World Book Week in P4B

Dear all

This week we celebrated world book day.  Mrs Lee came into help us decorate our book tokens. We decorated a door and we did it on the Magic Faraway Tree in the enchanted forest.

In numeracy we learned about fractions and we also got our fractions assessment back.

In Health and Wellbeing we did Go Noodle and we learned our food plate.

In Learning across the curriculum we mummified tomatoes and we researched and typed up about Ancient Egypt.

With Mrs Begarnie, in science we had powders which had letters on the cup and we discovered what the powder was with hot water. We found out how to clean sea water!

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Heather

P2/3’s week.

Daniel won a medal for the best Barbarians team at an Edinburgh and The Lothian’s chess competition on Sunday. Well done, Daniel!

The children were doing an art lesson on Victorian silhouettes and went outside to look at shadows first.

World Book Day parade.

Fabulous effort and lots of interesting characters!

P5A’s Wacky Week…


On Monday we drew detailed pencil drawings of Linlithgow Palace, where Mary Queen of Scots was born. We looked at the technique that artists use and we tried our best to use some of the techniques that we learned. We used a variety of photos of the palace and our drawings were all different. Mrs McCartney was delighted with our efforts!

We created subtraction word problems in Maths. We identified key subtraction words to use in our word problems and even created some tricky problems. Primary 5A got Primary 5B to solve their word problems- well done, P5B!

On Tuesday we started to decorate our door for World Book Day. We decided to do a ‘Gangsta Granny’door and used photos of us as if we were on the scooter like ‘Gangsta Granny.’

We had a wonderful visit from Mr Woodhouse who came to talk to use about his life experiences working on the original Forth Road Bridge. It was an amazing talk and he brought to life all of his stories! Thank you so much, Mr Woodhouse.

On Thursday it was World Book Day. We all brought in our favourite book and enjoyed a reading session with our book. We used persuasive language with our peers by creating a ‘Try this’ poster. Our peer s listened to us really well and some managed to be persuaded to try out their books.

We dressed up for ‘World Book Day’ on Friday. It was a lot of fun and we were very creative with our costumes!

We took part in a World Book Day Scavenger Hunt in our school library. We had to find an item in a variety of books, write the title of the book that it was found in, the page number and identify whether there it was a word, picture book or both.

Have a wonderful weekend, happy reading and thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x



Here’s a selection of things P6B have been up to over the last fortnight:

Sports – Fencing, Futsal and Tag Rugby

Art – L.S Lowry and John Constable inspired. We looked at the difference between 1750 and 1900. We’re really pleased with how they turned out!

Euan found out that he had an L.S Lowry print at home, he bought it in to show us.

Outdoor Learning – We had a brilliant afternoon team building and making dens.

Maths – we have be learning about algebra and function machines.

Writing – We have been writing newspaper reports on the conditions in the Victorian workhouses. Abby was really happy with her writing  and so she should be!


Visit to Charlie’s Farm – Miss Prince and Miss Baillie had an amazing tour of Charlie’s farm. Thank you Charlie!

We celebrated Pancake Day. Yum!

World Book Day – fantastic costumes!

Design a Door Competition – we didn’t win but we are really happy with how our Edward Tulane door turned out 🙂

Have a lovely weekend!

Love from P6B and Miss Prince x

Double Winners

A short blog this week as we are all busy artists.

We won class of the week for our work on Ancient Egypt AND our Harry Potter door won the World Book Day best door- yeah us 🙂

We are currently creating lots of art for our museum- look out for it when you visit either next Thursday or on Parents evenings, it is a work in progress- as most good museums are.

We looked amazing in our costumes- picture will be on Dojo over the weekend.

Busy week next week, we have singing with NYCOS, more art work, newspaper writing and lots more.

Have a great weekend,


Springfield’s Fairtrade Winners

Congratulations to Lucy Leamy in P1/2, Isla McFadden in P4A and Erin Pottinger in P6A for winning this year’s Fairtrade Competition for our School. These children designed wonderful shields to represent the ideas behind Fairtrade. The winning designs will be on display at Linlithgow Primary School on Friday 10th March at the Linlithgow Fairtrade Fortnight Event-which runs from 7-9pm. All are welcome at this event to help Linlithgow to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight. Great effort girls! We are proud of you!


Miss Baillie x

Even later breaking news!

In a suprise twist P4 will now have two representatives on the Pupil Council. Our second representative will be Rebecca Hammond. We know that both Katie and Rebecca will do a great job representing our views.


P2/3 Victorians’ Assembly

P2/3 and Mrs Law ‘wowed’ us all yesterday with their fantastic assembly about Victorian times and in particular New Lanark. Well done to all children involved and especially Layla Inglis who gave a stunning solo singing performance.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx

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P7a World War II Focus

Here are a few photos of our World War II display. You can see our timeline and leader portraits.

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This week the children had to write a letter from the perspective of an evacuee writing home to their parents. They really managed to put themselves into the shoes of an evacuee and used some excellent emotive language. The children then self assessed their letters against the success criteria and a partner peer assessed them. The children are becoming very confident at giving constructive feedback and recognising what they need to further develop.

We developed our ICT skills by exploring Glow and creating sway presentations (like PowerPoint but easier to create/adapt) about evacuees.

In numeracy we added percentages to our decimal and fraction work. The children were working on converting between all 3 measures and this is certainly challenging us. We will continue this next week.

In French we did a listening comprehension based on food and drink. We are working on developing the 4 skills the children will need to continue their language development at the academy (reading, writing, listening and speaking).

In Spanish we learnt about “la familia” and the names of our family members.


Catch up with P1B

P1B have really enjoyed their train topic.  We have created our own train station and have played in it lot.  We also enjoyed learning about trains old and new as well as writing about a magical train journey.  We have a teddy called Tess who has been in our class all year, sitting quietly on the shelf.  She was really enjoying our train topic too and has been writing us letters and postcards and leaving books for us to read.  We are helping her to learn more. She has has us to learn about different forms of transport now.


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We have now moved onto learning about aeroplanes (at Tess’ request) We really liked the history of aeroplanes – especially the funny film clips about all the people who tried to build flying machines but they didn’t quite work.  We have been learning about the Wright Brothers and how they invented the first aeroplane.  Daniel and Noah have been playing at being the Wright Brothers and they made a fantastic plane too! 016 046

We have also been learning a bit about Fairtrade.  We have entered a competition organised by the Linlithgow Fairtrade group where we had to design our own faritrade crest, drawing pictures to show what fairtrade is about.  To learn a little bit more about what fairtrade is we have been thinking about where our food comes from before it gets to the shops and supermarkets.  We read a book called ‘The World Came to My Place Today’ which explained it really well and told us lots about where the things in our shopping trolleys come from.  We played with a big map, putting pictures of food in the right countries.  We also had a think about how the food might travel to reach Scotland.


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We played a game to help us to understand what ‘fairtrade’ means. Daniel was the owner of a banana farm, we were his workers and Mrs Kennedy worked for a supermarket.  We had to collect lots of bananas very quickly and then we wanted Daniel to pay us for all our hard work.  Mrs Kennedy hadn’t given him much money at all so he had hardly any money to pay us.  Then the supermarket gave Daniel a little bit more money – enough to pay all of his workers.  The workers were much happier then.

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Here are some more pictures to show you a little more of what we have been up to.  We have been so busy – even fitting in a visit from a real hedgehog on Friday!

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Finally, we were class of the week again last week as Miss Baillie was very impressed by our magical train journey stories (although I think we’re class of the week every week!)   Have a lovely weekend.


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