On Monday we drew detailed pencil drawings of Linlithgow Palace, where Mary Queen of Scots was born. We looked at the technique that artists use and we tried our best to use some of the techniques that we learned. We used a variety of photos of the palace and our drawings were all different. Mrs McCartney was delighted with our efforts!
We created subtraction word problems in Maths. We identified key subtraction words to use in our word problems and even created some tricky problems. Primary 5A got Primary 5B to solve their word problems- well done, P5B!
On Tuesday we started to decorate our door for World Book Day. We decided to do a ‘Gangsta Granny’door and used photos of us as if we were on the scooter like ‘Gangsta Granny.’
We had a wonderful visit from Mr Woodhouse who came to talk to use about his life experiences working on the original Forth Road Bridge. It was an amazing talk and he brought to life all of his stories! Thank you so much, Mr Woodhouse.
On Thursday it was World Book Day. We all brought in our favourite book and enjoyed a reading session with our book. We used persuasive language with our peers by creating a ‘Try this’ poster. Our peer s listened to us really well and some managed to be persuaded to try out their books.
We dressed up for ‘World Book Day’ on Friday. It was a lot of fun and we were very creative with our costumes!
We took part in a World Book Day Scavenger Hunt in our school library. We had to find an item in a variety of books, write the title of the book that it was found in, the page number and identify whether there it was a word, picture book or both.
Have a wonderful weekend, happy reading and thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x
What a busy week at P5A. I am going to find a special place in school to put up all of your fabulous pictures of Linlithgow! Well done to all of you and thank you Mrs McCartney! X