P6A are Thespians!


A massive well done to all of the children in P6A, Mrs Kerr and Miss Devine for their assembly today! The children have been learning about different plays including Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Today our gym hall was transformed into the Globe Theatre as the children acted out parts of the plays that they had studied and presented information on them. What an amazing effort! We may see you all on a ‘real’ stage someday!


Have a fantastic weekend!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x


Harvest Assembly


Thank you to all families who contributed a food item for our Harvest display. We have been overwhelmed by your generosity! The food items will be handed over to a representative from West Lothian Foodbank next week. Stocks at the Foodbank are at an all time low and your kind donations will be a much needed boost to supplies. Thank you to Miss Prince for ensuring that the children were in fine voice with their Harvest songs and to Russell from St Michael’s Church for his help as always.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x


Bears and Porridge – P1B


This week we have had a very busy week.  We have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We made porridge on Monday – it was a big hit, 17 children said they enjoyed it and only 3 weren’t very impressed! Mrs Kennedy was really pleased that everyone helped to follow the recipe and tasted it. We have also been learning about where oats come from and Mrs Begarnie has been teaching us about what happens to our food in our bodies once we’ve eaten it.

Our home corner is the Three Bears Cottage at the moment we have been acting out the story as well adding to it and making up our own versions – lots of very active imaginations!  We worked in groups to retell the story by drawing the pictures and trying to write some of the words.  We worked very well in our groups, showing good teamwork  and we all concentrated well and worked hard.  Mrs Kennedy has put our story mats up on the wall outside the classroom, people visiting for parents night can have a look at them.

We have been learning the sounds p and n and the words in, an and and. We are getting very good at spotting the sounds and words in the books we read and around the classroom 🙂

We had PE with Mrs Reid this week.  She brought a huge bag of balloons with her and we practised throwing and catching – it was great timing as it was Cohens birthday and playing with the balloons was a perfect way to celebrate!

We finished the week with our Harvest assembly.  We were very active, singing lots of great songs with actions.  Some girls and boys from P6 came to help us with the actions, they were very good at it and helped us a lot.  We also read our reading books to our buddies on Friday and they read us a story too. We love buddy time.

Thanks for reading our very first blog.  We’ll write more soon.

P1B x



P5A’s Week of Excitement

Primary 5A have been very busy this week.

We have been designing our very own islands and thinking about what geographical features they have. We worked in pairs to create our own Powerpoints about our islands using persuasive language. We thought we could use persuasive  language in real life contexts to help us get ‘what we would like’ at home! 🙂

We used our visualisation skills to draw and label what we thought Kensuke’s island was like in our class novel.

Next week , we are going to deliver our presentations and there is going to be a class vote to see which island we are going to make.

In Maths, we have looking at place value and strategies that can help us. We looked at clips from Khan Academy that were very helpful. When we meet a challenge, we are working together to get the answer and discussing it.

In Literacy, we are exploring the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’  and have been thinking about 5 items that we would take with us to a desert island and why. Lots of us came up with very creative ideas for why we were bringing this item.

How lucky were we that Lari Don visited and she read us a small part of her new book! P5-7 made up their own part of their story where the character would nearly get there and then have to try again. She left it on a cliffhanger and it was so exciting that we were inspired to go home and read!! Mrs McCartney was very pleased with us!

Our follow up activity in class was to write a short story about an object, making it as interesting and exciting as possible.

Creating our own National Identity was a lot of fun. We had to design  our own flag and decide on what symbol would be on it and why. Listening to other National Anthems helped us to create our own lyrics for our own! We are really looking forward to creating our flags using a variety of  materials next week.

Mrs Crocker came to visit us yesterday to tell us all about the South African ‘Pack for a Purpose’ project. Can we please thank you in advance for all your support.

Joseph Moon brought in the most amazing plaque and told us all in great detail all about the war medals that his family member had achieved, thank you!

We really hope that you have enjoyed reading our first class blog, we have certainly enjoyed writing it!

Happy weekend!!

Mrs McCartney and Primary 5A




Historic Scotland Archaeological Awards



We are very proud to announce that some of our pupils are the youngest EVER children to win a Historic Archaeological Scotland Bronze Award! All of the children in Mrs Murdoch and Mrs Doran’s class from last session received their awards today for their creativity and hard work on their Cairnpapple topic! What an achievement! Well done to everyone involved and a huge thank you to Mrs Murdoch for the contribution she made to Springfield Primary. Thank you also to Kate, from Historic Archaeological Scotland who came into school, with Mrs Murdoch, to present the awards today. What talented youngsters we have!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x


Autumn Parental Focus Group.

Thanks so much to all of the lovely parents who came along to our Focus Group today. We learned about the new West Lothian Council, Parental Engagement Framework which details the Council’s commitment to including parents in their child’s education.

Please follow this link if you would like to read the Framework:



There are also some paper copies available in our School reception.

We then wrote our thoughts on the following questions:

  1. What do we want for our children?
  2. What do we want for our School?
  3. How do we want our School to communicate with us?

Thank you to everyone for sharing their ideas. Listening to your ‘voices’ is an extremely important priority for us.  As part of our on-going commitment to self improvement, we will try very hard to create action-points from your views and show you the impact of our work.

Please come along to our next ‘Family Learning’ event on ‘Growth Mindsets’ which will take place on Wednesday 30th November in our School Hall and will include a chance to learn with our children in their classrooms.

There will also be an opportunity for P1-3 and Nursery parents to come along to some Early Years Curriculum presentations, given by Miss Baillie- more information to follow…

Have a holiday weekend everyone!

Stay safe and be happy!

Miss Baillie x

Sports Day

Well done to all the boys and girls and parents who participated in our Sport’s Day. Thank you also to all our P6 helpers, we can tell already they will be excellent buddies next session.

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Six chicks have now hatched, I wonder how many we’ll have in the morning.


The fourth chick has just arrived, helped by its siblings.


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