P2/3 Outdoor Learning

It has been a short, but busy week in P2/3.

In maths, we used surveys to find out information about our classmates. We learned how tally marks can be used to record information. We began to look at how information can be presented in a bar chart.

Last week, we looked at how a three digit number has a hundreds column, tens column and units column. We went outdoors to make numbers, by throwing beanbags into three hoops (representing the hundreds, tens and units).

In literacy, we went outdoors to the outdoor classroom and continued our work on speech marks. We had to add speech marks to an extract of a text, using outdoor objects to represent the speech mark.

On Wednesday, we met the Rangers at the Peel to consolidate our work on seeds, berries and blossom. We learned a seed needs water, sunshine, soil and air to grow.

We discussed the different ways a seed can travel. Then, we collected seeds and blossom on a sticky leaf.

We managed to spot a ladybird!

Our short but fun week in P3!

It’s been a short week this week but we have still had lots of fun! We started our new topic this week, ‘Making our community greener’. We learnt about how to ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ as well as the different symbols on packaging which tell us if something is recyclable or not. We also got to go outside and sort out our rubbish into different categories, as well as tidy our school grounds through carrying out litter picking; here are some pictures of what we did!


Have a lovely weekend from P3 🙂

P6B having fun in the sun

What a great start back we’ve had, enjoying lots of outdoor activities in the sunshine!

We went pond dipping in the loch and burn where we found leaches and water boatmen.

In Maths we have been using formulas to find the area and perimeter of shapes. We started looking at compound shapes too which was challenging but we tried hard and demonstrated a growth mindset.

In Literacy we have been looking at different styles of letter writing. Next week we are going to write letters for our P1 Buddies, we can’t wait to meet them!

Finally, our new favourite sport – Quidditch! We’ve had one session so far and we LOVE it!

Short but busy week in P4B 5.5.17

Dear all

This week was a short week but we were still busy.

In literacy we learned about pronouns and we did a writing assessment.

In numeracy we did a maths assessment about money.

In P.E we did quidditch with Kieran. We did throwing and catching with Mrs Reid.

We started our new topic with P4A, which is farming.

With Mrs Begarnie, in science we were investigating floating, sinking and buoyancy. In R.M.E we were learning about Jewish rules.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Olly

Over the last two weeks…

We have had a very busy two weeks in P5B, although we have had a few days off in between, we have really learnt a lot.

We have been really active over the last two weeks, learning new sports and keeping up our strength and fitness through some circuit training during PE. We have been very fortunate to have Mr Newton come along and teach us the amazing sport of Quidditch! Yes can you believe that the famous Harry Potter sport is an actual sport played here in the UK! We have started to learn the basic skills needed to play and over the next few weeks we will be getting our ‘broom sticks’ too! Who said playing a sport couldn’t be magical? We have now started our 8 week block of Futsal, we are really enjoying learning new ball skills.

We have finished up with division, by playing a division game with a partner called ‘remainder wanted’ this was a game that involved working out the division sum and the remainder was our score, the person with the highest remainder wins. This game really helped us to improve our division calculations mentally as well as practicing using the formal written method. We have started to learn about fractions, we took our learning outside and drew various shapes on the playground using chalk, we needed to listen  to Mrs. Matos, as she would call out the fraction amount that needed to be shaded, we all worked well together in groups. The highlight of the week was an activity called scrumptiously simplified fractions, can you get what we used to complete this activity? Skittles! Who knew learning fractions could be so sweet. We worked in groups, sorting out the skittles in colours, we had to work out the fraction of each colour in the bag, then we learnt how to work out and write simplified fractions.

Spelling this week we learnt the rules and exceptions of words spelt with ei or ie, we learnt the saying, ‘ i comes before e, except after c and except when the words sounds like a’, this really helped us with our spelling words. In literacy we learnt about the elements of a story, we discussed how we can make our stories more interesting, engaging, exciting and how to leave our readers with something to think about. We started planning our own creative story, remembering to included all the elements. Together with our partner we have started to edit our writing, making sure to look out for spelling, capital letters, punctuation and wow words.We are going to use our editing to help us to improve on our story.

Over the last two weeks we have been focusing on internet safety, we have had a lot of discussions on privacy settings and what to and what not to share online. We are designing internet safety posters to be displayed in our classroom to help reminds us of the importance to be safe online.

We have a lot to look forward to next week. Next week we start bikeability, and we also have to look forward to our canal trip on Thursday. Could Primary 5 get any better?


Sunny Days…

“Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom , and a little flower.”
Hans Christian Anderson

Welcome back! I hope that you all had a lovely day on Monday and Thursday this week in the sunshine, it was lovely to see the sun out.
It was lovely to be able to do Quidditch outside this week with Kieran. We had to throw the ball to each other and the pair that was the furthest away was the winner. It was a lot of fun and we are learning the importance of team work.

We even managed to do Futsal outside in the sun too!! We learned 1 v 1 skills. The defender had to pass the ball to the attacker and then the attacker had to try and dribble by them. We are learning lots of skills and we can’t wait to play a match.

We have been looking at some simple rules for internet safety that will help us to make sure that it plays a healthy part of our life. We designed information posters to convey this important message. We had to consider design layout, key points and making sure we had the correct balance of positive and negative aspects to the internet.

We have been investigating money this week. We calculated amounts using notes and coins, rounding to the nearest pound and change from £20 and more. We recognise the importance of how this can help us in our daily life. We have started looking at fractions today….

Have a wonderful weekend in the sun!
Mrs McCartney and P5A xxx
Things to remember:
*Bike Ability starts Tuesday 9th May 3.15-4.15pm
*Union Canal Trip on Thursday 11th May- packed lunch required please

Our trip to Bo’Ness

Primary 1/2 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Bo’Ness and Kinneil Railway. We loved seeing the steam train and enjoyed eating our lunch on our journey. We then got to go around the museum and see all of the wonderful trains and carriages. We did some fantastic writing about our trip and used lots of different sentence openers to make our writing interesting.

This is what we thought about our trip……

“I liked going on the train because we went on a real steam train and it was like we went into the past” (Alistair)

“I liked the museum because you got to see lots of trains from the past. We got to go in the royal carriage” (Sam)

“I loved sorting the letters in the post office train” (Oliver)



A huge thank you to the parents that came along to help us. We had a great day with you and really appreciate your help.


Miss Mudd and P1/2

The sunshine has arrived!

The sunshine has definitely arrived in Linlithgow this week. We are so happy that we can get outside and do more outdoor learning. We haven’t posted in  little while, so we need to fill you in on what P1/2 have been up to.

Each term we have looked at a different season so this term it was time for Spring. We went on a Spring walk and looked for all the different signs of Spring. We talked the changes that occur at this time of year and most of us agreed that it is one of our favourite seasons.

We also went down to the Peel for our Ranger visit. We loved playing the games and using our senses to pretend  we were like the animals. We used our listening skills to try and hear our prey coming and developed our team work skills. A big thank you to our wonderful Rangers.

We talked about how Spring often brings new life and all of the plants and flowers start to grow. We set up an experiment to test what plants need to help them grow. We have planted one bean in the window with the sunshine and the other one in the dark cupboard. We then made predictions about what might happen. We are measuring the shoots each week to see which one grows faster.

We have been working with our buddies to develop our ICT skills. We learnt how to log on and practised our keyboard skills. As a school, we have been learning about Internet Safety and P1/2 have learnt about keeping their personal details safe and secure.

In Maths we have been learning subtraction facts to 10. We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and looking at dot patterns during our Number Talks sessions.  Some children have been learning how to count forwards and back from different numbers to 100. This week we also started learning about Time. We went outside and used the number tiles to make a giant clock. We then used our bodies to make the hands on the clock. Miss Mudd gave us a time and we had to make it with our bodies!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


P1/2 and Miss Mudd

A short 3 day week in P4a

After a lovely long weekend we all came back to school ready to learn. First up was some reading, followed by money and then we were off outside for a spot of Quidditch practice. The Linlithgow Gazette contacted us and we sent them pictures and an article all about our Quidditch, we think it might be in this weeks paper.

In the afternoon we had our penultimate session with NYCOS- we have loved learning to sing and will miss Mrs Grey when we finish.

On Wednesday we were learning about Judaism, what it is as well as their rules and laws. We took lots of notes and Mrs Begarnie was very impressed with our work. We also learned about some of the differences between girls and boys.

In PE we were practising throwing as part of our athletics learning. The Boccia club also had their 3rd session with Mrs Reid.

Today we had a lovely assembly with Russell, all about team work. And that’s the week that was!!

Next week we are going to plant potatoes, tree seeds, herbs and flowers that attract bees. We will also be building the birdboxes we started in November (Mrs Newton has finally remembered to bring in all of Mr Newton’s screwdrivers!!!)

Home learning will also start again on Monday. Mrs Newton will send a message on Dojo about this.

Freya raised lots of money for Parkinson’s by selling her old doll house- well done Freya!

Have a great weekend, hopefully the sun will continue to shine 🙂



Primary Engineer Award!

Today we celebrated the achievements of some of our lovely P7 pupils who have been working on a STEM project over the past few months with Mrs Tulloch. The children were given the task of making a moveable buggy that could travel a certain distance and go up a ramp. Well done to Niamh Green and Cameron Wilson who took First Prize and won the Primary Engineer shield! We are so proud of you both! We are passionate about our work in STEM at Springfield and see this as  a real strength of our school. Thank you, as always, to Mrs Tulloch for her efforts in this area and for providing these opportunities for our children.

Miss Baillie x


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