experience and saw Robert Burn’s house and Ancient Egypt

In literacy we learned about collective nouns which are groups. We wrote facts about Robert Burns.

In numeracy we learned thirds and tenths in fractions. We practised dividing to help us with our fractions.

In P.E we were doing hurdles for athletics and it was great, fun and energetic and we built up our stamina.

We started our new topic with P4A, which is Ancient Egypt! We found lots of information including the pyramids and that hieroglyphics are pictures which replace letters and that people were mummified when they were dead.

With Mrs Begarnie, in science we did arts and crafts for the water cycle. In ICT we improved our typing on the computer. In music we learned to play different instruments. The National choir came in again to help us with rhythm.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Lola


Noodleing along in P4a

This week we worked with P4b to discuss our new topic- Ancient Egypt. We shared what we know, what we think and what we want to learn. This helped Mrs Newton and Mrs McAlpine plan some fun learning activities for us.

In numeracy we have been focusing on fractions, multiplying (6 and 8 times table) and dividing. We are using songs from Education City to help us.

In writing we wrote biographies on John Logie Baird, he invented lots of things and we used our learning from last week to help write these. They are really good and we will be making a biography book from them.

On Tuesday we had singing with NYCOS again, we think we are getting better 🙂

On Wednesday Google Expeditions came to school- this was AMAZING!!! We loved it.

On Thursday we disovered GoNoodle- this is a great site for physical workouts- some of us used it last year, we think it is amazing. This morning we did the Fresh Start work out to get us ready for the day.

Home Learning- next week we will have this as normal BUT because we are not in on Friday we will have 2 weeks to complete the tasks.

Have a great weekend P4a 🙂

The best week ever!!

This week in P3 we began looking at FairTrade. We have been keeping an eye out for items with the FairTrade logo on them and have been bringing these into school to help us with our assembly. We carried out some research to find out where FairTrade products come from, and put these on a map of the world.

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On Wednesday we were very lucky to have Google Expeditions in our school. In the afternoon we went on our very own adventure to explore the 7 wonders of the world…. we saw the Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, Petra, Mexico (Chitzen – Itza), Rome and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil!! We also went under the sea and all the way out to space…. what an exciting adventure!!!

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On Thursday we went on a bus to New Lanark with P2 and P2/3. It was a really long journey but when we got there we had lots of fun. We went to see the mill workers house and shop, and saw how people used to live 200 hundred years ago. After that we went to the classroom in Robert Owen’s school. As soon as we got in the classroom we were all given a school uniform to wear which was red and white, this was really fun! We had a teacher who was really strict and we learnt what it would have been like to go to school 200 hundred years ago. Finally we all got the opportunity to go on the Annie McLeod ride, it was a little bit scary but we still had fun!

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We are really looking forward to practising for our assembly next week and wish you all a lovely weekend.

From P3 🙂

Building has begun in P5A…

On Monday we were very excited to be set a ‘Build a Bridge’ challenge for homework. This task will encourage us to be creative and think strategically about simple structures. We have to decide upon the best design discussing which criteria to use for our bridge. When we bring our bridges back to school, we will test our bridge structures for strength, which will require a systematic approach. We will be prepared to share our bridge design with our teacher and our peers on Wednesday 15th February. Bridge building has begun…
On Tuesday we had the last of our Tag Rubgy sessions. We would like to thank all the helpers who so very kindly walked to the Rugby Club with us and many thanks also to the Rugby coaches at the Rugby Club for making it such a fun session! Lots of fun was had by all!
On Wednesday we had the “best fun in school ever!” said Ewan! The whole school had sessions with Google Expeditions, where learners can take ‘expeditions’ right from their classroom. Expeditions allowed Mrs McCartney to act as a “guide” through collections of 360° and 3D images of the Seven Wonders of the World and Edinburgh Castle, while pointing out interesting sights along the way. It really was amazing!




On Thursday we wrote newspaper reports about the new Queensferry Crossing. We were very excited to hear that the last part of the bridge was put in place last night!! We learned that to write a great newspaper report you need to choose an interesting event to write about. It is very important to have a short and snappy first paragraph that briefly explains what happened, the tricky part was making this so that, even if the reader stopped reading after this, they will still know roughly what happened. We tried our best to keep our most important information near the top of the report . We thought about; Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?. It was important that we considered these questions during the planning process and we made sure that we answered them all, keeping our sentences short and punchy, so that it doesn’t become boring. Our peers helped us to CHECK our spelling and facts! Lots of us included quotes and interviews. We shared these reports with our peers. Mrs McCartney said that our headlines were amazing!!


On Friday we had the very first of our Committee meetings in our groups. We were all very excited to hear what group we were in and loved that we were asked which groups we would like to be part of first, what a big job organising all of those names into Committees. They were a success and we are already looking forward to the next Committee meeting!
Well done to Joseph Moon who took part in a TV show called ‘All Over the Workplace’. It was brilliant. What a confident and enthusiastic teacher you will be!
We all watched his show this morning- great job!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x

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