Mr Fluff’s Adventures (P1A)

Even though the last two weeks have been shorter, we have been busy in P1A!

Last week, we started looking at old and new transport and how transport has changed over time. Thomas suggested that we change our role play area into a transport museum and we all thought that was a wonderful idea. We have a ticket office, a cafe, a book shop and photographs of old modes of transport. Charlie and Daniel brought in photographs for our museum. Charlie’s great great grandfather was an inspector on the trams for over 30 years and a drummer in the Glasgow Corporation Transport Pipe Band. Daniel’s uncle built a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car which is displayed in the Glasgow Transport Museum. We have had lots of fun playing in our transport museum.

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When we came to school last Wednesday, we got a big surprise! Mr Fluff (our class mascot) was in our transport museum with a photograph! He had been to the transport museum in Glasgow and was in a horse and cart.

mr-fluff-transport-museum-letter mr-fluff-transport-museum

We decided to help Mr Fluff and that morning, we started to learn about how transport has changed. The first car looked very different and only had enough space for two people. We were able to sort pictures of transport onto a timeline and put them in order from oldest to newest.

changes-in-transport-ema-eum-bw changes-in-transport-et-km-cl-so-cc changes-in-transport-hd-dr-rb-tk-ct changes-in-transport-jt-ca-zc-ny

Mr Fluff was on another adventure this week! When we came into school on Thursday, we found him in the transport museum with a photograph of him on an aeroplane! We learned about the different ways that humans have tried to fly throughout history.

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Last week, we learned two new sounds by combining letters together. We looked at the ‘th’ and ‘wh’ sounds. This week we have been revising the ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ and ‘wh’ sounds. We have been continuing to look at all of our common words to help us with our reading and writing.


In numeracy and maths, we have been learning how to write numbers to 10 in words. Next week, we will be looking at number words to 20. We have also been learning about money. Last week, we looked at coin recognition and we are now learning to add money amounts to 10p.

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Today we won the peg challenge again! We always walk quietly in the corridors and we had 18 pegs altogether. Miss Harrison is always very proud of us.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

P1A 🙂

Bridge Building Success…

We hope that you all had a fantastic long weekend. Well, this has been a short but action packed week!

On Wednesday we shared our bridge building challenge with P2/3. They were very impressed with our bridges
and we had fantastic ‘learning conversations’ with them. We shared how we made our bridge, what we found tricky and how we overcame any problems that we had. We discussed how we would improve our bridges next time. Mrs McCartney was very impressed with them all!







We would like to thanks everyone that helped with this project.

As part of our Health and Well Being, we get active with GoNoodle in class. GoNoodle is a fun, way to get active dancing to songs.


On Thursday we were learning how to use commas. We created a comma poster to demonstrate our understanding. We had to include an example of each comma rule in our poster. We shared these with our peers.

We were researching Mary Queen of Scots and created a timeline of the key events in her life. We chose how to design our timeline and Mrs McCartney thought that we were very creative!




Happy Weekend!

Mrs McCartney and P5A

P4B Class of the week!

Blog 17.2.17

Dear all

Over the last two short weeks we had fun! We won class of the week for our assembly last week!


In literacy we learned about collective nouns and singular and plural nouns. We wrote diary entries and did a reading comprehension about a book called sport for all.

In numeracy we did our maths assessments on fractions and numeracy. We did big math Beat That. We made times tables out of playdough, wrote them out on a whiteboard or asked a partner questions.

In Health and Wellbeing we learned about medical illnesses in the primary 3 classroom. In PE we did the long jump and high jump. We also did the hurdles, there were a lot of them!

In Learning across the curriculum we started a new topic. It is ancient Egypt. The river Nile is the 2nd longest river in the world. The Egyptians invented marshmallows!! We learned about Pharos and gods, cats and we learned that they were sacred. When Egyptians die they mummify them and take out parts of their body. Then they put them in bottles. They put their bodies in sarcophagus then put them into a tomb. If a man dies then they kill the wife too. In the sarcophagus they put a cat in as well!

We had NYCOS (National youth choir of Scotland) in to teach us rhythm.

With Mrs Begarnie, in science we learned about water and made a water cycle with plates. We also made a sketch of a mug with water in it. We made mini water cycles of our own. We made them out of plastic cups /birdseeds and soil. After that, we put a plastic bags over it to keep the same air in. In R.M.E we learned about the Muslims religion. It turns out they have a god called Allah he is the god of English.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Arran

The mysterious case of the missing jumpers!

Good Morning,

We all had a great holiday and loved the fact we had 2 short weeks. We still managed lots of learning though, and we even managed to lose a few jumpers and cardigans (more on this later)!

For the last two weeks we have been learning how to write diaries, we know they are writted in the first person, past tense and they tell our diary what we have done each day. Next week we will finish this set of lessons by writing a diary entry for an Ancient Egyptian child- we hope we do not have to write in hieroglyphics!

We have started our Ancient Egyptian topic and will be transforming our classroom in to a musuem with artifacts, the odd mummy, pyramids and a sarcophagus- look out for these when you come to Parents Evenings in March.

Yesterday we taught the P2’s how to use Sum Dog, This was good fun and next Wednesday we will be teaching P2/3 how to work Sum Dog as well 🙂

In maths we have finished working on Fractions, we will revisit this next term. We have also been focusing on mutiplying and dividing and our home learning for the next few weeks will focus on using 2 digit numbers to divide and multiply with.

In Science we have been learning about water, we tried different substances to see if they would dissolve and we created reflective pictures using pens and water. They look amazing.

In PE we have been continuing to learn how to play Hockey, we are getting better and really love it. We have also been using GoNoodle. We love the morning one and yesterday we actually managed to complete “Class Dismissed” at the same time as the bell!

Another exciting piece of news is that 11 (yes ELEVEN) of our girls have been chosen to be flower girls for the Gala Day- WE ARE SUPER EXCITED (and we still have 4 months to go!!!!!)

Back to the missing jumpers and cardigans. We have a number that have vanished- we think the jumper dragon is eating them, but Mrs Newton thinks that it is just us getting mixed up. Could everyone please check that they have the correct jumpers and cardigans AND make sure that all clothing is labelled with our names.

Have a great weekend

P4a 🙂

P.S. The weekly photo will be on Class Dojo over the weekend as usual.




Visit to New Lanark- P2/3 and P3

20170202_111414We arrived at New Lanark and found out that the bell in the tower rang at 5am to make sure everyone was up and ready for work at 6am!

20170202_111734We had a look at the Washroom.

20170202_112015The children went into a Victorian room.

20170202_112243We found out what a gazunder was and what you did with it.

20170202_112709Then we visited a room from the 1960’s and looked at the similarities and differences.

20170202_113154There were some interesting suggestions for the carpet beater.

20170202_113448It was interesting to see what was on sale in the shop.

We were transported back in time to the Victorian School Room. The boys had smocks and the girls had dresses with ribbons. We had to sit in rows with the boys on one side and the girls on the other.

We practised our handwriting on slate, using a slate pencil.


We had to identify and point to countries in Europe, with a long pole, on a huge map.


We really enjoyed our trip!

A new arrival in P1/2

It may only be a short week but it has been packed full of fun activities in Primary 1/2 this week. A strange parcel arrived in our classroom on Monday. It had a big sticker on it saying ‘Fragile’ and ‘Heavy’. Miss Mudd peered inside and found the one and only Paddington Bear staring back at her!

The Brown family were moving house so he needed someone to look after him. He had heard all about our wonderful class so came to stay with us. He brought a letter with him asking us to help him find a way to get back to Peru. Luckily, we are learning all about transport so we can help him with this.

He is going to set up weekly challenges for us to help with our learning. This week we had to help him pack his suitcase and write lists of things he would need to take. We then had to see if we could fit it all in! It was quite tricky.

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We have also started learning about money. We used the story ‘The Great Pet Sale’ to help us understand how money is used. We have been identifying coins and using these to make a different totals. We made posters advertising our own pets to sell. We used describing words and a new traffic light system to try and push ourselves with our writing. We had to ‘go for green’ to try and improve our sentences. We also wrote labels for our toy pets and set up our very own pet sale.

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We hope everyone has a wonderful few days off! Enjoy the break.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

Gala Day News!

You may have already heard about the line-up for this year’s Gala Day… We were so proud to hear the news that Ruby Cardie, one of our lovely P7 children, will be Queen! Our congratulations and best wishes go to Ruby and her family!  We are delighted that we also have so many children from Springfield who are in the main retinue. Well done to Emma Preston, Chief Lady in Waiting, Catriona Simpson, First Lady, Fraser Preston, Lord Provost and Esther Begarnie, Second Lady!  We are so excited that Springfield will be so well represented at this year’s Gala and we look forward to working with you all to make this a special day for all of our children.


P2’s Drumming Delight!

I was treated to a very impromtue but exciting performance by Primary 2 this week who have begun to learn the basics of drumming. Our ‘musical whizz’, Miss Prince, will be working with the class over the next while to teach some exciting music lessons with drumming being the first focus. Keep an eye out for your child showcasing their drumming talents at home…We may have some young Rock Stars in the making!


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